common names: Mountain Laurel, Spoonwood (because native Americans used to make their spoons out of it), Ivybush, Calico Bush, Sheep Laurel, Lambkill and Clamoun.
Kalmia is a flowering plant in the family Ericaceae, native to the eastern United States, from southern Maine south to northern Florida, and west to Indiana and Louisiana. Its flowers are star-shaped, ranging from red to pink to white, and occurring in clusters. It blooms between May and June. All parts of the plant are poisonous.
Mountain-laurel is the state flower of Connecticut and Pennsylvania.
The plant was first recorded in America in 1624, but it was named after Pehr Kalm, who sent samples to Linnaeus in the 18th century.
It was introduced into Homoeopathic practice by Hering .C proved by himself, Kummer, Behler, Bute, Clark, Hasseler, Williamson, Feeling, Reichelm and others.
Tincture is prepared from the fresh leaves.
A rheumatic remedy. Pains shift rapidly. Wandering rheumatic pains which tend to travel from above downward (Cact, upward – Led). Neuralgias especially of right side, with numbness (Acon, Cham, Plat). Heart diseases that have developed from rheumatism or alternate with it. Tremulous action of the heart. In small doses, it accelerates the heart's action; in larger it moderates it greatly, reducing it almost to minimum. Nausea and slow pulse frequently accompanying pains of Kalmia. Fulgurating pains of locomotor ataxia. Protracted and continuous fevers, with tympanites. Paralytic sensations; pains and aching in limbs accompany nearly every group of symptoms. Though kalmia acts on right side of the head, it acts very markedly on left side of chest (heart) and left arm. Left sided as regard heart and circulation, and right sided in neuralgias.
Mind: while lying down mental faculties and memory perfect, vertigo on attempting to move. Anxious. Cross.
Head: Vertigo; worse stooping, on looking down, on rising from seat. Confusion of brain. Pain in front and temporal region from head to nape and to teeth; from cardiac origin. Neuralgia every afternoon and night, begins back of the neck and runs up, affects also face, worse right side. Head worse in the evening and in the open air. Sun head ache, worse and better with sun. < heat, mental effort, motion, > cold
Eyes: Vision impaired. Complete blindness when in erect position, < looking down. Right sided supra orbital neuralgia, esp. on exposure to cold air. Severe pain in the right eye, extending over forehead, begins at sunrise, increases till noon, and leaves at sunset. Stiff, drawing sensation when moving eyes. Rheumatic iritis. Scleritis, pain increased by moving the eye. < evening and open air.
Face: Neuralgia; worse right side. Neuralgia involving right arm, attended or succeeded by numbness in the parts, shooting downwards. > food, < worry, mental exertion. Face itches at the night. Stitches and tearing in bones of jaw and face.
Mouth: bitter taste with nausea, better after eating. Sublingual salivary glands inflamed. Stitches in tongue. Cutting pain in the right side of the tongue better by biting on it.
Stomach: Warm, glowing sensation in epigastrium. Nausea; vomiting. Pain in pit of stomach; worse by bending forward; relieved by sitting erect or standing upright (symptoms of vision are worse in erect position), and by food. Bilious attacks, with nausea, vertigo, and headache. Sensation of something being pressed under the epigastrium.
Urinary: Frequent, with sharp pains in lumbar region. Large quantities of yellow urine. Profuse urination relieves head ache. Post-scarlatinal nephritis. Albuminuria, with pains in the lower limbs, dropsy, casts, triple phosphates, sallow complexion, skin very dry.
Male sexual: frequent, spontaneous, lasting erections, without desire. Pain in the right testicle in the morning, changed to left in evening.
Female: menses too soon, regular but painful. During menses pain in the limbs, loins, back and interior of thighs. Symptoms worse after leucorrhoea.
Heart: Weak, slow pulse (Dig; Apoc can). Fluttering of heart, with anxiety. Palpitation; worse leaning forward, and worse by mental effort. Gouty and rheumatic metastasis of heart. Tachycardia, with pain (Thyroid). Tobacco heart. Dyspnœa and pressure from epigastrium toward the heart. Sharp pains take away the breath. Shooting through chest above heart into shoulder-blades. Frequent pulse. Heart's action tumultuous, rapid and visible. Paroxysms of anguish around heart. The artery slowly contracting and dilating like action of an earthworm.
Female: Menses too early, or suppressed, with pain in limbs and back and inside of thighs. Leucorrhœa follows menses.
Back: Pain from neck down arm; in upper three dorsal vertebræ extending to shoulder-blade. Pain down back, as if it would break; in localized regions of spine; through shoulders. Lumbar pains, of nervous origin.
Extremities: Deltoid rheumatism especially right. Pains from hips to knees and feet. Pains affect a large part of a limb, or several joints, and pass through quickly. Weakness, numbness, pricking, and sense of coldness in limbs. Pains along ulnar nerve, index finger. Joints red, hot, swollen. Tingling and numbness of left arm. Neuralgic pains are worse during leucorrhoea. > food, wine, vomiting.
Skin: stiffness of the skin is most remarkable. Sensation of rigidity of skin make us think of in Scleroderma.
Sleep: Sleepless, wakes very early in morning.
Modalities: Worse, leaning forward (opposite, Kali carb); looking down; motion, open air.
Compare: Bell (throbbing head ache, erysepalas), Benz.ac (gout, valvular diseases), Calc.ost (cardiac hypertrophy), Cact (heart pains shoot down), Dias (gastralgia), Kali.bi (catarrh, rheumatism), Lith.c (valvular diseases), Lyco (rheumatic gout, urinary symptoms), Nat.m (hemiopia), Puls (rheumatism, shifting pains), Rhus.t (rheumatism, numbness of left arm, > movement), Spigelia (rheumatic endocarditis), Tab (slow pulse rate, nausea and blindness),
Antidoted by: Acon, Bell
Antidote to: Tab
Follows well: Nux.v, Thyroid, Spigel
Complementary: Benz acid.
Dictionary of practical Materia Medica by Clark J.H
The guiding symptoms of our Materia Medica by Hering .C
Encyclopedia of pure Materia Medica by Allen T.F
Keynotes with nosodes by Allen H.C
Materia Medica by Boericke .W
A cyclopedia of drug pathogenesy by Hughes .R
Lectures on Homoeopathy by Kent J.T
Plain talks on Materia Medica with comparisions by Pierce W.I
Kalmia is a flowering plant in the family Ericaceae, native to the eastern United States, from southern Maine south to northern Florida, and west to Indiana and Louisiana. Its flowers are star-shaped, ranging from red to pink to white, and occurring in clusters. It blooms between May and June. All parts of the plant are poisonous.
Mountain-laurel is the state flower of Connecticut and Pennsylvania.
The plant was first recorded in America in 1624, but it was named after Pehr Kalm, who sent samples to Linnaeus in the 18th century.
It was introduced into Homoeopathic practice by Hering .C proved by himself, Kummer, Behler, Bute, Clark, Hasseler, Williamson, Feeling, Reichelm and others.
Tincture is prepared from the fresh leaves.
A rheumatic remedy. Pains shift rapidly. Wandering rheumatic pains which tend to travel from above downward (Cact, upward – Led). Neuralgias especially of right side, with numbness (Acon, Cham, Plat). Heart diseases that have developed from rheumatism or alternate with it. Tremulous action of the heart. In small doses, it accelerates the heart's action; in larger it moderates it greatly, reducing it almost to minimum. Nausea and slow pulse frequently accompanying pains of Kalmia. Fulgurating pains of locomotor ataxia. Protracted and continuous fevers, with tympanites. Paralytic sensations; pains and aching in limbs accompany nearly every group of symptoms. Though kalmia acts on right side of the head, it acts very markedly on left side of chest (heart) and left arm. Left sided as regard heart and circulation, and right sided in neuralgias.
Mind: while lying down mental faculties and memory perfect, vertigo on attempting to move. Anxious. Cross.
Head: Vertigo; worse stooping, on looking down, on rising from seat. Confusion of brain. Pain in front and temporal region from head to nape and to teeth; from cardiac origin. Neuralgia every afternoon and night, begins back of the neck and runs up, affects also face, worse right side. Head worse in the evening and in the open air. Sun head ache, worse and better with sun. < heat, mental effort, motion, > cold
Eyes: Vision impaired. Complete blindness when in erect position, < looking down. Right sided supra orbital neuralgia, esp. on exposure to cold air. Severe pain in the right eye, extending over forehead, begins at sunrise, increases till noon, and leaves at sunset. Stiff, drawing sensation when moving eyes. Rheumatic iritis. Scleritis, pain increased by moving the eye. < evening and open air.
Face: Neuralgia; worse right side. Neuralgia involving right arm, attended or succeeded by numbness in the parts, shooting downwards. > food, < worry, mental exertion. Face itches at the night. Stitches and tearing in bones of jaw and face.
Mouth: bitter taste with nausea, better after eating. Sublingual salivary glands inflamed. Stitches in tongue. Cutting pain in the right side of the tongue better by biting on it.
Stomach: Warm, glowing sensation in epigastrium. Nausea; vomiting. Pain in pit of stomach; worse by bending forward; relieved by sitting erect or standing upright (symptoms of vision are worse in erect position), and by food. Bilious attacks, with nausea, vertigo, and headache. Sensation of something being pressed under the epigastrium.
Urinary: Frequent, with sharp pains in lumbar region. Large quantities of yellow urine. Profuse urination relieves head ache. Post-scarlatinal nephritis. Albuminuria, with pains in the lower limbs, dropsy, casts, triple phosphates, sallow complexion, skin very dry.
Male sexual: frequent, spontaneous, lasting erections, without desire. Pain in the right testicle in the morning, changed to left in evening.
Female: menses too soon, regular but painful. During menses pain in the limbs, loins, back and interior of thighs. Symptoms worse after leucorrhoea.
Heart: Weak, slow pulse (Dig; Apoc can). Fluttering of heart, with anxiety. Palpitation; worse leaning forward, and worse by mental effort. Gouty and rheumatic metastasis of heart. Tachycardia, with pain (Thyroid). Tobacco heart. Dyspnœa and pressure from epigastrium toward the heart. Sharp pains take away the breath. Shooting through chest above heart into shoulder-blades. Frequent pulse. Heart's action tumultuous, rapid and visible. Paroxysms of anguish around heart. The artery slowly contracting and dilating like action of an earthworm.
Female: Menses too early, or suppressed, with pain in limbs and back and inside of thighs. Leucorrhœa follows menses.
Back: Pain from neck down arm; in upper three dorsal vertebræ extending to shoulder-blade. Pain down back, as if it would break; in localized regions of spine; through shoulders. Lumbar pains, of nervous origin.
Extremities: Deltoid rheumatism especially right. Pains from hips to knees and feet. Pains affect a large part of a limb, or several joints, and pass through quickly. Weakness, numbness, pricking, and sense of coldness in limbs. Pains along ulnar nerve, index finger. Joints red, hot, swollen. Tingling and numbness of left arm. Neuralgic pains are worse during leucorrhoea. > food, wine, vomiting.
Skin: stiffness of the skin is most remarkable. Sensation of rigidity of skin make us think of in Scleroderma.
Sleep: Sleepless, wakes very early in morning.
Modalities: Worse, leaning forward (opposite, Kali carb); looking down; motion, open air.
Compare: Bell (throbbing head ache, erysepalas), Benz.ac (gout, valvular diseases), Calc.ost (cardiac hypertrophy), Cact (heart pains shoot down), Dias (gastralgia), Kali.bi (catarrh, rheumatism), Lith.c (valvular diseases), Lyco (rheumatic gout, urinary symptoms), Nat.m (hemiopia), Puls (rheumatism, shifting pains), Rhus.t (rheumatism, numbness of left arm, > movement), Spigelia (rheumatic endocarditis), Tab (slow pulse rate, nausea and blindness),
Antidoted by: Acon, Bell
Antidote to: Tab
Follows well: Nux.v, Thyroid, Spigel
Complementary: Benz acid.
Dictionary of practical Materia Medica by Clark J.H
The guiding symptoms of our Materia Medica by Hering .C
Encyclopedia of pure Materia Medica by Allen T.F
Keynotes with nosodes by Allen H.C
Materia Medica by Boericke .W
A cyclopedia of drug pathogenesy by Hughes .R
Lectures on Homoeopathy by Kent J.T
Plain talks on Materia Medica with comparisions by Pierce W.I
I am taking R70 which is a homeopathic medicine for Trigeminal Neurolgia. Ive been pain free for over 5 months. I just read that it contains Mountain Laurel. Are you saying it is poisoneous and can be fatal?