Silico-fluoride of Calcium

Introduced by Grauvogl.
The name of lapis albus or white stone was given by Grauvogl to the species of gneiss which he found in the mineral springs of Gastein, which flow over formations of gneiss into the valley of Achen, where goiter and cretinism abound.

The leading indications are burning, shooting, stinging pains in Cardia, Breast, Pylorus and uterus.
Fat anaemic babies with ravenous appetite. Affections of the glands, Cancer. Connective tissue about glands specially affected.
It has great power over new growths of many kinds. Pre ulcerative stage of carcinoma.
Swelling of glands was elastic rather than of stony hard (Calc.f, Cist).
Carcinoma uterus. Fibroid tumors with intense burning pain with profuse haemorrhage. Dysmenorrhoea, faints with pain at menses. Severe pain preceding the pain. Itching of the external genitals.
Aversion to all animal food.(Calc, Calc.s, Carbn.s, Chin, Graph,, Nux.v, Petro, Puls, Sep, Sil, Sulph). Craves sweets. (Arg.n, Chin, Lyco, Sulph). Craved and drank much ice water since child hood – found in cured case of Bronchocele.
Otitis media suppurativa. Where silica is indicated progress is hastened by Lapis. Epithelioma of lips, crusts coming off leaving raw surface. Tumor of the lower lip with burning, stinging pain. Sore enlarged induration of glands especially cervical. Lipoma, sarcoma, carcinoma as long as ulceration has not set in.

Clinical: Carcinoma. Cretinism. Dysmenorrhoea. Epithelioma. Fibroma. Enlarged glands, Goiter. Leucorrhoea. Prutitus. Scirrus. Scrofula. Tuberculosis. Tumors.

Compare: Silica, Badiaga, Ars.iod, Calc.iod, Con, Kali.iod, Asteria.


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