Chick pea, Jesse, Jarosse Pois de brebis.

N.O: Leguminaceae
Preparation: trituration of peas

Affects the lateral and anterior columns of the spinal cord. Does not produce pain. Reflexes always increases. Paralytic affections of the lower extremities; spastic paralysis; lateral sclerosis; Beri beri. Athetosis, infantile paralysis.
Sudden paraplegia especially of younger persons, young men more than young woman. Gluteal muscles of the lower limbs emaciated. Can move the limbs while lying in the bed, extending and abducting them but flexion is difficult especially difficult to lift the limb. Cross gait (scissors gait) whole weight of the body rested on metatarsophalyngeal joints, heels never touch the ground.
Hyperasthesia of the skin of the paralyzed limb. Paraplegia with sensibility remains intact. Persons who go to bed healthy who wake with stiff limbs and in a few days paralysis is complete. (this symptom is said to occur only in winter, usually suddenly, confined to or most frequent in marshy districts).
Legs blue or cyanotic, cold or burning, swollen if they hang down. Tips of the fingers numb. Tremulous , tottering gait, spastic gait, knees knock against each other while walking. Cramps in legs worse cold and cold feet. Patient sits bent forward, straightens up with difficulty
Incontinence of urine. Impotence. Lumbago, < touch.
Trembling of arms on attempting to do anything.
After influenza and wasting, exhaustive diseases where there is much weakness and heaviness, slow recovery of nerve power. Sleepy, constant yawning.
Depressed, hypochondriacal. Vertigo when standing with eyes closed.

Causation: cold and damp weather
Compare: Oxytrop, Secale, Petiveria (paralysis with numbness, sensation of internal coldness). Agrostema githago, corn-cockle.


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