Leptandra Virginica.Veronica Virginica.Black Root.Culver's Physic.Tall Speedwell (U.S.A.).
N O. Scrophulariaceae.
Tincture of resinoid Leptandrin.
Tincture of fresh root of second year.
Trituration of dried root. (A fresh plant tincture should also be made and tested.)
The name Leptandra probably comes from Gr. leptos, soft, alluding to the smooth and downy stem. The perennial plant is native to the north and south eastern parts of the United States, growing in mountain meadows and in rich woods.
The rhizome and roots are nearly odourless, the taste bitter and rather acrid, and are generally used dried. V. virginicum contains saponins, hormonal substances, tannins, and volatile oil, including esters cinnamic
acids, and a glycoside resembling senegin [as found in Polygala senega].
The fresh root is a violent cathartic and may also be emetic. The dried root is milder and less certain. Leptandrin, the active principle, is a jet-black, resinous substance, resembling pure asphalt; or, of a greyish-brown colour, with a peculiar, faint cyanic smell and taste. When powdered, it has a black, glistening, soot-like appearance, and coalesces in a warm and moist air.
In Western Europe the plant is cultivated as an ornamental plant due to its 'gothic stateliness' and lovely blooms. In the cultivated version, the stem is not soft and downy but sturdy and somewhat sharp.
Introduced by Hale. Proved by Burt.
Better from lying on abdomen, on side. Worse from cold drinks. Worse motion. Worse periodically.
Worse from exposure to wet weather.
Acts especially upon the liver and the intestinal canal, arousing their secretory functions. Its chief characteristic is a profuse black, tar-like, very foetid stool (Ars.).
Its therapeutic range is confined to bilious conditions, and hepatic diseases in general , especially when the characteristic blackish stools are present.
Sick-headache from hepatic derangement. Bilious headache , constipation, bitter taste. Jaundice with clay-colored stools. Dysentery or typhoid, with black, tar-like stools. Bilious fever. Chronic congestion and other chronic disorders of the liver. Chronic abdominal complaints caused by derangement of
portal system, even ascites and anasarca.
Ascites. Bilious attack. Bilious fever. Constipation. Diarrhea. Dysentery. Dyspepsia. Headache. Jaundice. Livers disorders. Remittent feverinfantile. Yellow fever.
Hopeless, despondent and drowsy with liver disorders. Gloomy, despondent, drowsy. Irritable all day. Weary, can hardly walk.
Tongue, yellow or black down center. Flat taste. Great distress in stomach and intestines with desire for stool. Sore or dull, burning ache over liver or near gall bladder, extending down over bowels to navel or towards left scapula or along spine, which feels chilly. Constant dull aching in umbilical region.
Craving for cold drinks which aggravates burning and aching in stomach.
Bilious vomiting. Sinking at the pit of stomach. Nausea and deathly faintness on rising. Vomiting of bile, yellow tongue, shooting pains about liver,
black stools. Great distress in stomach and small intestines with immediate desire for stool.
Jaundice with clay-colored stools. Stools, muddy, watery, worse morning, tarry or black, foul with pain at umbilicus. Bleeding hemorrhoids. Typhoid stools turn black and look like tar. Clay-colored stools with jaundice. Prolapse of rectum with hemorrhoids. Rectal hemorrhage. Stingy, waxy or spurting in the morning with pain at navel.
Acute liver conditions. Burning in liver region. Bilious states.
Sore or dull, burning ache over liver or near gall bladder. Liver swollen transversely. Gallstones. Jaundice. Dull aching in liver, worse near gall-bladder. Burning distress in back part of liver and spine. Periodical
liver derangement, every two or three months.
Chilly sensation in shoulders and down back. Sore, lame feeling in small ofback. Constant distress with very sharp pains by spells in lumbar region.
Chilly along the spine and down the arm. Shivering or dry, hot skin, limbs cold and numb tongue black down center. Bilious typhoid fever.
Dig. (liver; weakness; slow pulse; < by drinking), Scrof., Euphras., Gratiol.(botan.) ;
Merc. (with Merc. tenesmus continues after stool ; with Lept. There is > after stool, and only colic continues, and that in moderate degree);
Nit.ac. (haemorrhage in typhoid: Nit. ac. bright red; Lept. tarry); Bapt. (pain in gall bladder; typhoid and remittent fevers) ; Gels. (infantile remittent) Bry. (< by motion ; sitting up = nausea) ; Bacil. (deep in headache); Canth. And Arsen. (membranous diarrhoea) ; Chi., Iris v., Pod. and Veron. off. (liver) ;
Veron. off., following Aur. n. m., cured tarry stools alternating with ashy stools in Nash's case.
Duckweed. N O. Lemnaceae or Pistiaceae.
Tincture of the whole fresh plant.
We owe this remedy, the common duckweed, with its brilliant green leaf and bladder like float, to
Dr. Cooper.
Burnett has recorded several cases of polypus in which immense relief was given by Lemna by shrinkage of the swelling, but not actual cure. On this Cooper remarks: "In bad cases of nasal polypi the tendency is to the growths filling up the cavities formed by removal, and, consequently, relief often appears temporary, when the case only requires repetition of the Unit Dose."
Lemna minor acts especially upon the nostrils. A catarrhal remedy. Nasal polyps, swollen turbinates. Atrophic rhinitis. Asthma from nasalobstruction, worse in wet weather.
Worse in damp, rainy weather, especially heavy rains.
Asthma. Nose disorders. Ozaena. Polyps. Rhinitis atrophica.
Polyps which swell in wet weather. Nostrils plugged by swollen turbinates. Putrid smell. Loss of smell. Crusts and muco-purulent discharge very abundant. Post-nasal dropping. Pain like a string from nostrils to ear. Reduces nasal obstruction when it is an edematous condition. Dryness of naso-pharynx. Feeling of cold in nose better, sense of obstruction nearly gone. Post-nasal ulceration. Crusts form in right nostril.
Putrid taste on rising in the morning. Dry pharynx and larynx. Foulness of mouth, putrid teeth.
Sensation of intense dryness in pharynx and larynx, (if given too low in atrophic rhinitis). Dropping of foul secretion from posterior sinuses.
Asthma, attacks coming on in rainy weather.
Disposition to noisy diarrhea. Diarrhea with pains across bowels as from flatus worse after eating with very putrid teeth. Bowels acted freely with much heat in anus. Disposition to morning diarrhea.
Compare: Cepa, Agraph. nut., Chlorum, &c., in nasal catarrh; Teucr., Calc. c. and Thuja in nasal polypus; Pso. (which it follows well), Cadm. 5., Aur., K. bi., and Syph. in ozaena; Anac. in bad smell in nose.
Follows well: Calc., Merc., Pso.
N O. Scrophulariaceae.
Tincture of resinoid Leptandrin.
Tincture of fresh root of second year.
Trituration of dried root. (A fresh plant tincture should also be made and tested.)
The name Leptandra probably comes from Gr. leptos, soft, alluding to the smooth and downy stem. The perennial plant is native to the north and south eastern parts of the United States, growing in mountain meadows and in rich woods.
The rhizome and roots are nearly odourless, the taste bitter and rather acrid, and are generally used dried. V. virginicum contains saponins, hormonal substances, tannins, and volatile oil, including esters cinnamic
acids, and a glycoside resembling senegin [as found in Polygala senega].
The fresh root is a violent cathartic and may also be emetic. The dried root is milder and less certain. Leptandrin, the active principle, is a jet-black, resinous substance, resembling pure asphalt; or, of a greyish-brown colour, with a peculiar, faint cyanic smell and taste. When powdered, it has a black, glistening, soot-like appearance, and coalesces in a warm and moist air.
In Western Europe the plant is cultivated as an ornamental plant due to its 'gothic stateliness' and lovely blooms. In the cultivated version, the stem is not soft and downy but sturdy and somewhat sharp.
Introduced by Hale. Proved by Burt.
Better from lying on abdomen, on side. Worse from cold drinks. Worse motion. Worse periodically.
Worse from exposure to wet weather.
Acts especially upon the liver and the intestinal canal, arousing their secretory functions. Its chief characteristic is a profuse black, tar-like, very foetid stool (Ars.).
Its therapeutic range is confined to bilious conditions, and hepatic diseases in general , especially when the characteristic blackish stools are present.
Sick-headache from hepatic derangement. Bilious headache , constipation, bitter taste. Jaundice with clay-colored stools. Dysentery or typhoid, with black, tar-like stools. Bilious fever. Chronic congestion and other chronic disorders of the liver. Chronic abdominal complaints caused by derangement of
portal system, even ascites and anasarca.
Ascites. Bilious attack. Bilious fever. Constipation. Diarrhea. Dysentery. Dyspepsia. Headache. Jaundice. Livers disorders. Remittent feverinfantile. Yellow fever.
Hopeless, despondent and drowsy with liver disorders. Gloomy, despondent, drowsy. Irritable all day. Weary, can hardly walk.
Tongue, yellow or black down center. Flat taste. Great distress in stomach and intestines with desire for stool. Sore or dull, burning ache over liver or near gall bladder, extending down over bowels to navel or towards left scapula or along spine, which feels chilly. Constant dull aching in umbilical region.
Craving for cold drinks which aggravates burning and aching in stomach.
Bilious vomiting. Sinking at the pit of stomach. Nausea and deathly faintness on rising. Vomiting of bile, yellow tongue, shooting pains about liver,
black stools. Great distress in stomach and small intestines with immediate desire for stool.
Jaundice with clay-colored stools. Stools, muddy, watery, worse morning, tarry or black, foul with pain at umbilicus. Bleeding hemorrhoids. Typhoid stools turn black and look like tar. Clay-colored stools with jaundice. Prolapse of rectum with hemorrhoids. Rectal hemorrhage. Stingy, waxy or spurting in the morning with pain at navel.
Acute liver conditions. Burning in liver region. Bilious states.
Sore or dull, burning ache over liver or near gall bladder. Liver swollen transversely. Gallstones. Jaundice. Dull aching in liver, worse near gall-bladder. Burning distress in back part of liver and spine. Periodical
liver derangement, every two or three months.
Chilly sensation in shoulders and down back. Sore, lame feeling in small ofback. Constant distress with very sharp pains by spells in lumbar region.
Chilly along the spine and down the arm. Shivering or dry, hot skin, limbs cold and numb tongue black down center. Bilious typhoid fever.
Dig. (liver; weakness; slow pulse; < by drinking), Scrof., Euphras., Gratiol.(botan.) ;
Merc. (with Merc. tenesmus continues after stool ; with Lept. There is > after stool, and only colic continues, and that in moderate degree);
Nit.ac. (haemorrhage in typhoid: Nit. ac. bright red; Lept. tarry); Bapt. (pain in gall bladder; typhoid and remittent fevers) ; Gels. (infantile remittent) Bry. (< by motion ; sitting up = nausea) ; Bacil. (deep in headache); Canth. And Arsen. (membranous diarrhoea) ; Chi., Iris v., Pod. and Veron. off. (liver) ;
Veron. off., following Aur. n. m., cured tarry stools alternating with ashy stools in Nash's case.
Duckweed. N O. Lemnaceae or Pistiaceae.
Tincture of the whole fresh plant.
We owe this remedy, the common duckweed, with its brilliant green leaf and bladder like float, to
Dr. Cooper.
Burnett has recorded several cases of polypus in which immense relief was given by Lemna by shrinkage of the swelling, but not actual cure. On this Cooper remarks: "In bad cases of nasal polypi the tendency is to the growths filling up the cavities formed by removal, and, consequently, relief often appears temporary, when the case only requires repetition of the Unit Dose."
Lemna minor acts especially upon the nostrils. A catarrhal remedy. Nasal polyps, swollen turbinates. Atrophic rhinitis. Asthma from nasalobstruction, worse in wet weather.
Worse in damp, rainy weather, especially heavy rains.
Asthma. Nose disorders. Ozaena. Polyps. Rhinitis atrophica.
Polyps which swell in wet weather. Nostrils plugged by swollen turbinates. Putrid smell. Loss of smell. Crusts and muco-purulent discharge very abundant. Post-nasal dropping. Pain like a string from nostrils to ear. Reduces nasal obstruction when it is an edematous condition. Dryness of naso-pharynx. Feeling of cold in nose better, sense of obstruction nearly gone. Post-nasal ulceration. Crusts form in right nostril.
Putrid taste on rising in the morning. Dry pharynx and larynx. Foulness of mouth, putrid teeth.
Sensation of intense dryness in pharynx and larynx, (if given too low in atrophic rhinitis). Dropping of foul secretion from posterior sinuses.
Asthma, attacks coming on in rainy weather.
Disposition to noisy diarrhea. Diarrhea with pains across bowels as from flatus worse after eating with very putrid teeth. Bowels acted freely with much heat in anus. Disposition to morning diarrhea.
Compare: Cepa, Agraph. nut., Chlorum, &c., in nasal catarrh; Teucr., Calc. c. and Thuja in nasal polypus; Pso. (which it follows well), Cadm. 5., Aur., K. bi., and Syph. in ozaena; Anac. in bad smell in nose.
Follows well: Calc., Merc., Pso.
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