TITLE NAME: Repertory To the modalities in their relation to Temperature, Air, Water, Winds, Weather and Season based up mainly up on Hering’s condensed materia medica with additions from Allen, Lippe and Hale compiled and arranged by Samuel Worcester, M.D.
He was a Lecturer on Insanity and Its Jurisprudence at Boston University School of Medicine, Member of American Institute of Homoeopathy, Member of the Massachusetts Homoeopathic Medical Society etc,.
The book was originally compiled in 1880 and 1st Indian edition was published in 10th April 1968.
An index of Aggravations and Ameliorations by Edwin a.Neatby, M.D and Thomas and George Stonham M.D Lond-Published in 1974 ( It is reprinted from a Manual of Homoeo Therapeutics)
A Concise Repertory of aggravations and ameliorations by D.Sivaraman- published in 1980
Modalities are one of the important component of a complete symptom.
Modalities –Modifiers of sickness.
This idea of complete symptom was introduced by Boenninghausen, when he was going through the Materia Medica Pura and Chronic Diseases, he noticed that majority of symptoms did not have modalities.
Modalities includes Causation, Time, Temp, Open Air, Posture, Being Alone, Motion, Sleep, Eating and Drinking, Touch, Pressure, Discharges etc.
Very often found that modality is lacking in description
In a modality the element of amelioration is generally not available
Even in homoeopathic materia medica and repertories we find that ameliorations are not given much importance.
In practice too one can observe that pts do not mention the reliving factors but always describe the aggravating factors.
In Boger's concept of totality he gives 1st importance to modalities.
In Boenninghausen's concept of totality he gives importance to modalities, he says as CUR, QUOMODO and QUONDO.
Boger Says in BBCR- all experienced homoeopaths pay great attention to modality.
It is self evident that modality should be specialized, E.g various kind of motion.
Cravings and aversion to various foods furnish some of the most important points in deciding upon the remedy.
If modality do not agree doubt its fitness, seek for another remedy.
H.A Robert says in chapter drug proving we must consider everything that tends to increase or diminish the equilibrium.
Boger says in BBCR- general or special modalities to the time of day or much greater importance.
According to M.L.Dhawale amongst the modalities causative factors, predisposing as well as precipitating rank first.
From the stand point of individualization modalities assumes the highest importance.
Very often lack of observation, on the part of patient or the physician leaves this vital data out of picture.
A full and detailed consideration of causative factors in the genesis of illness is imperative to its control and eradication.
Causative factors could de grouped under 1) Predisposing, 2) Precipitating and 3) Maintaining.
Causative factors of emotional sphere are all important, in the physical sphere are next in importance.
Aggravating factors in the emotional sphere are all- important.
Next in importance are the factors which could be considered to be in the general sphere.
The particular aggravations come last in this group.
Ameliorations are considered last as very often the patient has few observations to make on this point, his attention being mostly focused on the aggravating or causative factors.
Absence of modalities will suggest to the physician a purely psychic basis for the complaint (provided non observation is ruled out).
According to our master Hahnemann there are two type of causes
1) Exciting cause- of the acute disease
2) Fundamental cause- which is generally due to chronic miasm.
In these investigations, the ascertainable physical constitution of patient (especially when the disease is chronic), his moral and intellectual character, his occupation, mode of living and habits, his social and domestic relations, his age sexual function, etc are to be taken in to consideration.
The author says in his preface this repertory was compiled to meet a want felt in his daily practice.
With its help many times he was able to decide upon the indicated remedy. while without it longer search would have been required.
Repertory should not take the place of the Materia Medica.
It serves as the guide.
For no prescription can be scientifically based up on one symptom.
At first a repertory was made to Hering’s condensed Materia Medica later all the symptoms coming within the scope of the book which are found in Lippe and Hale were added, together with many from Allen.
The book has been arranged on a different plan from other repertories.
The difference will tend to make the work more practical and useful.
In nearly every instance the exact language of the text has been given, together with associated symptoms, thus enabling the more careful discrimination to be made.
The starred(*) symptoms are such as are regarded as characteristic by atleast by two of the authors.
The repertory has 15 chapters with sections in each and every chapter
The sun, effects of its heat and light - 2
External heat or warmth - 4
Becoming warm – 2
Effects of cold in general – 5
Cold applications – 2
Food and drink – 4
Being covered, uncovered and undressed – 7
Becoming warm in bed - 3
9. In room and entering room – 12
10. Effects of open air – 14
11. The weather –14
12. Water - 10
13. The Seasons - 4
14. New or Full moon- No section
15. Effects of Thunderstorm- No section
Total no of sections – 83
Total no pages – 168
Biggest chapter- Effects of open air(10)
Smallest chapter- Cold applications (5)
Every chapter starts in fresh page
Chapters names are given in the top of page with page no on right side.
According to publisher the book contains author’s own clinical experience too.
Every Chapter has got sections
Under each sections headings(modality for the particular section) are given.
Main part of rubric under each heading given in capital bold letter.
In Rubrics modalities alone not given sensation and locations are also given.
Each rubric given as a symptom and it contains single drug. Exception, E.g stunning head ach in the morning after eating and in the sunshine. Nux.vom.,Sanguin.can.
Drugs are given in italics.
In many rubrics sensations, conditions and modalities are given in parenthesis. E.g-’s- 16,25,50,65,74,81, etc.
Biggest rubric – given in page no- 24.
Causative modalities are also given E.g page no 15,38
If drug has got 2 name another name is given in parenthesis E.g Cimicif( actoea.racem) page no-42, 43.
In some places 2nd part of name given in parenthesis E.g Aranea( Diad)page no-73.
Cases with more modalities can be referred to this repertory.
Modalities in regards with all types are mentioned.
Fever cases with more modalities can be referred.
As its taken from Hering’s Condensed Materia Medica. This work is authenticated
Each rubric contains sensations and locations apart from modality.
No of drugs are less. Each rubric contains single drug.
No index given for drugs.
Gradation of drugs are not mentioned.
This repertory can be used for reference purpose.
No of rubrics are less.
No of causations less.
Order not maintained properly in arrangement of rubrics.
This repertory alone is not enough for single case.
Organon of Medicine by Samuel Hahnemann- 6th edition.
Repertory to the Modalities- Worcester.
Reperire –Dr.Vidyadhar Khanaj.
Essentials of Repertorization- Dr.S.K.Tiwari.
A Synoptic Key to the Materia Medica- C.M.Boger.
Boenninghausen's Characteristic Materia Medica and Repertory- C.M.Boger.
Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy-Herbert A. Roberts.
Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy- Dr.M.L.Dhawale.
TITLE NAME: Repertory To the modalities in their relation to Temperature, Air, Water, Winds, Weather and Season based up mainly up on Hering’s condensed materia medica with additions from Allen, Lippe and Hale compiled and arranged by Samuel Worcester, M.D.
He was a Lecturer on Insanity and Its Jurisprudence at Boston University School of Medicine, Member of American Institute of Homoeopathy, Member of the Massachusetts Homoeopathic Medical Society etc,.
The book was originally compiled in 1880 and 1st Indian edition was published in 10th April 1968.
An index of Aggravations and Ameliorations by Edwin a.Neatby, M.D and Thomas and George Stonham M.D Lond-Published in 1974 ( It is reprinted from a Manual of Homoeo Therapeutics)
A Concise Repertory of aggravations and ameliorations by D.Sivaraman- published in 1980
Modalities are one of the important component of a complete symptom.
Modalities –Modifiers of sickness.
This idea of complete symptom was introduced by Boenninghausen, when he was going through the Materia Medica Pura and Chronic Diseases, he noticed that majority of symptoms did not have modalities.
Modalities includes Causation, Time, Temp, Open Air, Posture, Being Alone, Motion, Sleep, Eating and Drinking, Touch, Pressure, Discharges etc.
Very often found that modality is lacking in description
In a modality the element of amelioration is generally not available
Even in homoeopathic materia medica and repertories we find that ameliorations are not given much importance.
In practice too one can observe that pts do not mention the reliving factors but always describe the aggravating factors.
In Boger's concept of totality he gives 1st importance to modalities.
In Boenninghausen's concept of totality he gives importance to modalities, he says as CUR, QUOMODO and QUONDO.
Boger Says in BBCR- all experienced homoeopaths pay great attention to modality.
It is self evident that modality should be specialized, E.g various kind of motion.
Cravings and aversion to various foods furnish some of the most important points in deciding upon the remedy.
If modality do not agree doubt its fitness, seek for another remedy.
H.A Robert says in chapter drug proving we must consider everything that tends to increase or diminish the equilibrium.
Boger says in BBCR- general or special modalities to the time of day or much greater importance.
According to M.L.Dhawale amongst the modalities causative factors, predisposing as well as precipitating rank first.
From the stand point of individualization modalities assumes the highest importance.
Very often lack of observation, on the part of patient or the physician leaves this vital data out of picture.
A full and detailed consideration of causative factors in the genesis of illness is imperative to its control and eradication.
Causative factors could de grouped under 1) Predisposing, 2) Precipitating and 3) Maintaining.
Causative factors of emotional sphere are all important, in the physical sphere are next in importance.
Aggravating factors in the emotional sphere are all- important.
Next in importance are the factors which could be considered to be in the general sphere.
The particular aggravations come last in this group.
Ameliorations are considered last as very often the patient has few observations to make on this point, his attention being mostly focused on the aggravating or causative factors.
Absence of modalities will suggest to the physician a purely psychic basis for the complaint (provided non observation is ruled out).
According to our master Hahnemann there are two type of causes
1) Exciting cause- of the acute disease
2) Fundamental cause- which is generally due to chronic miasm.
In these investigations, the ascertainable physical constitution of patient (especially when the disease is chronic), his moral and intellectual character, his occupation, mode of living and habits, his social and domestic relations, his age sexual function, etc are to be taken in to consideration.
The author says in his preface this repertory was compiled to meet a want felt in his daily practice.
With its help many times he was able to decide upon the indicated remedy. while without it longer search would have been required.
Repertory should not take the place of the Materia Medica.
It serves as the guide.
For no prescription can be scientifically based up on one symptom.
At first a repertory was made to Hering’s condensed Materia Medica later all the symptoms coming within the scope of the book which are found in Lippe and Hale were added, together with many from Allen.
The book has been arranged on a different plan from other repertories.
The difference will tend to make the work more practical and useful.
In nearly every instance the exact language of the text has been given, together with associated symptoms, thus enabling the more careful discrimination to be made.
The starred(*) symptoms are such as are regarded as characteristic by atleast by two of the authors.
The repertory has 15 chapters with sections in each and every chapter
The sun, effects of its heat and light - 2
External heat or warmth - 4
Becoming warm – 2
Effects of cold in general – 5
Cold applications – 2
Food and drink – 4
Being covered, uncovered and undressed – 7
Becoming warm in bed - 3
9. In room and entering room – 12
10. Effects of open air – 14
11. The weather –14
12. Water - 10
13. The Seasons - 4
14. New or Full moon- No section
15. Effects of Thunderstorm- No section
Total no of sections – 83
Total no pages – 168
Biggest chapter- Effects of open air(10)
Smallest chapter- Cold applications (5)
Every chapter starts in fresh page
Chapters names are given in the top of page with page no on right side.
According to publisher the book contains author’s own clinical experience too.
Every Chapter has got sections
Under each sections headings(modality for the particular section) are given.
Main part of rubric under each heading given in capital bold letter.
In Rubrics modalities alone not given sensation and locations are also given.
Each rubric given as a symptom and it contains single drug. Exception, E.g stunning head ach in the morning after eating and in the sunshine. Nux.vom.,Sanguin.can.
Drugs are given in italics.
In many rubrics sensations, conditions and modalities are given in parenthesis. E.g-’s- 16,25,50,65,74,81, etc.
Biggest rubric – given in page no- 24.
Causative modalities are also given E.g page no 15,38
If drug has got 2 name another name is given in parenthesis E.g Cimicif( actoea.racem) page no-42, 43.
In some places 2nd part of name given in parenthesis E.g Aranea( Diad)page no-73.
Cases with more modalities can be referred to this repertory.
Modalities in regards with all types are mentioned.
Fever cases with more modalities can be referred.
As its taken from Hering’s Condensed Materia Medica. This work is authenticated
Each rubric contains sensations and locations apart from modality.
No of drugs are less. Each rubric contains single drug.
No index given for drugs.
Gradation of drugs are not mentioned.
This repertory can be used for reference purpose.
No of rubrics are less.
No of causations less.
Order not maintained properly in arrangement of rubrics.
This repertory alone is not enough for single case.
Organon of Medicine by Samuel Hahnemann- 6th edition.
Repertory to the Modalities- Worcester.
Reperire –Dr.Vidyadhar Khanaj.
Essentials of Repertorization- Dr.S.K.Tiwari.
A Synoptic Key to the Materia Medica- C.M.Boger.
Boenninghausen's Characteristic Materia Medica and Repertory- C.M.Boger.
Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy-Herbert A. Roberts.
Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy- Dr.M.L.Dhawale.
Thank you for the great information! I would not have discovered this otherwise!
ReplyDeleteLovely post acuto. Non ho mai pensato che fosse così facile. rispetti a voi!