Cephaelis ipecacuanha. N. O. Rubiaceae.
Tincture and trituration of the dried root.
The cough of Ipec. is dry, spasmodic, constricted, asthmatic. "Violent degree or dyspnoea, with wheezing and great weight, and anxiety about the precordia."
"Threatened suffocation from accumulation of mucus." In whooping cough a characteristic is the spasmodic rigidity of the patient. "Child loses breath, turns pale, stiff, and blue; strangling with gagging and vomiting of mucus; bleeding from nose or mouth."
Cough,especially at night, with painful shocks in the head and stomach, and with loathing, retching, and vomiting Cough catching the breath, even to suffocation; during the attacks the child gets quite stiff, its face blue. It is excited by a contractive tickling sensation extending from upper part of larynx to lowest part of bronchial tubes; < on walking in cold air; on retiring; in morning and evening; on taking a deep breath. accompanied by cold, as if the navel would be torn out; pains in abdomen like strangury; heat
in head and face.
The cough causes vomiting without nausea.
Rattling Snoise in the bronchial tubes when drawing breath.
Dry cough, excited by a contractive tickling in the larynx(particularly in the upper part), extending to the extremity of the bronchia, especially when lying on left side.
Cough, which resembles whooping cough, with bleeding from the nose and mouth, and vomiting of food.
Cough, with spitting of blood, provoked by the least effort. Spasmodic cough, dry, shaking, with fits of suffocation, stiffness of the body, and bluish face.
Cough as from vapor of sulphur, with expectoration of blood with mucus in the morning.
Suffocative cough in the evening; continuous cough with perspiration on the forehead , shocks in the head, retching and vomiting Anxious and short respiration.
The breath smells fetid. Suffocative attacks in the room; > in the open air
Whooping cough; every fresh attack sets in with a long drawn difficult, howling, sighing inspiration.
Spasmodic asthma, with contraction of the larynx, and panting respiration. Sighing respiration
Yearly attacks of difficult shortness of breathing.

Oppression of the chest, and shortness of breath, as if dust had been inhaled
Chest seems full of phlegm, but does not yield to coughing Spasms in the chest.
Loss of breath on the least movement Pain, as of excoriation in the chest. Palpitation of the heart.
Red itching spots on the chest, with burning after scratching.

Whooping cough with rigidity, Cina (clucking sound down oesophagus as child comes out of paroxysm; grinds teeth), Cupr. (spasms of flexors predominate). Vomiting, Ant. t. (Ipec. has more nausea, Ant. t. more vomiting and retching;
Ipec has clean or slightly coated tongue, Ant. t. thickly coated white; both have vomiting after a meal ,after acids and after coughing). Pains fly from left to right.Asthma, Cupr. (spasmodic element predominates), Lob. (with a weak sensation in epigastrium spreading up into chest.
Lach. (side to side, Act. right; right to left, Lyc.; with nausea, Ipec.).
Chest affections from retrocession of measles rash, Bry. Asthma, oedema, Linum u.

IRIS VERSICOLOR,Iris hexagona.
Blue flag.N.O. Iridacrar.
Tincture of fresh root collected in early spring or autumn.
NOSE . Oily. Constant sneezing.

(An Indian Shrub, Singhee)
Highly efficacious medicine for acute catarrhal conditions of the respiratory tract (used in the beginning)
Dry cough from sternal region all over chest.
Hoarseness, larynx painful. Paroxysmal cough, with suffocative obstruction of respiration.
Cough with sneezing. Severe dyspnoea with cough. Tightness across chest
Asthmatic attacks, cannot endure a close, warm room.
Whooping-cough. Stiffening out trembling and convulsions with cough or fever. Tough expectoration..
Coryza; fluent acrid with violent sneezing coughing or asthmatic attacks.
Fits of sneezing with lachrymation and loss of smell and taste.

Ledum floribus bullatis.Cistus chamaerhododendros.Mountain Laurel. American Laurel.Calico Bush. (Rocky sterile hills, near water, in New England States. FlowersMay and June.) N. O. Ericaceae.
Tincture of fresh leaves when the plant is in flower
Coryza; with increased sense of smell; sneezing, dulness, headache, and hoarseness.
Tearing in root of nose and nasal bones, with nausea.

Feverish heat with great pain in chest, worse when breathing and fromslightest motion. Pain in chest as from a sprain. Shooting through chest above heart into shoulder-blade, pain in left arm. Stitches in lower chest. False pleurisy of winter season. Rheumatism of muscles of thorax and back, worse from every motion.
Pressure as if one squeezed throat with thumb and finger. Noise as from spasm of glottis when breathing. Hoarseness with coryza. Tickling in trachea.
Frequent cough caused by dryness or scraping in the throat. Expectoration easy, smooth, gray, tasting putrid, salt. Difficult and oppressed breathing, throat feels swollen, nausea.

Bugle weed. Virginia horehound. (Shady and wet places in U.S.) N O. Labiatae.
Constriction of larynx, 7 p.m.
Breathing: oppressed, with sighing breathing 7 p.m.; wheezing; dyspnoea as from bronchial cold, < during exercise, especially going up stairs.
Cough: with Hemiplegia and feeble heart action; deep, violent in evening and night without waking; renewed by change to cold weather, and by cold winds.
Expectoration pale, sweetish, unpleasant tasting, at times difficult.
Cough and irritation of lungs; with haemoptysis, feeble, quick, irregular action of heart. Cough, with haemoptysis, bleeding small but frequent
Constriction across lower half of thorax, impeding respiration, with subacute pain; < lying on right side.
Febrile action, quick, weak pulse, occasional haemoptysis, left apex affected (incipient phthisis). Pulmonary disease associated with looseness of bowels

Duckweed. N O. Lemnaceae or Pistiaceae.
Asthma. Nose, affections of.Ozaena. Polypus. Rhinitis atrophica.
Burnett has recorded several cases of polypus in which immense relief wasgiven by Lemna by shrinkage of the swelling, but not actual cure. On thisCooper remarks: "In bad cases of nasal polypi the tendency is to the growths filling up the cavities formed by removal, and, consequently, relief often appears temporary, when the case only requires repetition of the Unit Dose
Foul smell in nose, or loss of smell.
Feeling of cold in nose better, sense of obstruction nearly gone.
Nose blocked with polypi became almost cleared with Lemna > after Calc. 200, followed by Merc. 3 (given for face ache); previously Lemna > had been given without effect
Nasal polypi in man, 60; markedly < in wet weather; after taking Lemna 3X gtt. v three times a day for a month said, "That is the best tonic I have ever taken"; and he could breathe quite comfortably.
Polypi which swell in wet weather. Nostrils plugged by swollen turbinates.
Ozaena since childhood in girl of sixteen; odour most offensive; bad taste; takes cold easily in night air or damp; bowels and catamenia irregular,greatly relieved by Lemna.
Post nasal ulceration high up, dry feeling at top of throat with flatulence, much catarrhal pharyngitis; two weeks after dose of Lemna > nose less blocked and better in every respect; colic and diarrhoea followed.
Stuffiness of nose relieved; simultaneously an attack of diarrhoea.
Crusts form in right nostril, pain like a string extends from right nostril to right ear, which is deaf (greatly relieved). Excessive catarrh with frequent sneezing attacks.
Profuse yellow defluxion.
Atrophic rhinitis; crusts and muco purulent discharge very abundant, with fetor.
Pain like a string from nostrils to ear.
Reduces nasal obstruction when it is an oedematous condition.
Asthma, attacks coming on in rainy weather.

Hippomane Mancinella.Manchineel.Manzanillo. N O. Euphorbiaceae.
Pressure at root of nose.Dryness.
Illusions of smell; of gunpowder, dung, etc.Nasal tone of voice.
Choking sensation rising into throat hindering speech. In larynx: scraping; cutting; tension. Whistling breathing. Asthma, chronic. Frequent hawking with nausea Violent cough and painful stitches in trachea
from slightest exertion. Cough: oppression of chest.
Constriction of chest. Rattling in left chest. Suffocative attacks with pulsation in chest while coughing, or as soon as he begins to talk.
Pain in centre of sternum, < from pressure and from breathing.

Mephitis putorius. Skunk. N O. Mustelidae.
Dryness of the nose.Epistaxsis. constant inclination to sneeze. Fluent coryza, with pain, as from excoriation in the chest
Cough when reading aloud, when speaking, and after a fit of choking whilstdrinking (liability to have something get into larynx). Cough in morning, with expectoration proceeding from catarrh. Mucus expelled by a fit of coughingevery morning
Catarrhal sufferings. Pains in ribs, when touched, but especially when coughing and sneezing. Cough with fluent coryza and soreness in chest
Pain, as from excoriation, in back part of ribs, and in chest, when taking a deep inspiration, and when moving the back.
Whooping cough, < at night and after lying down; with convulsions; with complete suffocative feeling, he cannot exhale; vomiting of all food some hours after eating, bloated face. Rattling cough every morning.
Pains in chest (on last I. short rib) when touching and pressing on it; but especially when coughing and sneezing.
Asthma, as from inhaling vapour of sulphur; of drunkards; during sleep. Sudden contraction of glottis, when drinking or talking. Food goes down wrong way. False croup cannot exhale. Few paroxysms in day-time, but many at night; with vomiting after eating. spasmodic and whooping cough.

An alkaloid of Opium.
Faint and struggling for breath.
Diaphragmatic paralysis; hiccough; dyspnoea, paroxysmal, on first falling asleep. [Lach.; Grindel.] Cheyne-stokes respiration. Chest tight. Pain in middle of sternum.
Strangling cough, with viscid mucus sputum; thin, scanty, but sounds loose and abundant.
Dry, hard, teasing, exhausting cough, worse at night
Breathing: stertorous; difficult; slow; thoracic breathing entirely suspended
Chest tight, breathing difficult, asked to be raised, saying she felt as if she were dying.

Niccolum metallicum. Metallic Nickel.Ni.(A.W. 58.6).
Nasal catarrh, with redness and swelling at tip of nose.
Acute pain at root of nose, extending to vertex and through temples.
Roughness in throat > by coughing.
Hoarseness, day and night; every year at same time.
Cough from tickling in trachea; in evening, after lying down. Dry hacking cough, like the tick of a clock in its regularity
Dry, scraping cough, from tickling in trachea, with sleeplessness from midnight till 4 a.m. At night violent cough, compelling one to sit up and to hold head. Loose, hacking cough, day and evening and at 9a.m.; has to put arms on thighs when coughing. Expectoration of white mucus.
When coughing, dyspnoea and pressure on chest Stitches in chest (left side) when breathing.
Shootings in chest, especially when laughing. Pressure and heaviness on chest.

Hemlock Drop wort. (Marshy places.) N O. Umbelliferae

Convulsive respiration; breathing laboured, hurried, stertorous, short; interrupted by constant sighing and convulsive cough; hardly perceptible.
Burning and constriction in laryflx. Spasms of diaphragm.
Cough for four or five days, from deep pressure.
Expectoration reddish; bloody; white; frothy.
Tickling cough, with rattling in the lower part of the chest, and thick,frothy expectoration.
Lungs hyperaemic; hepatised in spots. Pleuritic exudation
Pain in right side under the ribs. Chest firmly fixed.

Nerium Oleander. Rose Laurel. (South Europe, North Africa, West Asia.) N O.Apocynaceae.
Short, shaking cough, provoked by a tickling in pharynx. Violent shaking cough from tickling in larynx.
Accumulation of viscid mucus in trachea.
Oppression of chest when lying down, with deep and slow respiration. Weak respiration.
Oppressive and compressive pain, or sensation of emptiness in chest.Dull or tensive lancinations in chest, in sternum, and sides (1eft), especially on taking a full inspiration (and expiration).
Sensation of coldness in chest. Stitches in diaphragm. Obtuse stitches in chest.

Oleum animale aethereum. Oleum cornu cervi. Dippel's Oil. Bone naphtha.
Chest feels constricted. Oppression.Asthma from suppressed foot-sweat. Stitches in breast from behind forward. Hoarseness and roughness in throat. Roughness in throat, inducing dry, hacking cough.
Cramp like contraction in trachea, especially at night.
Small dry cough, generally in single shocks, with tickling in throat.
Obstructed respiration, when lying on back, as if pharynx were compressed; disappearing on a change of position.
Oppression of the chest, when going up stairs, or a hill, from distension of the abdomen. Anxious ebullition with sensation of heat, and burning in chest, accompanied by a sensation of heat which seems to rise from abdomen.
Violent stitch in upper part of chest, near sternum, as with a red hot needle;
the breast continued to burn for a long time; at 2 p.m. A pain almost like a shaking beneath and behind left mamma, disappearing, after rubbing, followed by warmth over whole body. Tearing in right mammae.


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