Dr. N. M. Choudhari, the author of the book was the Principal and Senior Professor of Materia medica in Bengal Allen Homoeopathic Medical college and hospital, Calcutta.
The 1st edition consisted of only Materia medica which became very popular among students.
It was a compilation of lectures on Materia medica given by him, his learning's and vast experience gained from stalwart Drs. like Allen, Taylor, Farrington, P.C. Majumdar etc. He has also enriched it with the experiences of Drs. B.L. Bhaduri, Salzer and M.L. Sarkar.
Later in 2nd edition a Concise Repertory was added to make the study of Materia medica easy and also to use it in an appropriate manner. As the author himself mentions in the Preface of 2nd edition – “The reason why a Repertory has been added to this volume is because Practical Homoeopathy is identical with Repertory practice. Negligence and inaptitude in handling repertory are frequently the causes of unsuccess of many.
Cover page – A Study on Materia medica and Repertory
Title page – A Study on Materia medica by N. M. Choudhari
Next page – Photograph of Dr. N. M. Choudhary
Preface of 2nd edition
Preface of 1st edition

Preface of 2nd edition – The author has mentioned regarding the Repertory part. He has also told as how repertory is helpful in study of Materia medica and how it forms a valuable aid in achieving the goal of finding the similimum. At the end of it he has shown gratitude towards few of his colleagues for their suggestions and support.
Preface of 1st edition- The author has talked about the compilation of the Materia medica part and has thanked all his teachers and various stalwarts for their guidance.
1st edition – 1916
2nd edition – 1929
Materia medica part consists of 452 drugs arranged and described alphabetically.
Repertory consisting of 49 chapters.
Index of remedies – 452 drugs are mentioned alphabetically and under each drug some clinical conditions are given with page numbers.
Index to Repertory - All 49 chapters are arranged alphabetically with their page numbers.
Therapeutic index – Compiled by Dr. I. Prabhakra Rao. Printed by Mr. W.R. Khan and published by Dr. D.N. Chaterjee.

• Kent Repertory
• Knerr Repertory
• Lippe Repertory
• Boenninghausen Repertory
• Boericke Repertory
• Conant etc.
Most of the unreliable and unauthenticated matter has been left out to make the repertory portion useful and easy for reference.

• Aggravation
• Amelioration
• Mind and Disposition
• Head
• Sensorium
• Face
• Eye and sight
• Ears and Hearing
• Nose and Smell
• Mouth
• Tongue
• Teeth
• Fauces, Pharynx and Oesophagus
14. Gums
15. Stomach
16. Throat external
17. Appetite
18. Taste
19. Thirst
20. Eructations
21. Heartburn
22. Nausea
23. Vomiting
24. Hiccough
25. Intestine
26. Rectum and Anus
27. Stool
28. Larynx and Trachea
29. Voice
30. Chest
31. Bladder
32. Kidneys
33. Prostate
34. Prostatic fluid
35. Urethra
36. Urine
37. Male Genetalia
38. Female genitalia
39. Upper extremities
40. Lower extremities
41. Sleep
42. Postures in Sleep
43. Dream
44. Fever
45. Pulse
46. Skin
47. Desires and Aversions
48. Cough
49. Expectoration

After going through the list of the chapters we find that the natural order of arrangement which the author has told is not present.
For example – Sensorium could have been before Head. Gums before Fauces, Pharynx and Oesophagus.
Certain chapters are with their functions but certain chapters are kept separate.
For example – Eye and Sight, Ears and Hearing, Nose and Smell.
Like vise Taste could have been kept along with Mouth or Tongue, Voice along with Larynx and Trachea.

The printed matter is in two columns on each page. The chapter name is printed in BOLD CAPITALS on the starting page of chapter and repeated on right hand side pages in CAPITALS with smaller font size. Exception is NOSE AND SMELL chapter, on page 893 and 895 only NOSE is mentioned.
Chapters pertaining to specific parts begin with Ailments common and followed by sub-rubrics which may have causative modality, specific modalities, associated symptoms etc.

Rubrics are printed in capitals and arranged alphabetically with few exceptions.
Sub-rubrics are printed in ordinary roman with Capital first alphabet with one indentation and are not necessarily arranged alphabetically.
For example – Page 843 – Lying
Page 860 – Indifference.
Regarding SIDES – first Left then Right side is given as sub-rubric.

Starts with time modality similar to Kent’s Generalities. Starts with DURING THE DAY to PERIODICALLY followed by certain conditions both mental and physical. Rubrics related to seasons, weather, Poisonings are mentioned.
Aggravation from certain food and drinks are mentioned under separate rubric FOOD AND DRINK.
In spite of alcoholic stimulants in general given under this, BEER, from has been given separately. Breakfast, Coffee etc. given separately and also under the same rubric. Food is given under same rubric.
Light is mentioned twice.
Rubrics are arranged alphabetically.
Cross references are mentioned without drugs.
E.g. ALONE, when: See Aggravation from society. MOTION: (See aggravation rest)
LYING rubric given twice.
Rubrics are arranged alphabetically but AILMENTS, after anger is mentioned after ANGER.
COMPANY, aversion given twice.
CONFUSION OF MIND and CONFUSION given separately.
Sub-rubrics not arranged alphabetically.
Page 872 - Hair
VERTIGO given twice.
Sub-rubrics not arranged alphabetically.
E.g. AFFECTIONS, cracked lips
AFFECTIONS, corners of mouth
Misplaced rubrics – Hearing and Itching
Blood, Epistaxis and Ulcers are not rubrics but are given in capitals.
Misplaced rubric under Indigestion is Thirst extreme.
Different types of tastes are mentioned. Shiny is given which means Glossy. It is relevant to Tongue so can be considered as a misplaced rubric.
Modalities is one of the rubrics and deals with thirst during various stages of Fever and other disease conditions.
Remedies in general, Modalities including Causative modalities and aggravating factors are given. Types of Nausea like Constant; Intermittent etc.
Remedies in general, Modalities and Types are mentioned.
Flatulence is mentioned as a sub-rubric under AILMENTS, common. It appears as rubric on Pages 927 & 928, in between rubric DISTENTION, which creates confusion.
1st rubric ACHING. Sub-rubric Biting pain could have been kept as separate rubric like CUTTING pain or all types of Pains could have been placed under rubric PAIN.
Under same rubric Agg., lying ,from and Agg., at night are mentioned. Lying from and Night can convey regarding aggravation from.
Page 950, Colic and Inflammation are sub-rubrics under AILMENTS, common.
Character, Colour and Sediments are mentioned in details.
Page 968 – MENSES, Painful, dysmenorrhoea. Dysmenorrhoea could have been placed under AILMENTS, common or as MENSES, Painful.
No fixed pattern of rubrics. Alphabetical order followed till CORNS then rubrics are in sub-rubric font. Burning given as a rubric after them. Regarding sub-rubrics mentioning regarding the parts no fixed pattern is followed. Somewhere it follows alphabetical order and at other places above downwards.
Cross references without drugs is mentioned. Awkwardness meaning is given. Uniformity regarding mentioning the parts from above downwards is maintained so not arranged alphabetically.
This chapter mentions elaborately regarding Stages of Fever, Prodrome, Time and Type.
Components under each Stage are as follows:
CHILL: Aggravated by; Ameliorated by; Commencement of, in; Location of; Symptoms during; Followed by.
Etiology is given as a separate rubric which can be considered under CHILL, after which HEAT absent is mentioned.
HEAT: Aggravated by; Ameliorated by; Characteristics of; Followed by; In general; Symptoms during.
SWEAT: Agg. by; Amel.; Character of; Followed by; Location of; Produced by; Symptoms during.
PRODROME, TIME and TYPE are mentioned in details.
46. SKIN
Ulcers is repeated in between. Pages 1018 – 1019
Chapter begins with associated abdominal complaints. It deals in detail with Cause, Modality and Associated symptoms of Cough and are arranged alphabetically.
In this chapter one can find-
Nature of expectoration – Acid, Acrid, Bloody etc.
Character – Purulent, Membranous etc.
Taste – Almonds, tasting like; Feaces, tasting like etc.
Colour – Blackish, Bluish, Brick-dust colour etc.
Modifying factors – Drinking, amel. After; Sit up, must etc.
After going through this repertory in details we can conclude that there is lot of information stored in this part of the book and even cases can be repertorised with help of it but as no uniform pattern is followed it becomes difficult to find the desired rubrics. The number of drugs are also less in comparison with other General repertories like Kent’s repertory. The author has mentioned regarding the sources but its difficult to trace them down and confirm the authenticity. This part of the book can be used as reference for the study of Materia medica.


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