• Dr. Hahnemann.

• A tincture is made of the fresh leaves of the arbor vitae.
• Plant – Botanic family - gymnospermia
Basic Properties:
• Psoric, Sycotic, Syphilitic, Ambithermal, Only Polychrest, Left, Intercurrent, Child, U.Lt.Low Rt.
Class Type:
• Coniferae - Cupressinae
Specific Type:
• Stem, Leaves

• There are 12 remedies under coniferae family:
cupre-au, cupre-l, cupre-n, cupre-s, juni-c, juni-o, juni-p, juni-v, sabin, thuj-g, thuj-l, thuj.

• The American Arbor Vitae is a "spiry ever-green attaining a height of from 20 to 50 feet, though generally not above 40 and a diameter of about 10 to 20 feet through the greatest breadth of foliage.”

• It abounds in the upper zones of North America from Pennsylvania northwards.

• The main action of Thuja is on the skin and genito-urinary organs, producing conditions that correspond with Hahnemann's sycotic dyscrasia, whose chief manifestation is the formation of wart-like excrescences upon mucus and cutaneous surfaces-fig-warts and condylomata.
• Has a specific antibacterial action, as in gonorrhoea and vaccination.
• The general appearance of the Thuja subject if he has a characteristic picture is that of a waxy shiny face it looks as if it had been smeared over with grease and is often transparent he is a sickly looking individual looks as if entering upon some cachexia.

• Ill effects of tobacco.
• Suppressed sycosis.
• Gonorrhea, badly treated or suppressed.
• Vaccinations.
• Sunstroke.
• Sexual excess.
• Tea. Coffee. Beer. Sweets. Tobacco. Fat meat. Onions.
• Sulphur, Mercury.
• Syphilis

• One of its main indications is the feeling of fragility, of being frail – a feeling of weakness within oneself.

• This feeling of fragility in Thuja expressed in the physical sphere, where the patient feels that any article of food or drink is surely bound to cause him problems, and that his system cannot take things such as drugs, allergens, emotional stress or even a draught of air.

• He tries to avoid all these factors and attempts to keep himself covered from exposure to the same.

• These avoidances only reinforces the fear, and this vicious cycle goes on, making of Thuja one of the main remedies for neurosis, with several obsessive-compulsive traits, fixed ideas and behaviour patterns.
• In the emotional sphere, this feeling of fragility is manifest in the fear of losing face in society.
• The person believes that he has a certain image in society of being a religious, morally upright, clean, honest person, free from human failings such as dishonesty, sexual temptations (especially) when forbidden, etc.
• Thus he presents an elevated picture of himself and is afraid that any little slip on his part might reveal the real him or the bad part of him which he has tried so hard to cover up.
• In this "bad part" lays his dishonesty, sexual desires (which may even be for close relatives), and his immoral or irreligious feelings.
• If this is discovered, he is going to fall down from his imagined elevated position and will be finished.
• Thus his survival depends on a complete cover up, and there is a tremendous anxiety of being exposed.
• Translated into expressions the Thuja person is secretive and talks to the physician as if sharing a secret; he is conscious of the presence of other persons, especially strangers.
• In rubrics, you have the feeling of floating in the air ("Delusion, body lighter than air") and dreams of falling from high places, which represent his fear of falling from his elevated position.
• Thus Thuja seems to come from a situation of religious order in society or from any situation that demands rigidity in thinking, very fixed ideas.
• Theocracies, like those in the Middle East, would require this remedy.
• Also many of the strict religious leaders, with rigid ideas about sin, often have many skeletons in their cupboards, and many times require Thuja.
• In fact "Religious fanaticism" is one of the rubrics.
• Cheerful.
• Lively and loquacious (effects of the alcohol?).
• Loathing of life (Aur., Nit. ac.).
• Ill humor (Sulph.); in afternoon; with indisposition to do anything; with heaviness of head and disinclination to talk; with restlessness; with fullness in head and drowsiness.
• Discontentment.
• Sadness (Aur., Puls., Sulph., etc.); every forenoon; in afternoon; afternoon and next morning; before going to sleep; with disposition to weep; with discouragement.
• Excited and inclined to anger.
• Uneasy, everything seems burdensome and distressing.
• Anxiety.
• Averse to everything, anxious about the future.
• Apprehensive of becoming sick.
• Excessively thoughtful about a trifle.
• Indifferent to the opposite sex.
• Power of thought increased, but rather for analytical than synthetical reasoning.
• Clearer during the febrile paroxysm and he is inclined to all kinds of work.
• Indisposed to intellectual labor.
• Intellectual exercise soon fatigues in evening.
• Speaks slowly and in monosyllables.
• Collects his thoughts and speaks slowly, he seeks for words while talking.
• Could scarcely collect his senses for half an hour in morning on waking.
• Inattentive to what was going on around him.
• Distracted, unsteady, inclined to do now this, now that.
• He could not get rid of a thought that he had just had.
• Stupefied, with sleepiness and weakness; as if intoxicated, Aggravation morning. Coma.
• Melancholia, with a fixed idea that he is made of a brittle substance, will not allow persons to touch him; for fear that he will be broken.
• Great emotional sensitiveness, music causes weeping and trembling (Ign.).
• Fixed idea of a living animal in the abdomen; of the soul separated from the body; of strange people by his side, etc.
• Fixed ideas, as if a strange person were at his side; as if soul and body were separated; as if something alive in abdomen. [Croc.]
• Emotional sensitiveness; music causes weeping and trembling.
Themes: insanity, despair, obstinate, imprisoned, conscience, doomed, religious, suicidal, seized, helplessness, salvation:
• She herself desires, with anxiety and despair, to be taken to an insane asylum, (imprisonment, confining) and there to be treated very harshly and strictly, (penalized), so that her fixed ideas may be subdued and banished (purified); she knows very well that she does wrong (conscience) and thinks all sorts of bad thoughts (immoral), but she will not take the trouble to banish such thoughts; therewith she indistinctly gives to understand that she is constantly obliged to think of taking her own life, but feels the sinfulness (wicked) of it, in order to avoid it, desires the strict restraint of the asylum;...
Themes: pleasure:
• Wrong his whole existence consists of only extremes, wherewith he is always irresistibly inclined to agreeable (pleasing) exciting, heating drinks, but without intoxication; these happy and exalted reveries constantly increase from day to day, overstepping (exceed) all bounds and becoming a joyful, dizzy intoxication, with entire extinction of reason. (torpid)(ludicrous)
Themes: egotism, pleasure:
• He often dreamed in a clear day, with open eyes...; in this he especially reveled in a overpowering selfishness, himself the central point about which everything must turn, with an intoxicated feeling of the most joyous self-satisfaction, ... (egotism).

Themes: obstinate, contradiction, capricious, anger:

• The child is excessively obstinate; on the slightest contradiction it throws itself in the ground in rage and loses its breath.

Themes: bothered:
• Uneasiness of mind for many days, everything seems burdensome and distressing.

Themes: fragile, disease, disintegration, ruined:
• Sensation as if whole body were thin and delicate, (weak, fragile, frail) and could not resist least attack (illness); as if continuity of body would be dissolved.
Themes: death, doomed, misanthropy:

• Fells as if she cannot exist any longer; quiet, shunning everybody.

Themes: conscientious:
• Extremely scrupulous (conscientious, careful) about small things.

Themes: disintegration, divided, death, suicidal, forsakes, sadness, height, child, relatives, disease:
• Mental depression, after childbirth (puerperal), in consequence of being told that there had been a slight rupture (division, hurt) of perineum; grows quiet; thinks she must die; wants to jumps the window; does not care for children or her relatives (careless); (Sensitive to disrupt, partition).
Themes: strange, divided, fragile, double, alive, seized, disintegration, greatness, and animal:

• Fixed ideas: as if a strange person were at his side; as if soul and body were separated (split); that body, particularly limbs, are made of glass (frail) and will readily break (weakness); as if a living animal were in abdomen; talks about being under the influence of a superior power. (Possessed).

Themes: floating, travel, fly, energy:
• Walking is performed with extreme ease; she feels as though her body were borne up by wings; she ran many miles in an uncommonly short time, and with unusual high spirits.
• In the physical sphere, you have stiffness, which is a manifestation of the fixity; the eruptions, which occur, on the covered parts (as if they don't want to be seen); jerks from sleep as if falling from high places.
• Thuja patients have corrugated nails, hair on the middle phalanx of fingers and on other unusual parts (for example the pinna of the ears), strong smelling sweat (especially about the genitals), fleshy pedunculated warts, moles.
• They sweat from the axillae, and the sweat may leave yellowish stains or a saltish sediment and it may be oily.
• They are chilly and like a hot bath.
• Thuja women can be very afraid of pregnancy, and often have the sensation of being pregnant, with associated feelings of guilt.
• These women can also be jealous, and may have fixed ideas that the husband is faithless.
• Many Thuja people often exhibit a preference for the colour green.

• Total no. of symptoms: 260

• First grade (3 marks) rubrics: 4

• Second grade (2 marks) rubrics: 71

• Third grade (1 marks) rubrics: 185


• Symptom count/Weightage: 15/18

• Symptom count/Weightage: 4/12


• Follows well: Med.; Merc.; Nit-ac.

• Followed well by: Calc.; Ign.; Kali-c.; Lyc.; Merc.; Puls.; Sil.; Sulph.; Vac.

• Compatible: Nit-ac.; Sabin.

• Complementary: Med.; Nat-s. [sycosis]; Sabin.; Sil.; 1Ars.

• Antidoted by: Camph.; Cham. [nightly toothache]; Cocc. [fever]; Colch., Merc.; Puls.; Sulph.

• Antidote to: Iod.; Merc.; Nux-v.; Sulph.

• 1. Boericke’s Materia Medica.
• 2. Dictionary Of Practical Materia Medica –Clarke.
• 3. Lotus Materia Medica-Murphy.
• 4. Kent’s Lectures Ion Materia Medica.
• 5. Thematic Materia Medica-Mirrili.
• 6. Soul Of Remedies-Rajan Sankaran.
• 7. Handbook of Materia Medica- T.F Allen.
• 8. Concordant Materia Medica.
• 11. RADAR 7.0 VERSION.


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