ABOUT AUTHOR(1861-1839)
Author name: Dr. James William Ward A.M.,M.D.,F.A.C.S.
• He was one of the past presidents of American institute of homoeopathy
• He was the dean of Hahnemann medical college
• He was basically Gastro-Enterologist and Surgeon
• He was also the president of health advisory board of San Francisco

Unabridged – means
• Especially of something written, a speech, novel, play etc.,
• Published, performed etc.
• Without being shortened in any way

This work must have been published in the late 1930s. This was assumed after going through the references quoted by the author at the end of 2nd volume. He was also the contemporary of Dr.H.A.Roberts and Dr.Willis A Dewey.

“I have gathered a bouquet of other peoples flowers and only the thread that holds them together is my own.”
From these words we can understand he had worked for the compilation of these dictionaries in depth and has collected meticulously the materials needed for the work from authors around the world.

Dr.Willis A Dewey who is the author of practical homoeopathic therapeutics has written the foreword for this book.
He says that the ward has taken utmost care that the original symptomatology was given without any change

This work contains the symptoms from the provings of Hahnemann and his contemporaries down to that time the book was compiled.
The attempt was to make a quick reference and to choose the similimum in easier and fast possible way.
He also mentions that Dr. Ward has association with Dr.Timothy Field Allen, St.Clair Smith and Martin Deschere in his college days.


• Foreword …………………….. IX
• Preface ……………………….. XI
• Acknowledgement ……….. XV
• Part one- Pathogenetic….. 1
• Part two- Clinical ………….. 961
• Part three- Bibliography…. 1629

Dr.Ward says that these morbid symptoms are described as sensation felt, either in the process of proving of remedies or of clinical experience with them and are gradually expressed by the phrase “as if” or “as though.”
This collection consists of proving collected from Hahnemann and authoritative writings and lectures of esteemed authors.

Each symptom is described with the indicated remedy and key to the authority for it is always given by an initials

The Pathogenetic or 1st division of the work comprises a summary and through research of the original proving as found in
• Timothy Field Allen’s Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica
• T.L. Bradford’s collection, “index of the provings,” up to and including the year 1879 were included
• The symptoms mentioned with sensations as if in “Hahnemann's Materia Medica and Chronic Diseases.”
• J.H.Clarks dictionary of Materia Medica- whatever not found in Allen's Encyclopedia were taken from as it contains genuine provings of many drugs.
• Collected the symptom- descriptions of provings widely distribute through out the “Journals, transactions proceedings of the International Hahnemannian Association.”
• “Extensive English literature of the homoeopathic school.”

• All the symptom descriptions are taken from original sources of our Materia Medica
• The Author has cited the references of the work with years
• Symptom description have been given under many captions and places for easy and quick references
• To know the value of the symptom whether it is a proving or clinically verified one

• It is very voluminous when compared to the one by H.A.Roberts
• Under all the symptom only one drug has been given
• This work cant be used for repertorization proper
• Many rare remedies are mentioned which are not used nowadays are not available now

• Unabridged Dictionary of the Sensations As If – James William Ward
• The Principles and Practice of Repertorization – Dr. K. Harinadham
• Reperire – Dr. Vidyadhar R. Khanaj.


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