
In our Homoeopathic Recorder for August you give an article by A. W. Holcombe, from the Medical Advance which begins thus:" Some years ago I saw in one of our journals (name forgotten now) an article in which Ferrum Picricum was recommended for warts."

As, however, I have the honour to have been the first to point out this very valuable and interesting feature of the action of Ferrum Picricum, and as I have written several more or less lengthy paragraphs on the subject during the last fourteen years, I hope you will allow me to add a word or two.

In 1884 I read a paper before the Homoeopathic Congress on the Flitwick Natural Mineral Water and some of the newer artificial preparations of iron, in which reference is made to the Ferrum Picricum; in a paper read at the 1881 Congress I refer to the action of picric acid, and in a paper read at the Congress of 1896 I specially refer to the action on warts of Ferrum Picricum.

In the Homoeopathic World, June 1, 1887, and in the January number, 1888, I also referred to its applicability to epithelial growths, and besides, if memory serves aright, when permitted to write for the Monthly Homoeopathic Review an honour of which I am now deprived I made more than one reference to the same subject.

So that I really begin to look upon Ferrum Picricum and its action upon warts as a child of my own. And not an illegitimate one either, seeing that it was revealed to me by the holy ceremony of a proving, the pathogenesis consisting of the feeling as though a wart were going upon the thumb of a patient. When there are many warts on the hands it seems never to fail, but on one occasion I thought it bad.

During the spring of 1897 I treated our housemaid, a girl of some 25 summers, for a crowd of warts on both hands; Ferr. picr. 3rd dec. was given in repeated doses, then Calcarea Carb. 200 and 30, then Thuj. Occid. locally and internally, but to no purpose. I then, after about three months' treatment, gave Ferrum Picr. 2x, instead of the 3rd, but still no change. The girl then went away for her holiday, and on her return she showed me triumphantly her hands the warts has all gone ! " Yes," said I, " and the corns on your feet, if you had any, are gone, and you are feeling stronger," to both of which she gleefully replied in the affirmative. The fact was that for some unaccountable reason the influence of the Ferrum Picricum did not tell until she left it off, which she had done during the holiday, having neglected to take the bottle with her. I mention this, as with less confidence in this remedy one might be inclined not to give it a full trial. But it is in lupoid warts, pure and simple, that I anticipate a great future for it.

In my "Serious Diseases Saved from Operation" London: John Bale & Sons. 1897, is a grand case of lupoid growth taking the form of a large wart on the face that turned black and finally disappeared altogether under Ferrum Picricum. This case is worth reproducing here, seeing that the lady has remained perfectly well since and without the least scar on her cheek.


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