
Agaricus [Agar]
Pains in long bones, as if bruised, after motion; pains in left tibia; pains in spine between the vertebrae.
Angustura [Ang]
EXOSTOSIS AND NERVOUS OF LOWER JAW; caries of long bones, as humerus, femur, tibia; caries and painful ulcers, which affect bones and pierce them to marrow. Bone crumbles to pieces; irritation from slightest offense; morbid craving for coffee, with aversion to solid food; tenesmus recti, with soft stool; urging to urinate with copious flow. PAEDARTHROCACE.
Aranea-diad [Aran]
Disease of os calcis; boring pains, digging in the bone or sensation as if the bone felt like ice.
Argentum [Arg]
Caries scrofulosa, white swelling; arthritic bruised pains in joints; tenderness, tearing pressure and pain in bones; exostosis on skull.
Arsenicum [Ars]
Tearing, boring, lancinating pains, with hypertrophy of its structure; oedema of limb; painful stiffness of limb; abscess assumes gangrenous character; discharges thin, bloody or foetid, with great prostration, chills and sweat.
Asafoetida [Asaf]
Inflammation and caries of the bones, involving the soft parts, with ulcers with hardened edges; softening of the bones with easy bleeding; skin adheres to the bones: ULCERS INTOLERABLY SENSITIVE TO TOUCH AROUND EDGES and easily bleeding;pus thin, foetid and offensive, curvature of bones, drawing pains in jaws and copious salivation after abuse of mercury; neuralgia of the stump after amputation (Cepa); obesity, suits heavy, bloated people with bone diseases.
Aurum [Aur]
Syphilitic affections and mercurio-syphilis; syphilitic exostoses on skull and bones feel painful, as if broken, (<) lying down and from touch; caries of mastoid process and of nasal bones (ozaena); exfoliation of portions of frontal bone; caries with tearing, boring and burning stitches and foul discharges; swelling of periosteum of forearm and thigh-bones; teeth loose, gums ulcerated (Thuj.), foetid breath; bone-pains (<) at night. The chloride of gold and platinum useful in caries and necrosis. Baryta-carb [Bar-c] Scrofulosis; caries of spine; indurated glands; tearing and tension in long bones, (<) at night; boring in bones. Belladonna [Bell] Gnawing in the spine, with backache as if back would break; curvature of lumbar vertebrae; rachitis, abdomen puffed up tense and hard, the pale child shakes and withers; pains along periosteum. Benzoic-acid [Benz-ac] Swelling and cracking of knee-joint; gouty deposits between metacarpal bones; tearing pain in anterior surface of thigh; ulcerative pain in whole leg. Berberis [Berb] Sensation of scraping and cold feeling in the bones. Bufo [Bufo] Caries of dorsal vertebrae; bones sensitive; bones of legs brittle and pain in joints as if crushed; tophi on knees and feet; (<) in cold air. Cadmium-sulph [Cadm-s] Caries of the bones of the nose; cutting pains of the joints. Calcarea-carb [Calc] Curvature of spine and long bones; swelling and softening of the bones with curvature, exostosis and caries of the bones of the extremities; caries of the teeth of children; open fontanelles of babes; mesenteric glands swollen and hard; RACHITIS, tardy development of bony tissues, with lymphatic enlargements, extremities deformed and crooked. Calcarea-fluor [Calc-f] Exudation from surface of bones which quickly hardens and assumes a nodular or jagged form; OSTEOSARCOMA; suppuration of bones. Calcarea-phos [Calc-p] Pains along the sutures and symphyses; non-union of fractured bones; curvature of spine; swelling of condyles and arms; spina bifida; open fontanelles, diarrhoea, emaciation, rachitis, tendency of the bones to bend and curve; caries of hip-joint and heel, with stinking pus; suppuration of bones and joints; fistulous ulcers on the ankles, edges callous; bones brittle, pus containing spicula of bones; mal perforant. Capsicum [Caps] Caries of mastoid process; smarting, burning, tearing pains, aching when coughing; joints crack, are stiff and painful, (<) on beginning to walk, pain as if paralyzed. Carbo-an [Carb-an] GUMMATA; benignant suppurations changed into ichorous ones; venous plethora; scurvy, rending, tearing pains, caused by salt food, with bleeding of gums and looseness of teeth, which are very sensitive to the least cold; joints weak, easily sprained. Cinchona [Chin] Caries with profuse sweat and profuse suppuration; humid gangrene; wounds becomes black and gangrenous; excessive sensitiveness of nervous system. Cistus-canad [Cist] Caries of lower jaw with suppurating gland on neck; scrofulous hip-disease, with fistulous openings leading to the bone and ulcers on surface, with night-sweats; tearing pain in the joints. Conium [Con] Rachitis with engorgement of lymphatics and swelling and induration of glands; stitches in small of back, with drawing through lumbar vertebrae, while standing; ill effects of bruises and shocks to the spine; coccygodynia. Dulcamara [Dulc] Scrofulous exostosis on upper and lower limbs, in consequence of suppressed itch. Euphorbium [Euph] Caries and other osseous diseases; burning in bones. Ferrum [Ferr] Cracking in joints; bones disposed to soften and bend; fracture unite slowly. Fluoric-acid [Fl-ac] Diseases of the bones, particularly of the long bones, suppurate and get (<) and (>) periodically, discharge thin and excoriating; pains (<) at night, with great prostration; panaritium; caries and necrosis on a syphilitic or psoric base; caries of temporal bone; dental fistulae. Gettysburg [Get] Ulceration of vertebrae or of joints, involving bones with acrid, excoriating, ichorous discharge (Carbonate of Lith., compare Sil.) Guaiacum [Guai] Rheumatic swelling of joints, aching of the bones with swelling; syphilis; caries and sponginess of bones; pressing pains in bones. Guarare [Guare] Stiffness of trunk; constriction of back; cutting pain in sacrum; caries of the bones with swelling of affected parts; cracking, cutting pains in the bones, (<) at night; pain in periosteum of arm-bones. Hecla-lava [Hecla] Osteitis, periostitis; exostoses osteosarcoma, rachitis; it affects mostly the bones of head, jaws, teeth and legs; difficult dentition. Helleborus [Hell] Stinging, boring in the periosteum, (<) in cool air. Hepar-sulph [Hep] Caries with watery, foul-smelling pus, hard, burning nodes on head, sore to touch, better covering head warmly and from sweat; glands inflame, swell and suppurate. Iodum [Iod] OSTEOMALACIA (Iod. in weekly alternation with Calc. carb.); night bone-pains; arthritic affections of the joints, with effusion and general emaciation. Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi] Scrofula; secondary syphilis with diseases of bones; necrosis; exostoses; (<) at night; bones of head feel sore, sharp stitches in bones; pain in os coccygis; (<) from walking or touch and on rising after long sitting; ulcers on fingers; with caries; bones feel bruised; cracking in joints from least motion. Kali-iod [Kali-i] Diseases of periosteum and capsular ligaments of joints; rachitic children with boring, darting pains in ears, whole head tender; pain in coccyx as from a fall; gnawing in hip-bones, forcing him to limp, (<) at night, lying on suffering part; distends all tissues by interstitial functions infiltration, tophi, exostoses, swelling of bones, combination of syphilis and mercury. Kreosotum [Kreos] Bad odor from decaying teeth; difficult dentition; pain in left hip-joint, as if it were luxated, with sensation as if the leg were too long, when standing. Ledum [Led] Periostitis, with blueness of feet, looking like chilblains,(>) by putting feet in ice-cold water (Puls); by warmth of bed.
Lactic-acid [Lac-ac]
Chronic osteitis; exostosis, especially of thighs; chicken- breast; rheumatic pains in bones, (<) on motion. Lithium-carb [Lith-c] Arthritis; bones; joints and muscles feel as if beaten. Lycopodium [Lyc] Arthritic nodosities; softening of the bones; caries and fistulous ulcers, with hard, red, shining everted edges and inflammatory swelling of parts affected, bleeding easily; nocturnal bone-pains, mostly at ends; sensation as if void of marrow; panaritium, with gastric affections. Manganum-acet [Mang] GREAT SENSITIVENESS OF BONES to the touch; osteitis and periostitis, with nightly unbearable digging pains; inflammation of joints with digging pains at night, especially ANKLES, so that children are unable to walk. Mercurius-cor [Merc-c] Necrosis of upper jaw; drawing in periosteum, swelling and tenseness, rapid progress of disease; OSTEOMYELITIS; perforating ulcers, which become phagedenic. Mercurius-sol [Merc] Bones diseases, (<) at night; bones feel as if they were broken. Mezereum [Mez] Scrofulosis and syphilis; dolores osteocopi with great tenderness of the parts affected; intolerable nightly burning pain in abscess of antrum Highmori, periosteum more affected with dull, crampy pain referred to malar bone, with anguish, pale face, cold sweat and anguish; cystic osteoma with burning pains and swelling, (<) at night; bones inflamed, swollen, especially shafts of cylindrical bones; soreness and burning in bones of thorax: bones feel distended. Natrum-sulph [Nat-s] Sycosis, pain in bones, cracking of joints, knees stiff. Nitric-acid [Nit-ac] Carious ulcers with irregular edges, exuberant granulations, easily bleeding, and stinging pains; pain in skull as if constricted by a tape, (<) evening and night, (>) from cold air and while riding in a carriage; carious teeth, easily falling out secondary syphilis.
Nitri-spiritus-dulcis [Nit-s-d]
Striking boring in the bones of the face, back and various parts of body; drawing in cranial bones, ankles and toes.
Phosphorus [Phos]
Rachitis, necrosis of lower jaw; exostosis, especially of the skull, with tearing pains, worse at night and from least touch; hip-joint disease, oozing a watery pus; swelling of clavicle, tibia, etc.; overexcitability of nervous system. It complements Sil. in bone diseases.
Phosphoric-acid [Ph-ac]
Caries of scrofulous or scorbutic patients, pains (<) after heat or cold; inflammation of the periosteum and bones of head, with gnawing, boring pains, compelling motion, bones of head ache, feel as if scraped; after external injury of periosteum, especially of tibia, feeling as if smarting pain, not with necrosis; external parts turn black; arthrocace of children; interstitial osteitis, scrofulous, syphilitic or mercurial. Phytolacca [Phyt] Bones inflamed and swollen; joints red and swollen; periosteum affected; ulcers with lardaceous bottom and with an appearance as if punched out, pus watery, foetid, ichorous, (<) in damp weather, at night; mercurio-syphilis; rupia; syphilitic rheumatism affecting fibrous tissues. Platinic-chlorid [Plat-m] Caries of the tarsus; caries of bones from syphilis and mercury. Psorinum [Psor] Caries, with deeply-penetrating ichorous ulcers, especially in pale, sickly, delicate children, whose bodies always have a filthy smell, even after a bath. Pulsatilla [Puls] Curvature of the spine, with open fontanelles in children; scraping or tingling pain in periosteum; jerking, boring in bones; (<) by cold water. Raphanus [Raph] Pain in bones when touched, especially in bones of left orbit, left nasal and maxillary bone, numbness of parts near painful bones; pains in vertebral column as if a foreign body passed through it from top to bottom. Rhus-tox [Rhus-t] Inflammation and swelling of the long bones; pains as if the flesh were torn loose from the bones, or as if the bones were being scraped; curvature of the dorsal vertebrae; crusty caries, combined with tetters. Ruta-grav [Ruta] FRAGILITAS OSSIUM, easy fractures of bones; bruises and mechanical injuries of periosteum and bones; burning; gnawing pain in bones of legs and feet, (<) during rest and damp weather; bruised feeling in hip-bones, back and coccyx; periostitis with erysipelatous inflammation of external parts; syphilitic nodes. Sabadilla [Sabad] Boring cutting in bones; intense pain in all bones, especially in joints, as if interior of bones were cut and scraped with a knife. Sabina [Sabin] Drawing pains through the long bones; tearing and stinging in joints after they become swollen, (<) in heated room, (<) in cool air, cold room; arthritic nodes. Sarsaparilla [Sars] Scrofulosis; bones pain after mercurialization or checked gonorrhoea,(<) at night, in damp weather, or after taking cold in water and from motion of affected part. Silicea [Sil] Inflammation swelling, ulceration and necrosis of bones; fistulous openings; discharging offensive pus; parts around it swollen, hard bluish red and sensitive to touch; fibrous parts of joints, especially of knee, inflamed, after a fall periostitis; erysipelas of scalp after injury to bones; caries tuberculosa; (>) by warmth, (<) by cold; curvature of spine and of bones.
Staphisagria [Staph]
Paedarthrocace; osteitis; especially of the phalanges of the fingers; caries following a syphilitic or arthritic node, or in broken down patients; painful ulcers with scanty or watery discharge; bone easily breaks down under the probe; skin for some distance around ulcer dusky red or brown, with vesicles or pinholes discharging a watery fluid; shooting, tearing or boring pains.
Stillingia [Still]
Scrofulous periostitis; syphilitic affections of long bones; pains (<) at night or in damp weather; syphilitic ozaena.
Strontia-carb [Stront-c]
Scrofulous osteitis of femur, with ulcers discharging more or less broken down bone; pains in long bones and in the marrow; profuse, exhausting watery diarrhoea, (<) at night; hectic fever.
Sulphur [Sulph]
Scrofulous and rickety complaints; curvature, softening, swelling, caries and other bones diseases; pains (<) from being covered.
Symphytum-off [Symph]
Periostitis traumatica, fractures of bones, which are irritable at point of fracture.
Syphilinum [Syph]
Curvature and caries of cervical spine, constant pain in curvature, (<) at night.
Tarentula-cubana [Tarent-c]
Bone felons; caries of bones with intense and PERSISTENT BURNING PAINS, (<) at night; bluish appearance of skin around the bone.
Theridion [Ther]
Scrofula, rachitis, caries or necrosis; bones pain as if they would fall asunder; coldness, cannot get warm; ozaena with yellowish-green, thick and offensive discharge; syphilis with gnawing pain in bones.
Thuja [Thuj]
Flesh feels as if beaten off the bones; spine curved, stands bent forward; joints crack when limbs are stretched; neuralgia from periostitis rheumatica. Vaccination often the cause of these late troubles.
Triosteum [Trio]
Aching in all the bones; stiffness of all the joints of upper and lower extremities.
Vinca [Vinc]
Arthritic tearing in the bones.


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