
Abrotanum [Abrot]
DEMENTIA; feebleness and dulness of mind; no capacity for thinking, as if all mental and bodily power were gone; good- humored, happy or gloomy and desponding; easily tired out by conversation or mental effort.
Aconite [Acon]
Great mental anxiety and physical tension; ailments from fright, anger, chagrin; gloomy, taciturn; afraid of a crowd or of crossing a busy street; fear of ghosts; apprehensive of the future and approaching death; restless, agonizing tossing about; MENTAL AND BODILY OVERSENSITIVENESS; mood peevish, irritable,malicious; delirium,patient weeping and laughing alternately; music unbearable, makes her quite mad.
AEthusa-cyn [Aeth]
IDIOCY, in some cases alternating with furor; cannot retain any idea; hallucinations; GOOD-NATURED FORENOON, ILL-HUMORED AND SAD AFTERNOON.
Agaricus [Agar]
DEMENTIA from mental palsy; cryptomania; fancy excited, makes verses, signs,talks, but does not answer questions; constant talking and laughing , considers himself immensely wealthy and happy ( second stage of dementia paralytica); mischievous melancholy, trying to do injury or damage from inward restlessness and anxiety; confusion of head, cannot find the right words and wants to be alone; frequently caused by mental overexcitement and worry; epilepsy.
Agnus-castus [Agn]
PUERPERAL INSANITY with suicidal tendencies, aversion to husband, babe and to all sexual intercourse, dissatisfied with herself and incapable of any mental or bodily exertion; absent- minded, cannot recollect things; anxious, fear and weakness.
Alcohol [Alco]
DEMENTIA PARALYTICA; INSANITY OF DRUNKARDS, weak and loitering gait, limp and uncertain movements of the whole body; tremulousness of lips and tongue, thickness and hesitancy of speech; uncertain expression of eyes; transcendent notions of wealth and power; tremors and muscular twitching; hemi- anaesthesia, amaurosis, epilepsy.
Alumina [Alum]
Consciousness of his personal identity confused apprehensive of losing his reason; EVEN IDEAS FORCE THEMSELVES ON HIM AGAINST HIS WILL; low spirits, trifling things appear insurmountable, desire to cut his throat, but fears death; time passes too slowly; variable mood, at one time confident at another timid; peevish and whining , with heat in the earlobes, cannot retain his urine; MENTAL SYMPTOMS (<) MORNINGS when awaking; HYPOCHONDRIASIS. Ambra [Ambr] MELANCHOLY; sits for days weeping , with weakness, loss of muscular power, pain in small of back and constipation, (<) in presence of other people; slow comprehension of old people, feel stupid. Ammonium-carb [Am-c] GREAT ANGUISH AS IF HE HAD COMMITTED A CRIME; loathing of life; makes frequent mistakes in speaking and writing; ill-humored during wet stormy weather; GREATER AVERSION TO WATER, CANNOT BEAR TO TOUCH IT; hearing others talk or talking himself affects him; gloomy, depressed, with sensation of coldness. Ammonium-mur [Am-m] Despondency; grief or irritable peevishness of fat, bloated and lax persons who are indolent and sluggish; BODY OFTEN LARGE AND FAT, WHILE LEGS ARE TOO THIN ; consequence of grief. Anacardium-occid [Anac-oc] PARALYSIS WITH IMBECILITY; loss of will, cannot control the voluntary muscles; does not know his surroundings; weak memory; head falls forward, difficult to keep it up; utters only unintelligible words; drinks run out of his mouth; respiration free, pulse slow,moderately full; body cool. Anacardium [Anac] Fearfulness about the future with presentiment of approaching misfortune and supposition that he is surrounded by enemies; despair,with a silly, helpless state of mind and extremely sluggish, awkward movements; inaptitude for work; tendency towards suicide by shooting. (Ant. crud.) imagines he HEARS VOICES OF PEOPLE WHO ARE FAR AWAY; irresistible desire to curse and swear; fixed ideas and hallucinations; FEELS AS IF HE HAD TWO WILLS, one commanding to do what the other forbids; laughs at serious things and is serious in the presence of ludicrous things; WANT OF MORAL AND RELIGIOUS SENTIMENT; cowardice and loss of will power, a slight offense makes him vehement, angry, malicious, wicked, cruel. Anthropophobia. DEMENTIA OF OLD PEOPLE, with rapid loss of memory and mental vigor; mental fatigue and brain-fag from overexertion; syphilitic mental debility. Anantherum-mur [Anan] IDIOTIC MONOMANIA FOR DOING THE SAME THING AND FREQUENTING THE SAME PLACES; laughs and sings, and sheds tears just as easily; ungovernable jealousy (Hyosc., Lach.) ; blunted intellect and loss of memory. Antimonium-crud [Ant-c] Loathing of life, suicide by shooting; great sadness and weeping, anxious reflection in relation to the present of future; MOONSTRUCK AND ECSTATIC LOVE, sentimental and distrustful; gastricismus. Antimonium-tart [Ant-t] Gayety and fury; senseless frenzy, with inclination to suicide; mental lassitude and weakness of mind; timid restlessness; walks constantly about; contradiction between mind and will. Apis-mell [Apis] Irresistible desire to run and jump, has delusion that he cannot walk (Helleb.); FULL OF JEALOUSY,INSANITY FROM SEXUAL CAUSES in women with great irritability of temper (the widow's remedy); nymphomania eccentric cheerfulness or despondency; fickle and inconsistent behaviour; great desire for milk, which relieves; pain, tenderness and dropsy of the ovaries, especially right one; scanty micturition; fear of death. Argentum-nit [Arg-n] Sycosis; incompetent to undertake either mental or bodily exertion, feels himself utterly bereft of all power of will fail; hypochondriasis with fixed delusions and illusions, fixes day of his death, when walking fears he will have fit and die; agoraphobia; awakens wife so that he can talk to somebody; ALWAYS HURRIED, MUST WALK VERY FAST, AFRAID OF BEING TOO LATE; suicidal sadness, but lacks courage; fear and excitement bring on diarrhoea (Gels.) Arnica [Arn] Traumatic insanity as after concussions of the brain; forgetful, absent-minded,thoughts wander from their objects and dwell on images and fancies; does not speak a word, SPITEFUL AND ILL- TEMPERED; indifferent and hopeless; great heat in head, body cool; awakes from heat and fears to sleep again. Arsenicum [Ars] INSANITY DUE TO PHYSICAL DISEASE AND CONSEQUENT EXHAUSTION: excessive anguish and irresoluteness; fear of ghosts, thieves, vermin and solitude, with desire to hide; hallucinations of smell of pitch and sulphur everywhere and anticipate consignment to School, and suicidal tendency especially by hanging; RELIGIOUS MELANCHOLIA, HOPELESSNESS AND DESPAIR; attacks of anxiety, driving him out of bed at night; restlessness, moves from place to place wants to go from one bed to another; rage to mutilate himself or others. Aurum [Aur] SUICIDAL IDEAS AND INSANITY FROM DEPRESSING EMOTIONAL TROUBLES; religious mania from hepatic disorders; syphilitic or syphilomercurial hypochondriasis; with quite demeanor he is in a sly way persistent on suicide; hallucinations of sight; ailments from grief,disappointed love; from mortification and vexation, with dread fear reserved displeasure or vehemence;religious anguish and longing for death, being unfit for this and the other world,though he prays all the time; has no confidence in himself and thinks others have none, and still disposed to grumble and to be quarrelsome, cannot bear sympathy or contradiction ; restless sleep, broken by frightful dreams; OFTEN ASKS QUESTIONS,JUMPING FROM ONE THING TO ANOTHER, without waiting for a reply. Rush of blood to head,palpitations, pollutions,otherwise patient in fair physical health, and (>) in fresh air and out-door exercise.
Baptisia [Bapt]
MELANCHOLIA ATTONITA, mental fag; stupor with profound and rapid physical degeneration,often delusion that their bodies are scattered and that they cannot hold them together; uneasy, gloomy, cast down, head feels very heavy; PERFECT INDIFFERENCE, DOES NOT CARE TO DO ANYTHING, inability to fix the mind to anything, weak mind, want of power to think.
Baryta-carb [Bar-c]
SENILE DEMENTIA, mental and physical debility; mental weakness and TIMIDITY OF DWARFISH WITH UNDEVELOPED BRAIN, who learn with difficulty because they cannot remember; forgetful, in the midst of a speech the most familiar words fail him; loss of memory, especially for recent events, groaning and murmuring, pusillanimous; peculiar dread of men, imagines she is laughed at, which frightens her, full of anxiety and evil forebodings about the most trivial affairs; no self-confidence, fears to undertake anything; full of delusions, thinks his legs are cut off, and that he walks on his knees; aversion to strangers, FEAR OF AND IN THE PRESENCE OF OTHERS.
Baryta-mur [Bar-m]
MANIA WITH INCREASED SEXUAL DESIRE, dejection and dread of men; nymphomania from uterine and ovarian disorders, even in idiotic women.
Belladonna [Bell]
Patient wishes others to destroy him, will beg physicians and attendants to do so, hence SUICIDE BY DROWNING; he will sit quietly and break pins, paper, etc., between his fingers into very short pieces,disinclination to talk or very fast talking; mania , at one time merry, again would spit and bite at those around him; forth and foam at the mouth; burning thirst, bur aversion to drink on account of difficult deglutition (Lyssa); sees ghosts, animals, insects and hideous faces; is afraid of imagining things and tries to hide himself; memory lively remembers things long gone by; foolish gesticulations, wild eyes, with fixed furious look, starting and twitching; very excitable mood; drinks hastily; tears his breast to work off his over- excitement nervous state; worse at night, and at 3 P.M.
Berberis [Berb]
EVERYTHING LOOKS TWICE ITS NATURAL SIZE ( Plat., everything looks small); melancholy and inclination to weep; mental labor very difficult, the least interruption breaks the chain of thoughts; hepatic and arthritic complaints, affection of urinary organs,menstrual derangements.
Bismuth [Bism]
DESIRE FOR COMPANY, SOLITUDE IS UNBEARABLE; anguish, cannot remain long in one place; headache, (<) in winter season; gastric troubles with languor and prostration. Bryonia [Bry] Melancholy, with fear the future in his domestic or business affairs, even at night he dreams of business; great depression and morose mood, perhaps from some hepatic affection; irritable mood, wishes to be left alone, has no desire to move, although he feels better out-doors; great forgetfulness. Cactus [Cact] Great and unconquerable sadness; hypochondria and melancholy; irresistible desire to weep, does not like to talk; constant and great fear of death; irritable, wants people to keep their consolations for themselves; frequent palpitations of the heart, with a corresponding palpitation, so to speak, in the top of the head. Calcarea-carb [Calc] INSANITY OF DRUNKARDS, from repulsion of skin diseases; great emaciation or obesity; anxious , timid, full of fear, cannot bear to be alone in the dark, (<) at twilight and during night,delusions of murder, hallucinations of fire, rats and mice; fear of losing reason or that people would observe her confusion of mind; apprehensive mood of some impending misfortune, and every emotional excitement causes anxious perspiration, especially nocturnal sweat about the head and flying heat through body; ill- humor, obstinacy, restlessness, trembling of limbs; is fearfully affected by tales of cruelty, causing nightmare; (<) by close application of mind and in the evening, easily chilled and takes cold easily. Calcarea-flour [Calc-f] Great depression of spirit, avarice,feeling of anxiety about money, thinks he will come to want; sharp, lancinating pains in hepatic region, (<) when lying on painful side or sitting, (>) walking, bleeding piles.
Calcarea-phos [Calc-p]
DEMENTIA IN YOUNG PERSONS OR IN MASTURBATORS; total loss of memory, writes wrong words; wishes to be at home,and when there wants to go out,from place to place; does not want to do what he has to do ; easily frightened and depressed.
Camphora [Camph]
Puerperal rage, uses indecent language, strikes and bites; always in haste, strips herself and wants to jump out with the window; dread of being alone in the dark; lochia suppressed with erethism of sexual system, followed by exhaustion and collapse; (<) at night, from motion and from cold. Cannabis-ind [Cann-i] Hallucinations and imaginations constantly changing; great exaltation of mind, at times with enthusiastic language; full of fun and mischief; incoherent talking very absent-minded; laughs indiscriminately at every word; inability to recall any thought or event on account of different thoughts crowding his mind; exaggeration of the duration of time and extent of space; horror of darkness, great anguish and despair; moaning and crying; great fear of approaching death, or of becoming insane; voices. including her own, seem to come from a distance; forgets when speaking what she is going to say; feels at time as if were somebody else; seems to be in a dream, as if things were not real; puerperal mania,with visions and phantoms which do not frighten her. Cantharis [Canth] Hallucinations, especially at night; deliria of people long dead; fits a rage, with crying , barking and striking, renewed by the sight of bright, dazzling objects; worse when touching the larynx,or when trying to drink water AMOROUS FRENZY, intense erethism of sexual organs,impelling him to seek immediate physical gratification ; masturbation; scanty urine or frequent micturition; strangury. Capsicum [Caps] HOMESICKNESS, with a disposition to suicide, with redness of cheeks, sleeplessness; he is taciturn,peevish and restless,easily offended,takes everything in bad part; obstinacy; cloudiness of intellect CHILDREN BECOME CLUMSY, AWKWARD, EVEN IDIOTIC. Carbo-veg [Carb-v] Indigestion and dyspepsia of drunkards, leading to confusion of the head; nightly fear of ghosts , stupor and finally dementia; indifference, hears everything without feeling pleasantly or unpleasantly about it; irritable and despondent , wants to blow his brains out; periodical want of memory with confusion of head ; FRIGHTFUL HALLUCINATIONS IN THE DARK. Causticum [Caust] Frightful hallucinations as soon as he closes his eyes; melancholy from care, grief and sorrow, she looks upon the dark side of everything; full of timorous fancies at twilight, child fears to go to bed alone, MENTAL ALIENATION AFTER SUPPRESSION OF ERUPTIONS ; great anxiety of conscience and at the heart, as if she had committed a bad action , or as if some misfortune impended. irritable and provoked at trifles; absence of mind,indolence,lassitude, great heat of skin, dryness of mouth and fauces; constipation. Chorea,epilepsy,hysteria; sensation as if there were an empty space between the brain and skull. Chamomilla [Cham] A morbidly sensitive nervous system; melancholia,. with constant moaning and muttering to herself; walks all the time, looking down; is disinclined to talk and angry if any one speaks to her, tries to get away from her friends if they seek to comfort her; sleepless at night and uneasy during the day. Chelidonium [Chel] Horrible anguish by day and by night as if she had killed somebody; anxiety takes away all pleasure for her labor; pit of stomach and left hypochondrium sore to touch; no appetite or thirst; bitter taste; stools hard, whitish-yellow; often vertigo as if she would fall forward; flushes of heat in face palpitation, with oppression in chest. China [Chin] Fixed idea that he is unhappy, compelled to jump out of bed, wants to destroy himself but lacks courage; dislike to all mental or physical exertion; indifference, apathy, taciturnity, inclined to reproach and irritation with slowness of ideas; hallucinations on closing eye which disappear when eyes are opened. Cicuta [Cic] Attacks of inability to collect his senses, with thoughtless, staring fixed look and vanishing of sight; indifference to everything, confounds the present with the past; everything about him appears strange and frightful; childish humor, in which he finds everything lovely and attractive like a toy; insane dancing, laughing and clapping of hands at night, with violent heat and redness of face; quite disposition,contented, happy; easily affected by sad stories. Cimicifuga [Cimic] EPILEPTIC INSANITY; remarkable heat in the back of the head, extending down the back; sensation as if a heavy black cloud had settled all over her and enveloped her head,so that all was darkness and confusion, while at the same time it weighed like lead on her head; desire for solitude or to wander from place to place,answers questions hurriedly and evasively; frequent sighing; indifferent, taciturn, takes no interest in anything ; fear of death and still suicidal mood; suspicious of everything, will not take her medicine; hysteria and melancholia, with frequent changes of heart and cold in different parts of the body; sleeplessness on account of frightful dreams leading to sudden, starting up in sleep; great anxiety about one's self without knowing why; alternate empty and full feeling in head; nervous tremors, like a chill, without actually feeling cold; prickling in the fingers; small, quick, irregular pulse, frequently icy-cold hands and feet; mental depression, amounting to even suicidal tendency; mania puerperalis; mania following disappearance of neuralgia; from business failure or disappointed love; after abortion of confinement, after drunken sprees; dizzy when rising in the morning with pain over eyes; nausea and occasional vomiting; delirium, tremens. insomnia, incessant talking with constant change of subject, must move about despite the intense prostration. Cina [Cina] Optical illusions in bright colors,sees imaginary things, screams and talks hurriedly; easily offended from slightest joke; anguish about heart as if had committed some evil deed, when walking in open air; chorea epilepsy; (<) at night. Clematis-erect [Clem] Ailments from HOMESICKNESS or contrition of spirit; low- spirited and fear of approaching misfortune; fear of being alone, but disinclined to meet even agreeable company; great debility, vibratory sensation through the whole body, after lying down; uneasy sleep,dreaming and tossing about. Coca [Coca] Mental and physical lack of will to do anything; excessively phlegmatic and pathetic; slow finding the words to express himself; mood changeable, mostly very morose; unbridled passion for brandy. Cocculus [Cocc] Suits especially bookworms and sensitive romantic girls, with irregular menstruation, also onanists, rakes and other debilitated persons; melancholy and sadness, with weeping and constant profound absorption in sorrowful though; great apprehensive anxiety of conscience and at the heart as after committing a wicked deed, with propensity to escape; joylessness and discouragement; tearful chagrin about the least trifle; changeable humor, frequent lively contentment, talkativeness,with witty joking; spasms and convulsions,extreme weakness , even to fainting, worse from sleeping (Lach.) from wine, smoking, riding in a carriage; great dread of the cold open air; times passes too quickly (Can. Ind., time passes too slowly); ILL EFFECTS OF DISAPPOINTED AMBITION, OF ANGER AND GRIEF, indulges in sad reveries, is sensitive to slights, insults and disappointment. Colchicum [Colch] Gouty diathesis; alternately excited or depressed; loss of memory; great desire for mental and bodily rest; intense melancholia, peevish and dissatisfied. Conium [Con] SENILE DEMENTIA, AILMENTS OF OLD MAIDS AND WIDOWS FROM UNGRATIFIED SEXUAL DESIRE; FOLIE CIRCULAIRE, alternate excitement and depression; cannot endure any kind of excitement, it brings on physical and mental depression, weakness; inability to sustain any mental efforts, excessive difficulty to recollect things, especially dates; DESIRE FOR SOLITUDE AND UNSYMPATHIZING INSENSIBILITY FROM INDOLENCE; aversion to company and yet averse to being alone is inclined to abuse company, scolds and will not bear contradiction; chilliness, frequent spasmodic motions; weak sexual power and frequent pollutions; anaemia of brain. Crocus-sat [Croc] Extravagant ideas and great loquacity, jumping, dancing, laughing, whistling, very AFFECTIONATE, WANTS TO KISS EVERYBODY; witty, uncommon mirth and cheerfulness; alternation of excessive, happy,affectionate tenderness and great ill-humor and rage, quarrelsome mood with great repentance, great timidity, haemorrhages; sleepiness, great prostration, with dilated pupils and obstruction of sight; obstinate constipation, caused by stagnation on portal system. Crotalus [Crot-h] INCIPIENT STAGE OF SENILE DEMENTIA; mental delusions, such as mistakes in keeping accounts or writing letters, forgetfulness in figures, names and places; awaking at night struggling with imaginary foes; thinks he is the prey of enemies or of hideous animals; dislike to members of his own family; marked indifference and apathy, seems only half alive fits of drowsiness of coma; apoplexy in broken-down constitutions or inebriates. Cuprum [Cupr] Mania, with biting and tearing things to pieces; insane foolish gestures of imitation and mimicry; full of insane spiteful tricks, illusions of imagination , does not recognize his own family; unhappy apprehensive anxiety and despair; absence of thought and weakness of memory; stupidity and insensible in a corner; patient shrinks with fear, drawing himself away from every one who approaches him; praecordial anguish,pale,miserable look,general chilliness, no relieved by heat; decrease of brain functions. Cyclamen [Cycl] MENTAL DERANGEMENT AT CLIMAXIS; vertigo with pain in head and nausea, (<) in right temple, but extending all over head; answers incoherently; disposition to weep; fear of death; faeces and urine pass unconsciously and involuntarily; ailments from inward grief and terrors of conscience. Digitalis [Dig] Profound great melancholy, worse by music, with frequent sighing and WEEPING BRING RELIEF; gloomy, morose,ill humor,great fear of the future; insane obstinacy and disobedience with desire to escape; patient dull and lethargic, pupils widely dilated and all sensibility to light and touch seems lost; chronic heart disease;pulse full , regular or but slightly intermittent and VERY SLOW. When rallying from his stupor the patient moans greatly and his eyes all afloat in tears, with relief from the lachrymation. Dulcamara [Dulc] Imbecility more frequent than insanity; mental confusion, cannot concentrate his thoughts; inclination to scold without being angry; asks for one thing or another to reject in when proffered; hasty speech and hasty drinking. Euphorbium [Euph] TEMPORARY ATTACKS OF CRAZINESS, insists upon saying his prayers at the tail of his horse; knows his freaks and wants to be by himself and in silence,imagines he sees the same man walking after him that he sees walking before him; vertigo when standing or walking in open air. Ferrum-phos [Ferr-p] Transitory mania depending upon hyperaemia of the brain; severe headache, soreness in vertex, general soreness of scalp, great nervousness at night; blinding headache, (<) on stooping. Fluoric-acid [Fl-ac] Aversion to his own family,bordering on insanity, but knows enough to behave well to strangers; discontent and excessive ill- humor followed by indifference and forgetfulness, and finally by perfect contentment and uncommonly gay disposing of mind. Gelsemium [Gels] MELANCHOLIA STUPIDA DURING ITS EARLY STAGES, after protracted work and anxiety after night-watching with loss of sleep,after excess in alcohol; after grief ; depression of spirits, hates consolation, wants to be let alone and brood over real or imaginary loss; inability to attend to anything requiring mental effort; great lack of courage and fear of death; dull heavy pains in head and neck; intense prostration of muscular system. Glonoinum [Glon] ACUTE DEMENTIA, religious mania; well-known streets seem strange, forgets where she lives, attempts to run away, fear of death of being poisoned; disinclined to speak, would hardly answer; bad effects from mental excitement, fright, fear,mechanical contusions; congestion alternately to head and heart; head hot, body and feet cold; head feels larger and throbs. Graphites [Graph] Herpetic constitution; tendency to obesity from faulty nutrition, timidity, fidgety while sitting at work; extreme hesitation, she is unable to make up her mind about anything; very fretful,everything angers and offends him; absent-minded and slow in thoughts, sad despondent, music makes her weep; solicitude concerning spiritual welfare; full of fear in the morning, feels miserably unhappy; hates work; ailments, from grief. Helleborus [Hell] ACUTE IDIOCY AS WELL AS CHRONIC IDIOCY AND CRETINISMUS; diminished power of mind over body, cannot fix ideas,slow in answering, stares unintelligently; muscles fail to act properly if will is not strongly fixed upon their action; depression of sensory and obtuseness of intellectual faculties; STUBBORN SILENCE; fixed delusions and hallucinations, especially towards morning; demoniac melancholy, sees spirits at night; woeful despairing mood, with tendency to drawn himself; irritable, easily made angry, (<) from consolation; homesickness; anxiousness about heart, which prevents him from resting anywhere; want of bodily irritability; cold hands and feet, coldness of whole body, can bear neither heat nor cold; pale, sallow complexion. Helonias [Helon] Profound melancholy, restlessness, wants to be continually moving about, cannot endure the least contradiction, is fault- finding from a sensation of undefined soreness and weight in the uterus, A CONSCIOUSNESS OF A WOMB; she feels better when her mind is engaged and she is doing something ; dragging weakness in small of back, prolapsus uteri, or dislocation (Murex). Hepar-sulph [Hep] Hyperaesthesia, maniacal paroxysms, with QUICK, HASTY SPEECH; extreme discontent, indisposition to everything; wrathful irritability, even to the most extreme violence, threatening to end in murder and arson; terrific vision of dead persons; DEMENTIA, with complete stupid, sits silent and speechless in a corner. Hyoscyamus [Hyos] ACUTE MANIA with extreme excitation of sensorium and abnormal impulses; impatience liveliness, talkativeness, tells everything; great inclination to laugh; LASCIVIOUS SHAMELESSNESS AND GOING ABOUT NAKED ( pruritus pudendi, pruritus of the skin, (>) by the cooling fresh air); insulting shouting, brawling, ungovernable rage, with exhibition of unusual strength and great muscular activity; all objects larger, a straw looks like a beam, etc.; senseless apathy and indolence, refuse to speak, makes no complaints and has no wants; more dejection, despair, fear of being poisoned and refuse food, or of being bitten by animals; epileptoid spasms, rush of blood to head with sparkling eyes and fixed look; spasms of pharynx and dread of drinks; face only slightly flushed,pupils dilated; restless sleep, he lies awake for hours, every little noise disturbs him; debility and great prostration on every attempt to move, (<) after eating, though bulimy might be present; UNFORTUNATE DISAPPOINTED LOVE, WITH JEALOUSY AND EXCITED SEXUAL DESIRES. Hypericum [Hyper] Mental depression following nerve injuries; conclusions, spinal affections, trismus and tetanus following wounds of nerves or a blow on head; irritable and despondent; sees spirits and spectres; tympanitis; spasmodic jerking of lower limbs. Ignatia [Ign] Emotional instability, rapid alteration between hilarity and desire to weep; inward grief disappointed love or mortification,loves solitude; senseless staring at one object with sighing and moaning; remorse about imaginary crimes, intolerance to noise,sensitive mood and delicate conscientiousness, great tendency to have fixed ideas, but she hides her grief and her delusions from others. Iodum [Iod] Great fear of people, restless moving about from place to place; gloomy mood,despondency, anguish, oppression of chest; excessive nervous irritability; violent orgasm of blood, with uneasy trembling, extending from stomach to all parts of periphery; spasmodic palpitation of heart, sleeplessness, emaciation with ravenous appetite. Kali-arsen [Kali-ar] MELANCHOLIA; scolding, morose, retired, jealous, discontended; indifferent to everything; eyes have a fixed look; face looks frightened and anxious; aloud noise or unexpected motion throws her whole body in a tremor. Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi] Anthropophobia, anxiety arising from chest; ill-humor even to disgust of life, indifference with distress in stomach; fretfulness, weakness, aversion to business; frequent vanishing of thoughts with senseless staring at an object; great weakness of memory. Kali-brom [Kali-br] Profound melancholia, often from anaemia, depressed, low- spirited with weeping; extreme despondency; imagines he is singled out as an object of Divine wrath, that his honor is at stake, that he is to be murdered; constant worry, fears to see people or to be spoken to, always (<) when trying to sit quietly; inability to concentrate the mind on any subject; failure of mental and bodily strength with consequent despondency; pricking sensation all over body; CONSTANTLY BUSY tying his shoes, fumbling in his pockets, picking threads, etc. Kali-carb [Kali-c] Tearful humor, with feeling of loneliness and desire for company; timid and apprehensive of the future, easily frightened with shrieks about imaginary hallucinations; peevishness with intolerance of the human voice; obstinacy; changeable humor; deficiency of expression; is at a loss to say what she wishes; dread of labor; paresis, trembling; horrid dreams, with frequency awaking and urinating. Kali-iod [Kali-i] Melancholia; irritable and harsh; passionate and spiteful; torturing feeling of anguish preventing, sleep ; inclined to sadness and weeping, with constant apprehension of impending evil. Kali-mur [Kali-m] Sad, apathetic, with chilliness in evening; habitual loss of appetite; HE ABSOLUTELY REFUSES TO TAKE FOOD OR IMAGINES HE MUST STARVE; intoxication from the smallest quantity of wine or beer; causing congestion, (>) from nosebleed.
Kali-phos [Kali-p]
Suspiciousness; mental depression, showing itself by vexation, irritability; fearfulness, weeping mood, timidity; RELIGIOUS MANIA; weariness of life and fear of death; from overstrain of mind or from exhausting drainings affecting nerve centres of spinal cord. HOMESICKNESS and morbid sensitiveness.
Kreosotum [Kreos]
Stupid feeling in head, with vacant gaze, neither seeing nor hearing,sorrowful mood; inclined to weep, and longing for death; music and other emotional causes impel him to weep.
Lachesis [Lach]
HYPERTHYMIA; thinks herself under superhuman control; great weakness of memory and forgetfulness; incapability of thinking; MENTAL LAZINESS; amentia; delirium from watching, fatigue after fevers of a low type, from loss of fluid, excessive study; loquacious, with mocking jealousy; frightful images, satirical; talks, signs, whistles, makes odd motions jumps rapidly from one object to another; ecstasy unto crying; peevish, morose and quarrelsome; great inclination to grief, looks at everything in the blackest color; anxious timidity as if some great evil were impending; doubts all truth and experience; dread of recovery and of death, fears to go to bed; suicidal mood, tired of life, with fears of death; thinks she is dead and that preparations are made for her funeral; great malice and spiteful tricks, all his thoughts tending to the injury of others, even murder, accompanied by cardiac affections, lassitude, chilliness, emaciation, sickly pale complexion; lasciviousness and sexual desire, with weakness of the parts; restless and uneasy to be off somewhere all the time; climaxis.
Laurocerasus [Laur]
Extreme despondency or lively, joyous mood; forgets very easily from the constant confusion in his head; fear and anxiety about imaginary evils; nervous agitation; rotary vertigo; sensation of coldness in forehead and vertex; want of energy of the vital powers and want of reaction.
Lilium-tigr [Lil-t]
UTERINE DEMENTIA; doubts here salvation, walks floor day and night, (<) by consolation sexual desire; curses and uses obscene language; head confused and heavy; vertigo (<) walking. Lycopodium [Lyc] MELANCHOLY AND HYPOCHONDRIASIS IN MILD CHARACTERS; loss of confidence in himself and in others; MISERLY DISPOSITION, MISANTHROPY; flies even from his own children; oversensitive and irritable, even to the most violent rage, obstinate, defiant, arbitrary; extreme indifference and insensibility to external impression; TORPOR OF MIND; laughing and weeping in alternation; difficult digestion, intestinal and hepatic torpor; absent-minded,supposed to be in two places at the same time; uses wrong words; great weakness ; early and profuse menses; baldness; mental disturbances in the latter stages of phthisis pulmonalis, with emaciation from malassimilation and night-sweats. Mancinella [Manc] Melancholy homesickness; about midnight, attacks of fear and trembling; afraid of evil spirits, of being taken hold of by the devil; sleeplessness; pressing in cardiac region, hard beats of heart, followed by faintishness with darkening before the eyes; pulse slow and soft; tetters. Melilotus [Meli] Hyperchondriasis; full of hallucinations; is possessed by the evil spirit; bloatedness of abdomen, with a crawling sensation as of worms; horrible,oppressive headache; nausea and faintishness; muscular jactitation; REDNESS OF FACE, WITH ACTIVE MELANCHOLIA, even to fury; religious melancholia. Mercurius [Merc] Excessive restless and anguish, particularly at night, of impending misfortune; indifference to everything, even to taking his desire to escape and to run home; mania, with tearing everything to pieces, and aversion to fluid; amentia, with absurd talk and actions; tricks, foolishness and mischievous jokes of all kinds, with senseless ,disguising actions; buffoonish insanity; suspicious, disturbed mood; lassitude and prostration, great heaviness of head, cutting pains in abdomen, restless, full of heavy dreams. Mercurius-auratus [Merc-aur] Syphilitic melancholia; apprehensive of some fearful accident, FILTHY HABITS, EATS MANURE; imagines he is enduring the tortures of hell. Mezereum [Mez] Hypochondriacal sadness; great disgust for life and looking for death; sensitive peevishness, with pale, miserable, sunken look; indetermination; attacks of thoughtless staring, fixed look for hours together; apprehensiveness felt at the pit of the stomach, indifference to everybody and everything. Moschus [Mosch] Suitable to spoiled, sensitive natures and hysteric women; tearful vexation and peevishness, with violent quarreling, even to the most extreme malice and rage; great bustling, during which everything falls out of his hand from weakness; thoughtless, with foolish gestures and complaints of pain; sudden loss of memory , with complete inability to collect his senses; great tendency to get frightened, trembling, palpitation of heart and dread of death. Naja-tripudians [Naja] Depression and forgetfulness; consciousness of some duty to be performed, but attended with an unaccountable inclination not to do it; sadness intense frontal headache, fluttering of heart and spinal pains; grasping of throat with sensation of choking and livor of face; suicidal insanity. Natrum-carb [Nat-c] Hypochondriasis, great weakness of the digestive organs with very bad humor after a meal; trouble after drinking; aversion to mankind and society; phlegmatic flaccidity; dislike to talk and work, want of sympathy and disgust of life; trembling and feeling of faintness; great sadness attack of anxiety, (<) from music and during a thunderstorm; great timidity; avarice. Natrum-mur [Nat-m] MELANCHOLY; likes to dwell on past unpleasant occurrences; weeps on being merely looked at, and rejects consolation (Puls., patient seeks consolation), joyless indifference and indolent indisposition to talk; quarrelsome fretfulness, gets into a passion about trifles; attacks of great cheerfulness and merry disposition, with inclination to laugh, dance and sing; great distraction in all forgetfulness; awkwardness; sexual desire, with frequent erections and pollutions; palpitation of heart, predominant chilliness,inclined to sweat, suits anaemic women with thin, worn face and general emaciation. Natrum-sulph [Nat-s] GREAT RESTRAINT NECESSARY NOT TO DO HIMSELF BODILY HARM; aversion to life; great sadness and despondency, with irritability and dread of music, which makes her weep and melancholic; mental troubles coming on from a JAR OR KNOCK ON THE HEAD OR A FALL OR INJURIES ABOUT THE HEAD, causing concussion or other affections of the brain. Nux-moschata [Nux-m] Dementia, irresistible inclination to laugh; insane intoxication; wandering talk, with extraordinary gestures and loud voice; foolish gestures, with absence of mind; indolent march of ideas and slow recollection, fatuity; sleepiness and fainty, weak digestion; cool, dry skin. Nux-vomica [Nux-v] Insanity, with perverted talk and actions, frightful visions at night, murmuring delirium; disgust of life, with palpitation of heart; peevish and solicitous about his health; stubbornness and obstinate resistance; irascible and violent, with malice and spiteful tricks; dislike to mental work after mental overexertion; oversensitiveness to external impressions. Depression following overstimulation. OEnanthe-crocata [Oena] Profound disturbance of intellectual faculties, mania, delirium tremens, most painful spasms; excessive excitement, she talked to herself, swore and blasphemed while at the same time time she was seized with convulsive laughter; extreme restlessness; confusion of intellect, even stupor and coma; convulsions of the mouth, face and extremities with unconsciousness, restlessness, exhaustion and debility after the fit; cold sweats. Oleander [Olnd] Absent-minded and slowness of perception; utter indolence and aversion to do anything; cannot bear the slightest handling and gets enraged if touched by any one; breathing oppressed and heavy; head hanging down constantly; itching of scalp, with constant desire to scratch it; rumbling and flatulency of bowels; hard difficult stool; urine brown. Opium [Op] Fantastical insanity, with frightful visions congregating around his bed and tormenting him; talks in a confused manner; commits indecent actions; cheerfulness and feeling of great strength; vivid hallucinations of sight; contempt of death; rioting hilarity, with buffoonery and subsequent angry savageness or tearful sorrowfulness; instability and imbecility of will; indifference to joy and suffering; complete dementia, does not recognize his own relatives; excessive debility, stupor, frequent sweats and eruptions on skin; diminished secretion of urine. Suitable to old bummers, to old people inclined to apoplexy and paralysis; heavy, unrefreshing sleep or sleepless but stupid (Gels.) Palladium [Pall] Mental exhaustion, everything is too much exertion; time seems long to him inclination to weep; WOUNDED PRIDE, easily out of humor and uses then strong expression; fond of good opinion of others; (<) from any mental exertion or excitement, as on the day following an evening entertainment. Petroleum [Petr] Thinks that another persons lies besides him or that one limb is double; sadness and despondency; excessive irresoluteness; weakness of memory; violent starting from trivial causes; head feels numb, as if made from wood and bruised; vertigo and nausea when stooping or when rising from a recumbent position; twitching of limbs; weak unto faintness. Phosphorus [Phos] SOFTENING OF BRAIN, with persistent headache; slow in replies irritable weakness and somnambulism; great fear and anxiety, especially towards evening , with frightful delusions and hallucinations, (<) especially hearing and smell, followed by prostration, disgust of life and repugnance to the world; great irritability of mind and tendency to be easily startled; changeable humor, spasmodic laughter and weeping; SATYRIASIS AND NYMPHOMANIA IN OLD PEOPLE, WITH INSANE SHAMELESSNESS, expose themselves and want to go naked; delirious fancies about his own person (SECOND AND THIRD STAGES OF DEMENTIA PARALYTICA) with mania de grandeur ; tuberculosis. Picric-acid [Pic-ac] NEURASTHENIA WITH ANAEMIA; dementia; imbecility with total abolition of memory and reason; great indifference; lack of will- power to undertake anything; desire to sit still without taking any interest in anything mental prostration after the least intellectual work; anaesthesia and weakness of lower extremities; (>) in recumbent position ( Picrate of Ammonia ).
Piper-meth [Pip-m]
(Kava Kava). Nervous prostration, constant fear of something happening; hallucinations and dulness after headache; dizziness and black spots before eyes; ringing in ears; fantastic ideas and a strong desire to skip about.
Platina [Plat]
Nymphomania; puerperal melancholia and mania; indifference, does not care for anybody; low-spirited,reserved fearful; inconsolable violent weeping; praecordial anguish, with palpitation and fear of death and of imaginary forms ghosts; nervous excitement. PRIDE, ARROGANCE, considers everybody below her; vacillation; attacks of cheerfulness, increased feelings of strength; inclination to embrace everybody; slight vexation affects the patient for a long time; anxious WHEN IN COMPANY; dulness or absence of mind; ill-humor in the morning (Pallad., evening); everything seems too narrow and strange; the thought of death horrifies the patient, any serious thought is displeasing; mental symptoms associated with gastric symptoms, both originating in sexual sphere, worse afternoon and evening; alternate appearance of the symptoms of body and mind, as soon as one group predominates, the other ceases.


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