OTITIS AND OTORRHOEA [Otitis and otorrhoea]:


Aconite [Acon]
Earache and inflammation of ear. (<) at night, pain extremely severe, and extreme sensitiveness to noise, roaring in ears, music unbearable, child restless, anxious; external ear hot and red, meatus red and narrowed, painfully sensitive, temperature sand pulse high, respiration hurried, burning skin and thirst. Agaricus [Agar] Redness, burning and itching of ears, as if they had been frozen; spasm of pharyngeal and tympanic muscles; twitching and rattling or fluttering in (right) tympanic cavity; jumping or tensor tympani, sounding like a leather-covered metal valve; creaking in both ears on empty swallowing; at every attempt at swallowing a creaking sound in both ears, as of a wooden screw. Antimonium-crud [Ant-c] Moist eruption on external ear and behind it; scrofulous otorrhoea; chronic catarrhal otitis media with heat and tension, (<) by heat. Apis-mell [Apis] Redness and swelling of both ears, OTITIS, AFTER SCARLATINA, desquamation completely ceased, traces of albumen in urine, violent pain in left ear when chewing. Apium-grav [Ap-g] Thin, watery otorrhoea with pulsating and pounding in ears, more left, without pain or disturbing the hearing. Arnica [Arn] HAEMATOMA OF AURICLE. Hard hearing from concussion; great sensitiveness to loud sounds, with pain in ears; noises in ears from rush of blood to head; bruised pain in ears, stitches in and behind ears, which are very dry; suppurating otitis with stupor; discharge of blood from ear. Arsenicum [Ars] Otitis externa diffusa; burning and itching, (<) scratching, (>) by heat; tissues of meatus red, infiltrated, oozing clear, watery fluid, or tissues are dry, thin and scurfy. Otorrhoea with profuse, ichorous, foul discharge, accompanied by burning-itching in canal and crawling sensations in ears; red, burning pustules which turn into painful ulcers; stitching-tearing from left meatus outward, (<) evening. HARDNESS OF HEARING, CANNOT HEAR THE HUMAN VOICE, and unusual sensitiveness to sound, (<) by talking to others (Magn. mur., Zinc.). Asafoetida [Asaf] Otorrhoea with offensive discharge and diseased bones, after scarlatina or abuse of mercury. Asarum-europ [Asar] Oversensitiveness of nerves, scratching of linen or silk unbearable; dull roaring in left ear like a distant tornado, distinct singing in right ear; catarrhal deafness in ears, with sensation as if plugged up by some foreign substance; right auricle hot to touch. Aurum-met [Aur] CARIES OF MASTOID PROCESS AND OSSICULA (Nitr. ac.); suppurative inflammation of middle ear, burning, pricking itching in ears, (<) at night by uncovering and at rest; (>) by motion, washing, by going into open air, even in bad weather; obstinate foetid otorrhoea; extremely offensive ozaena; swollen parotids, painful to touch; annoying dryness in ears and nose, with difficult hearing; boring pain behind ear; oversensitive to noise, but music relieves; depressed and melancholic.
Baryta-carb [Bar-c]
Otitis externa scrofulosa, thick crust on and behind ears, small flat tubercles behind ears, eruption on lobes of ears; tearing, boring, drawing in front of right ear; itching in ears; buzzing and ringing in ears, reverberations, (<) swallowing, sneezing, walking fast; VERY IMPRESSIBLE TO CATCH COLD. Baryta-mur [Bar-m] ABNORMAL OPEN CONDITION OF THE EUSTACHIAN TUBE; cracking in one ear when swallowing, sneezing; reverberation in ear on blowing nose violently; (<) at night when lying on affected side; otorrhoea after repeated otitis, discharge smells like rotten cheese; abscess behind ears; scrofulous glandular swellings. Belladonna [Bell] ACUTE OTITIS MEDIA, or when acute symptoms arise in chronic disease; OTALGIA, SHARP PAINS IN AND AROUND EARS, sometimes excited by chewing; lacerating from above downward in external and internal ear; earache, with boring and screwing in ears; violent tearing pain spread from external ear backward and forward to whole side of face; extreme sensibility of hearing; very sensitive to noise; deafness as if a skin were drawn over ears; red and hot face; parotitis; inflammation of glands about the ears, tearing and stitching. Berberis [Berb] Pimples and nodosities on auricle, painful to touch; tumor behind ear; tearing and stitching in ears through membrana tympani, as if a nail were thrust through, or as from the sting of an insect, beating and fluttering noise in ear. Borax [Bor] SUBACUTE OTITIS with much purulent and offensive discharge; lancinating pains in head, itching of occiput, diminished hearing; noises, especially in left ear; every PAROXYSM OF PAIN CAUSED THE CHILD TO START NERVOUSLY; pale face; fear of downward motion from cerebral anaemia. Bovista [Bov] Thick oozing scurfs on the ears; discharge of foetid pus from the ears; itching in ears, relieved by boring with the fingers in it; indistinct hearing. Bryonia [Bry] Swelling, redness, painful sensitiveness and heat of the external ear, piercing stitching deep into the ear, with swelling and painfulness of parotid; chirping, roaring humming in ears. Bufo [Bufo] Purulent otorrhoea; ulceration and bleeding of external ears, pains (<) from cold washing; hardness of hearing, especially for words; all noise disagreeable, especially music. Cactus-grand [Cact] Rheumatic otitis from checked perspiration; pulsations and buzzing in ears, (<) from sounds, even talking; heavy pain like a weight in vertex, noise like running water in ears. Cadmium-sulph [Cadm-s] Otitis with lancinating, lacerating pain in ears, sounds echo in head; abnormal hearing alternating with abnormal vision. Calcarea-carb [Calc] OTITIS EXTERNA, SUPPURATION in scrofulous parsons; dermoid layer of membrana tympani destroyed by ulceration and covered with exuberant granulations which may fill the meatus; POLYPUS OF EAR; humming, roaring, buzzing in ears from abnormal pressure on the bones of the ear; pain in internal ears, first right then left, (<) extreme heat or cold, blowing nose or coughing; muco-purulent otorrhoea, sometimes offensive; deafness from Eustachian catarrh; painful inflammatory swelling of parotids; corrosive nasal discharge, glandular swellings; fistulous ulcers. (Sil. follows well.) Calcarea-fluor [Calc-f] Calcareous deposits on tympanum. Calcarea-iod [Calc-i] Exuberant granulations, discharge more excoriating, but less copious; neighboring glands implicated. Calcarea-phos [Calc-p] Complication with tuberculosis; cold feeling or coldness of ears; inner and outer ear swollen, red, sore, itching, hot; excoriating discharge from ears; aching, pressing, tearing or rending in and around ears, most behind and below, large ulcers above or around ears and in region of parotis. Calcarea-picr [Calc-pic] Perifollicular inflammation; extreme prostration. Capsicum [Caps] MASTOID PROCESS THREATENED BY INFLAMMATORY ACTION, on the petrous bone, behind the ear, a swelling painful to touch; acute symptoms setting in during chronic cases, involving the mastoid cells, and their dense structure yields slowly; in children the mastoid cells are large and break down easily; deep-seated swelling under ear; drawing, tearing pain, DEEP IN EAR, (<) at night; tympanum perforated and cavity filled with thick, yellow pus; pressive, later on itching pain deep in ear; dull hearing after previous burning and stinging in ear; ears very hot and aching in one or both ears when coughing. SUPPURATIVE OTITIS, itching deep in ear. Carbo-an [Carb-an] Chronic non-suppurative otitis media; membrane retracted, tympanum dry, Eustachian tubes easily dilated, pharynx granular; itching and tingling in ear, cracking on moving jaw, (<) by swallowing; deafness from absence of cerumen or when offensive cerumen is discharged. Carbo-veg [Carb-v] Chronic non-suppurative otitis media; membrane retracted, tympanum dry, Eustachian tubes easily dilated, pharynx granular; itching and tingling in ear, cracking on moving jaw, (<) by swallowing; deafness from absence of cerumen or when offensive cerumen is discharged. Causticum [Caust] Pressing-put pain in the middle ear; tearing pain, with a closed sensation; sudden stitches in the ear and in the mastoid; offensive, at times bloody, discharge; meatus swollen and excoriated; roaring in ears, when speaking the voice resounds in the affected ear; herpes on earlobe; she speaks very low, as her own voice appears to be very loud. Chamomilla [Cham] Lancinations, or tensive and drawing pain extending to lobe of ears; dry ears as if stopped to pain; suspicious, ill-humored and easily angered; stitches in ears, especially when stooping; EARACHE WITH TOOTHACHE, the latter (>) by holding cold water in mouth, paroxysmal pains in ears, causing screams; child sleeps with eyes only partly closed.
Chelidonium [Chel]
Long-continued stitches in right ear, going off gradually; whizzing as if little of wind suddenly escaped from the ear; obstructed hearing, (<) in open air, (>) in warm room.
China [Chin]
Haemorrhage from ear; offensive, bloody, purulent discharge; tearing pain in ears, (<) from the least touch, ears red; stitches, with ringing debility in women and children. Chininum-sulph [Chin-s] Tinnitus aurium and impairment of hearing from paralysis of the vessels, with congestion and exudation, especially of labyrinth and tympanum. Cicuta [Cic] Burning suppurating eruption on and around the ears; ears very hot, at other times very cold; hardness of hearing in old people; HAEMORRHAGE FROM THE EAR. Cistus-can [Cist] Watery bad-smelling pus discharged from ears; inner swelling of ears; tetters on and around the ears, extending into the external meatus; swelling beginning at the ear and extending half way up the cheek. Conium [Con] Mixture of pus and cerumen in the canal; hard, dark cerumen, which forms in the canal so as to prevent the escape of pus; tendency to too rapid secretion of wax; parotid and other glands stony hard and very tender; tumors and boils behind the ears; ears feel as if stopped up, when blowing nose; sharp from within outward felt when swallowing, with piercing pains; painful tension behind ears and piercing pains in mastoid process; sense of hearing painfully acute; rushing, roaring and ringing noises in ear with throbbing as of the pulse, or diminution of hearing, (>) by pulling auricle, with throbbing as of the pulse, or diminution of hearing, (>) by pulling auricle, as this straightens the canal and makes a passage for the sound-waves beside the cerumen.
Crotalus [Crot-h]
Stuffed feeling in the ears, (<) right one, with feeling as if hot earwax were tricking out. Curare [Cur] Lancinating nervous pains, staring from the ears and reaching down the legs, so that he is obliged to lie down; different noises in ears, as of whistling, crying of animals; unbearable earache, so that he looses consciousness; internal otitis, driving one crazy; purulent discharge. Dulcamara [Dulc] Earache, worse at night, during rest, with nausea; dull pain, humming in ears, obtuse hearing; extreme sensitiveness to cold damp air; earache on slightest exposure or wetting the feet; shooting and twinging pain in and around ear, (<) by moving jaw, especially damp, cold, foggy weather. Elaps-coral [Elaps] Greenish-yellow and watery or bloody discharge, much itching in ears; nostrils plugged up with lumps of dry mucus, so that he sleeps with mouth open; CATARRH WITH BLACK CERUMEN; tinnitus aurium and otorrhoea. Ferrum-phos [Ferr-p] Dull, heavy, full feeling in head from dilatation of blood vessels; every pulsation felt in head and ears with humming sound or dull roar, face flushed, feels swollen; thirst not marked; FIRST STAGE OF INFLAMMATION or even only hyperaemia of membrana tympani and redness of meatus; at a later stage rupture of blood vessels and haemorrhage; food causes pressure and distention, respiration often labored; (>) by quiet and recumbent position, (<) by sudden or continued motion, especially the beating and hammering. Gelsemium [Gels] Otitis interna exudativa serosa, depressed condition; patient chilly with absence of thirst, head tense and sore and the heart's impulse felt in head; swallowing causes shooting in ear. Acute necrosis in mastoid process; complicating acute suppuration; CATARRHAL DEAFNESS, WITH PAIN FROM THROAT INTO MIDDLE EAR; Sudden transient loss of hearing; rushing and roaring in ears; digging in right ear; stitches behind ear. Glonoinum [Glon] Throbbing, piercing pain from within outward, throbbing above ears, from OCCIPUT TO EARS; sensation of fulness in and around ear; deafness followed by blurred vision. Graphites [Graph] Eczema of auricle or region immediately about it; deep cracks form behind and below auricle; dryness and cracking of the tissue of meatus and auricle, particularly behind the latter, or deep fissures; pus thick and forms crusts easily, with itching and soreness; swelling of both ears, with moist eruptions behind ears, spreading over cheeks and neck. Membrana tympani opaque and thick, or transparent and very thin, adherent to ossicula or promontory or perhaps mobile; Eustachian tube dilatable, but hearing not improved by inflation; HEARING IMPROVED IN A NOISE; violent nocturnal roaring, ears feel stuffed at times, (<) during full Iron. Guaiacum [Guai] CONSTANTLY RECURRING OTALGIA, (<) daytime, (>) by warmth, painful dragging and tearing in (left) ear, ending in otorrhoea, from adenoid growth in post-nasal region.
Hepar-sulph [Hep]
EXTREME SENSITIVENESS TO CONTACT; dread of contact, out of proportion to the actual pain; canal filled with white, cheesy, bloody pus, and surrounding skin scurfy and irritated; little pustules in the meatus and auricle, wherever the pus touched; haemorrhage from the slightest touch; relief from hot applications, cannot bear anything cold; cracking in ears when blowing nose; obstinate purulent and offensive discharge.
Hydrastis [Hydr]
Otorrhoea, with thick, mucous discharge; dropping down of mucus from the posterior nares into the throat; roaring in ears, as from machinery; polypi in middle ear; chronic dry catarrh of the middle ear.
Iodum [Iod]
Adhesions in the middle ear; painful glandular enlargement in front of the tragus, with indolent ulcers of the membrana tympani and a pinched, dried-up look of face.
Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]
Otitis media; ulceration of membrana tympani; discharge of thick, yellow, foetid pus; itching deep in ear, with stinging pains; sharp stitching pains dart from the ear to throat; ulcers upon tympanum, which are dry but not painful, excepting the sharp stitches; naso-pharyngeal catarrh; ulceration; of interior nares, with a discharge of tough, ropy mucus; indolent ulcers; glands swollen, neck painful to touch, after scarlatina.
Kali-carb [Kali-c]
Stitches in ears from within outward; redness, heat and itching of ears; discharge of liquid cerumen or pus; headache and noises in ear after a cold drink.
Kali-hydroiod [Kali-i]
Irritable offensive discharge, accompanied by boring tearing pains in the temporal bone; during day, a dull, tense, numb feeling in affected side of head, which during night becomes intolerable; sudden shocks of pain.
Kali-mur [Kali-m]
Chronic catarrhal inflammation (proliferous) at middle ear; mucous membrane pale and thin, secreting while, tough, mucus, and a similar secretion is exuded from posterior nares; stuffy sensation in ears and nares; deafness and hardness of hearing from swelling and catarrh of Eustachian tube and middle ear. (Kali phos., dark, foetid pus; Kali sulph., yellow, sticky.).
Kali-phos [Kali-p]
Ulceration of membrana tympani with or without perforation, suppuration of middle ear; pus watery, dirty, brownish, foetid; ulceration angry, bleeding easily and showing little tendency to granulate or secrete laudable pus.
Kali-sulph [Kali-s]
Muco-purulent, yellow, sticky discharge from inflamed ear; deafness from catarrh and swelling of Eustachian tube and middle ear; polypoid excrescences close the meatus near the opening.
Kreosotum [Kreos]
Heat, burning, swelling and redness of left outer ear, from a pimple in the concha, with stiffness and pain in left side of neck, shoulder and arms; humid tetter on ears, with swelling of cervical glands and livid gray complexion. Hereditary syphilis.
Lachesis [Lach]
Roaring and singing in ears, tinnitus aurium, (<) BY PUTTING FINGER IN EAR AND WORKING IT; earwax pasty and offensive; catarrh of ear and swelling between ear and mastoid process, with throbbing pain and stiffness; left-sided deafness, with dryness of affected ear and want of earwax; dry, scurfy nostrils. Lachnanthes [Lachn] Stinging before left ear; tearing and tingling in both ears; cracking in right ear, followed by a motion as if it would discharge something; crawling in ear, relieved by boring, but immediately returning, it feels as if something had closed the ear; sensation of coldness in external ear. Ledum [Led] RHEUMATIC OTITIS; roaring in ears, as if from wind ringing and whizzing in ears; hard of hearing, as if the ears were obstructed by cotton; confusion and giddiness of head on affected side; sensation of torpor of the integuments, especially after suppressed discharge from ears, eyes, and nose. Lobelia-infl [Lob] Constantly recurring earaches or deafness due to suppressed otorrhoea or to a suppression of an eczema of the meatus of the ear; tinnitus aurium from same cause. Lycopodium [Lyc] Eczema of ears, with thick crust and fissures in the skin; purulent ichorous otorrhoea, with impaired hearing; polypus of ears; sensation as if hot blood rushed into the ears; oversensitiveness of hearing, music and sounds affect hearing painfully; after scarlatina. Magnesia-mur [Mag-m] Itching of old herpes behind the ears (times ciliaris, pimples on face), hardness of hearing, as if something were before the ear. Magnesia-phos [Mag-p] Proliferous form of middle ear disease; weakness of auditory nerve-fibres causing deafness. Purely nervous otalgia. Manganum [Mang] External ear painful to touch; pain in right ear from sound teeth; burning of ears, as if standing near stove; pains (<) mornings and in open air; earache from laughing; ear so sore that he cannot lie on that side. Marum-verum [Teucr] Otalgia, with lancinating pains; dry herpes; with white scales, on and behind the ears; fine ringing in right ear, when blowing nose, squeaking, as if air were forced through mucus; nasal polypus. Mephitis [Meph] Erysipelas of ear, with itching heat, redness and blisters; foetid discharge from ears. Mercurius-dulc [Merc-d] Otitis secondary to exanthemata, and in scrofulous and syphilitic patients; pain in ear, extending to face and teeth, worse by the heat of bed; excoriation and ulceration of meatus; sensitive to cold; abundant secretion of cerumen or flow of pus and blood; sweating, without relief, occurring form cold, when there are hypertrophied tonsils or disease parotids; pulsative roaring in the affected part; ulceration of the membrana tympani, which bleeds from the slightest touch; constant cold sensation in the ears; ulceration of concha; fungous growth in meatus; swelling of parotid; deafness relieved by blowing the nose. Mercurius-sol [Merc] Otitis secondary to exanthemata, and in scrofulous and syphilitic patients; pain in ear, extending to face and teeth, worse by the heat of bed; excoriation and ulceration of meatus; sensitive to cold; abundant secretion of cerumen or flow of pus and blood; sweating, without relief, occurring form cold, when there are hypertrophied tonsils or disease parotids; pulsative roaring in the affected part; ulceration of the membrana tympani, which bleeds from the slightest touch; constant cold sensation in the ears; ulceration of concha; fungous growth in meatus; swelling of parotid; deafness relieved by blowing the nose. Mercurius-iod-flav [Merc-i-f] Thickness of tissues of fauces, lobulated tonsils with deep intra spaces; sudden sharp pains in (right) ear; throbbing, boring from within outward. Mercurius-iod-rub [Merc-i-r] Left Eustachian tube affected; hearing dull, (>) evenings; ears close for a few moments at a time; coryza, affection of posterior nares with raw sensation; cerumen increased; swelling of parotid and other glands.
Mezereum [Mez]
Chronic diffuse otitis; ears feel as if too open, and as if air were pouring in them, or as if the tympanum were exposed to the cold air, with desire to boring with finger in it; itching behind ears, after scratching the spots feel sore.
Muriatic-acid [Mur-ac]
Otalgia, with pressing pain; tingling, creeping, cold pain running from ears up to top of head, sharp boring in temporal regions; hardness of hearing, dryness, no cerumen; want of feeling in internal meatus.
Natrum-carb [Nat-c]
Otalgia, with sharp, piercing stitches in ears; ears feel as if closed up, otitis media, noise like a bubble bursting in ear; on swallowing feeling as if something moved in ear.
Natrum-sulph [Nat-s]
Piercing pain in right ear inward, worse going from cold air into warm room; earache, as if something were forcing its way out; heat in ears, nose stopped up.
Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]
CARIES OF MASTOID PROCESS; terribly offensive, purulent otorrhoea (syphilitic); Eustachian tube obstructed; hardness of hearing from induration and swelling of tonsils; cracking in ears when masticating; beating humming in ears; one's speech echoes in ears.
Nux-vomica [Nux-v]
Itching and tickling in the course of the Eustachian tube, inducing a desire to swallow; stitches, pressure and shocks in the ear, often violent; hissing and whistling in ear, a whirring and noise like that of a mill.
Opium [Op]
HAEMATORRHOEA, congestion of ears; acuteness of hearing, clocks striking and cocks crowing at a great distance keep her awake.
Petroleum [Petr]
Eczema of ears, serous or purulent discharge of foetid odor, abundant desquamation, swollen maxillary glands, feebleness and headache; polypus, wax increased thick or thin; Eustachian tubes affected, causing whizzing roaring, with hardness of hearing; dryness or disagreeable sensation of dryness in ears.
Phosphoric-acid [Ph-ac]
Otalgia, stitches in ears, and drawing pain in cheeks and teeth, worse only from music; every sound re-echoes loudly in ears; shrill sound in ears on blowing nose.
Phosphorus [Phos]
DRY TYMPANUM; DEAFNESS ESPECIALLY FOR HUMAN VOICE, noises and musical sounds are more easily recognized reverberate in ears; shooting through ears, especially at night; polypi in ears.
Phytolacca [Phyt]
Otalgia, shooting pain in ears, worse on right side; irritation of Eustachian tubes; rushing sound in left ear, with sensation as if it were obstructed, while at the same time it is sensitive to the most minute sound; increased sense of hearing; with pains in forehead; shooting pains when swallowing.
Picric-acid [Pic-ac]
Otitis externa circumscripta, furuncle in the ear; burning sensation in external ear; pain behind the right ear running down right side of neck.
Plantago [Plan]
NEURALGIC EARACHE, ASSOCIATED WITH TOOTHACHE; darting, twinging, sharp, stabbing pains in the inferior maxillary branch of trifacial nerve.
Platina [Plat]
Otalgia, with cramp, pain and rumbling in ears; sensation of coldness in ears, with sensation of numbness extending to the cheeks and lips.
Psorinum [Psor]
Peevish, unhealthy-looking children, who have a disagreeable odor about them aside from that which comes from the ear; watery stinking diarrhoea; offensive purulent otorrhoea, pustules on and behind concha; herpes from temples over ears to cheeks, throwing off innumerable scales, or causing painful rhagades, with yellow foetid discharge, forming crusts and itching intolerably.
Pulsatilla [Puls]
Otitis externa; heat, redness, lancinating pains and sensation as if something were crawling out of the ear; remissions followed by exacerbations of intense pain, noises and buzzing in ears; sensation of a plug in ear and defective hearing; otorrhoea, with redness and pain, pressure through ear, with ear, with free formation of crusts in meatus; otalgia, with darting tearing pain and pulsating at night, with bland, nearly inoffensive, greenish discharge of mucus and pus; better out-doors and during day; scabs on tragus; otorrhoea alternating with difficult hearing; after measles.
Rhododendron [Rhod]
Otalgia, more right ear, with violent twitching pain; sensation in ear as from a worm; buzzing in ears; aggravated when swallowing.
Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]
Red herpetic eruption wherever it comes in contact with skin; bloody pus from ears; otalgia, with pulsation in ear at night.
Sanguinaria [Sang]
Burning of ears, with redness of the cheeks, earache, with headache; singing in ears, with headache; painful sensitiveness to sudden sounds; nervous vibratory sensation through body, with desire to be held.
Silicea [Sil]
Caries of mastoid cells; offensive, watery curdy otorrhoea, with soreness of inner nose and crusts on upper lip; itching in Eustachian tube and in ears; the child bores into its ears when asleep, causing a discharge of blood and pus; sudden stopped feeling in ears, passing off when yawning or swallowing ; ulceration of the tympanum, with itching and sharp stinging pains; the child seems to enjoy having the ears cleansed with the cotton probe; sounds in ears like the ringing of bells; otalgia from within outward; slow painless swelling and suppurating of parotid.
Spigelia [Spig]
Neuralgia of ear, sudden stitch extending to the eye, zygoma, jaw, tooth, throat; pinching, drawing, itching pain in external ear, pressure as from a plug deep in meatus, extending to zygoma and molars; loud noises painful, when speaking the sound of one's voice resounds like a bell through the brain.
Stramonium [Stram]
Otalgia, left side, violent pains, remitting somewhat at night, better when covering head warmly; sensation of wind rushing out of ear.
Sulphur [Sulph]
Much itching in ears, changing to pain when attempting to scratch them; dirty, offensive, sometimes sour-smelling pus flowing from ears; children averse to having them washed; wabbling as if water were in the ears; acrid, burning, offensive discharge, with excessive burning after syringing ears, (<) left ear. Taraxacum [Tarax] Tearing drawing pain in outer ear, sharp pressure behind the ramus of the lower jaws; stitches behind ear, with tearing pains down the side of the neck. Tellurium [Tell] OTITIS MEDIA WITH RUPTURE OF TYMPANUM, pouring out pus which at first maybe fair, but afterwards becomes offensive, smelling like fish brine; membrana tympani irregular, thickened in parts, thin in other portions; vesicular eruption on membrane, then suppuration and perforation; whatever discharge touches becomes excoriated and little vesicles appear on excoriated surface; ear bluish-red, as if oedematous; hearing impaired; sensation as if something suddenly closed up the ear, as if air whistled through left Eustachian tube, when snuffing or belching; throat dry and sore,(>) by eating and drinking.
Terebinthina [Ter]
Otitis, combined with enlarged tonsils; granular condition of the naso-pharyngeal cavity; during dentition signs of cerebral and abdominal irritation; otalgia of children old enough to express their sufferings; eczema in front of the ear (Graph., behind the ear), tending to affect the eyelids.
Theridion [Ther]
Worse from least noise, every sound penetrates her whole body, especially teeth, with vertigo; rushing in both ears, like a waterfall; itching behind ears, she would like to scratch them off.
Thuja [Thuj]
Watery, purulent otorrhoea, smelling like putrid meat; inner ear feels swollen, with increased hardness of hearing; noise in ear as from boiling water, granulations in meatus similar to condylomata.
Verbascum [Verb]
(Mullein oil). Otitis and otalgia, especially after getting wet; sensation as if something stopped ears, first left, then right; painful tearing and drawing extending inward; feeling of numbness in left ear.
Zincum [Zinc]
Otorrhoea of foetid pus; frequent acute stitches in right ear, near tympanum; pinching-jerking within ears; noises in ears, (<) at night; a crash, as from the breaking of a pane of glass in ear, on falling asleep; earache of children, especially boys.


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