PHTHISIS PULMONUM [Pulmonary phthisis]:


Acetic-acid [Acet-ac]
Pale, waxen emaciated countenance, hectic fever, profuse night- sweats; dropsy of feet and legs extending to knees; titillating cough, with much purulent sputum; oppressed breathing; haemoptysis, coughs up blood.
Aconitum [Acon]
As an intercurrent remedy for congestion of blood to chest, with short cough, haemoptysis, and disposition to pneumonia.
Agaricus [Agar]
Incipient tuberculosis; mental solicitude about his condition; tip of tongue studded with small, dirty-yellow aphthae; bad odor from mouth; frequent tickling irritation in windpipe (laryngo- phthisis); short breath in walking, has to stand still to get breath; frequent dry cough after meals; frequent hemming and bringing up small firm lumps of phlegm, without cough; rattling of phlegm in chest, worse mornings and when lying on back; sense of constriction in cardiac region, as if chest were too narrow or too full of blood; severe burning in chest; twitches running across chest in rapid succession, accompanied by pricking; sticking under nipple; small pulse; sticking between shoulder- blades; painful pressure on middle of sternum, (<) when inhaling; pulse feeble; night-sweats, with consequent sudamina. Acalypha-indica [Acal] Tubercular deposits in apex of left lung; HAEMOPTOE OF BRIGHT BLOOD IN THE MORNING, DARK AND CLOTTED IN THE EVENING; cough (<) at night and in paroxysms; constant and severe pain in chest, with dullness on percussion; played-out feeling in the morning, gains strength as the day passes on; progressive emaciation. Ammonium-carb [Am-c] Stitches in chest when stooping, (>) by raising the body; stitches in left side of chest, which do not permit her to lie on left side, (<) by breathing and by every motion of the body; dry cough at night, as from a feather down the throat, (<) towards early morn; stitches in heart; dyspnoea and palpitation at the slightest effort; chronic miliary eruptions on upper part of body or red spots there. Ammonium-mur [Am-m] Cough at every deep inspiration and when lying on right side, (<) after drinking and when lying with head low; COLDNESS BETWEEN SHOULDERS; chilliness or chills and heat, followed by night- sweats without thirst after midnight; cough dry in the morning, loose in afternoon and evening, with frequent stitches in chest and left hypochondrium; expectoration of blood following and itching in throat; slimy and bloody expectoration in the morning after getting up, with stitches and oppression in chest, (<) when moving arms; in the evening itching miliary eruption on chest; general debility with dimness of sight and ringing in ears, felt more on right side; colliquative diarrhoea. Antimonium-crud [Ant-c] Laryngeal phthisis; violent spasms in larynx and pharynx, as if filled with a plug; voice nearly gone; (<) from getting overheated in a warm room, (>) after rest.
Anisum-stell [Anis]
(Illicium). Spitting blood in small quantities and with puslike phlegm; frequent cough with pain at junction of third right rib with its cartilage.
Antimonium-tart [Ant-t]
Phthisis mucosa, BLENNORRHOEA PULMONUM; rattling or hollow cough, (<) at night, with suffocation; throat full of phlegm, sweat on forehead, vomiting of food. Argentum-met [Arg-m] Hectic fever in laryngeal and bronchial troubles; chill before midnight, every time the bed-coverings are raised; sweat after midnight, especially on chest and abdomen; cough with easy expectoration of white, thick, starchlike mucus, without taste or smell; violent stitches in chest impede breathing; cough excited by laughing (Stann). Arsenicum [Ars] Cough brought on or made (<) in the evening when lying down or in the morning when rising; great dyspnoea when lying down, day or night, has to be bolstered up to half or full sitting posture; acute, sharp, fixed or darting pains at apex and through upper part of right lung, (<) from motion; haemoptysis, with anguish, fear of death, burning heat all over body, (>) by getting up; SALTY EXPECTORATION DURING DAY, HARDLY AND AT NIGHT, or abundant greenish, foetid, purulent, bloody, thick; rapid emaciation and pronounced hectic; colliquative sweats, partial or general, (<) after midnight and coloring the linen yellow; sleeplessness or sleep disturbed by frightful dreams; aphthae; disgust for all food, great thirst and desire for acids and cold water; diarrhoea; chill undeveloped. Arsenicum-iod [Ars-i] Hectic fever with dry cough and titillation in larynx (<) at night; broncho-and laryngo-phthisis; pneumonic and haemorrhagic phthisis; bronchial asthmatic dyspnoea, breathing too rapid, even when at rest, increasing in rapidity on exertion; general feeble respiration; frequent, short, suppressed cough, often loose, with muco-purulent expectoration; respiration harsh and jerky in left apex; dull spot beneath left clavicle and coarse crepitation; left half of chest flattened and motionless; cough (<) on lying down at night and between 3 and 5 in the morning; irritability of bowels, fever with increased evening temperature and remission as they commence to move in the morning; aphthae during the last stage. Arsenicum-nit [Ars-n] LAST STAGE OF TUBERCULOSIS PULMONUM; cavernous respiration, hectic fever, but night-sweats now less abundant; extreme emaciation; pulse very frequent, great dyspnoea; incessant cough with copious green, purulent sputa. Asarum [Asar] Constant short, hacking cough; ALWAYS SICK ALWAYS COLD and shrinking from the cold; (<) in dry, cold weather, (>) in damp weather, frequent dull stitches in both lungs; thin, scrawny, cachectic persons.
Aurum-arsenios [Aur-ar]
Last stage of phthisis with rapid emaciation and debility (Hale).
Baptisia [Bapt]
HECTIC SUPPURATIVE FEVER; disposition to well-marked chills, or merely chilly feeling, followed by fever and perspiration (no night sweats, but like glue); general debility, languor, loss of that hopefulness so common to phthisical patients; great dyspepsia, less after the fever; profuse expectoration of tuberculous pus; marked anorexia; bowels regular; laryngeal phthisis, with severe, constant cough and great emaciation.
Balsam-peru [Bals-p]
CATARRHAL PHTHISIS. Cheesy degeneration of the tubercle, with copious purulent expectoration; profuse foetid expectoration from vomicae in lungs; hectic fever; debility, with slow, feeble circulation.
Belladonna [Bell]
Cough at night, shortness of breathing, and mucous rales; suitable to young girls approaching puberty, or to scrofulous children.
Bovista [Bov]
Incessant cough about 5 P.M., from a tickling and rawness in larynx; anxious respiration, (>) in fresh air, (<) by moving arms; sensation of intense burning in middle of chest, stitches in chest; abundant expectoration of tough bronchial mucus; chill with burning heat in face; chill mornings, heat afternoon. Bromium [Brom] PHTHISIS COMMENCING ON VOCAL CORDS; dry barking, whistling, croupy cough with scraping and titillation in larynx, which is painful to touch; air seems cold when passing through it; loose rattling of mucus in larynx and large bronchi with little expectoration; lower right lung and left apex affected; sensation of weakness and exhaustion in chest; cough (<) by exercise and when entering a warm room; congestion to head and chest, (>) by nosebleed; pain in mammary region going up into the axilla.
Bryonia [Bry]
Impossibility to expand chest when attempting to breathe deeply; profuse night and morning sweat; cough excites nausea and, vomiting.
Cactus-grand [Cact]
Phthisical fever and sweat with asthmatic breathing and violent action of the heart, when it is still doubtful whether cardiac or pulmonary disease will be developed; FIRST STAGE OF TUBERCULOSIS, haemoptoe with marked arterial excitement and convulsive cough, but feels better from the discharge.
Calcarea-carb [Calc]
Prodromal stage especially in rapidly growing young people with a leucophlegmatic constitution as well as fully developed phthisis, when large cavities are forming especially about middle third of right lung. PRODROMAL STAGE OFTEN PRECEDED BY DYSPEPTIC SYMPTOMS, as acrid eructations after fats , oils, or sugar; dislike to fat, constant tendency to diarrhoea, with prolapsus recti; irregular menses from atony, too early, too long, too profuse takes the breath away and causes vertigo and epistaxis; great mental and bodily depression, frequent nocturnal involuntary emissions. During second stage chest painfully sensitive to touch and respiration; constant short spasmodic cough, especially at night, with tough, yellowish green or bloody sputa in the morning, cold, clammy extremities, great chilliness, repugnance to animal food, which passes undigested, loss of strength and emaciation; sweating of palms of hands and soles of feet; chest intensely painful to touch; evening aggravations; it acts more on middle third of right lung, where loud mucous rales are heard.
Calcarea-phos [Calc-p]
Incipient phthisis in anaemic patients; profuse sweat, especially about head and neck; later stage when cavities have formed, sunken-in intercostal regions; chronic cough with soreness and dryness in throat, stitches in chest, heat on lower part of chest and arm; purulent, greenish expectoration, haemoptoe; breathing rapid; great emaciation; cardialgia with great weakness; legs feel weak in the morning and after coitus; diarrhoea and flatulency (Martiny: in weekly alternation with Ars. iod., kept up for some time.). [Calcarea hypophosphorica.]
Calcarea-sulph [Calc-s]
Cavity discharging copiously sanious pus, mixed with blood; hectic fever and night-sweats.
Carbo-an [Carb-an]
Cough with greenish expectoration, suffocating hoarse cough causing SHAKING IN BRAIN AS IF IT WERE LOOSE IN THE HEAD; cold feeling in chest (Brom.); horribly offensive, green purulent expectoration, coming more from right lung; as soon as he closes eyes he feels like smothering.
Carbo-veg [Carb-v]
Chronic paroxysmal cough with deep rough voice or aphonia, (<) evening and morning, spasmodic and not ceasing till masses of green, yellow, purulent, foetid sputa are discharged; epistaxis, (<) at night and in forenoon, followed by burning pain over chest and paleness of face; sensitiveness to sudden atmospheric changes prevails, or heat of upper part of body with cold sweat; extreme prostration, must be fanned though breath is cold; hippocratic face. China [Chin] Cough excited by talking or laughing after eating or drinking, by deep inspiration; dry cough at night with oppression in chest and sensation of excoriation in larynx; inspiration difficult and painful; burning in chest; palpitations, (<) when lying on left side and by motion, expectoration of bloody mucus; copious exhausting night-sweats, especially on forehead, chest and neck, slightly the linen, not offensive, occurring the moment he drops into a sound sleep. Chininum-ars [Chin-ar] Anxiety with dyspnoea and unquenchable thirst; must sit up bent forward, if possible at open window; blueness of lips, hands and nails, with attacks of suffocation, (<) morning till noon; LIMBS ICY COLD; cold clammy sweat; great prostration, followed by deep sleep after dyspnoea and awakens exhausted and bathed in sweat all over. Cimicifuga [Cimic] Intercurrent congestive state from exposure, with dry, harassing cough, diarrhoea, night-sweats; incipient tuberculosis with dry, short, constant night cough, (<) at every attempt to speak; sharp pains from side to side. Coccus-cacti [Coc-c] CATARRHAL PHTHISIS, sharp, stitching pains under clavicles cough most constant in morning, with expectoration of yellow mucus of a salty taste; suffocative cough with pains in head as if it would split, and expectoration of tough, ropy, white mucus, nearly causing strangulation before it is discharged, and vomiting of food; HAEMOPTOE OF DARK BLOOD. Codeine [Cod] Dry, teasing cough which annoys patient day and night; twitching of muscles, especially of eyelids. Conium [Con] Dry, painful, frequent cough in daytime, but (<) at night and in horizontal position, with hoarseness and pain in larynx; fits of suffocation; scanty, purulent sputa with or without vomiting; often cannot expectorate, must swallow sputum. Curare [Cur] Excessive nervous debility; sweating from least exertion; dyspnoea from weakness of respiratory muscles; cough with free expectoration of green or gray masses, or of blood; rigors at night. Digitalis [Dig] DURING LAST HOURS TO GIVE SOME RELIEF; irregular respiration with frequent deep sighs; distressing dyspnoea; respiratory murmur feeble; fear of suffocation at night with desire for fresh air; tenacious mucus in throat hard to detach; weak, dilated heart. Drosera [Dros] FIRST STAGE OF TUBERCULOSIS, more or less extensive dulness on percussion; diminished vesicular murmur; rough inspiration. prolonged expiration; bronchial respiration in region of scapula; cough dry, oppressive; nocturnal tickling cough, (<) after midnight, in the morning yellow, bitter sputa; spasmodic cough of phthisical girls, often attended by retching and vomiting; phthisis with severe pain in chest, purulent expectoration and foul, puslike taste in mouth; haemoptoe; black pores on chest and shoulder; night sweats, emaciation; diarrhoea (Meph., follows well for the asthenia). Pharyngo-laryngeal symptoms in hereditary subjects. Dulcamara [Dulc] Tuberculosis in scrofulous subjects, (<) in changes from warm to cold; sputa tough, green; cough moderate; stitches here and there in chest; diarrhoea; great disposition to catch cold. Elaps [Elaps] Very violent attacks of DRY COUGH, TREMBLING WITH EXPECTORATION OF BLACK BLOOD; severe tearing pain throughout chest, especially apex of right lung. Ferrum-ac [Ferr-acet] Phthisis florida in young people subject to tuberculosis; great oppression of chest from any little exertion; nostrils dilate and work hard with every effort to breathe; dry teasing cough, (<) after drinking any thing warm; bruised sore feeling in chest and dull aching pain in occiput. Later on, with hectic fever night- sweats, loss of muscular power, emaciation and purulent sputa; it ought to be steadily given till alkaline urine becomes acid. Ferrum-met [Ferr] EPISTAXIS ALTERNATING WITH SPITTING OF BLOOD; pains in chest, flying from one point to another; feeling of fulness and pressure in pit of stomach; vomiting of food; paleness of buccal cavity; painless diarrhoea; amenorrhoea or watery menses; women who flush easily, especially after drinking wine, with dyspnoea and palpitations. Ferrum-iod [Ferr-i] Phthisis in persons or relaxed fibre, especially in third stage; great debility and emaciation, in evening chilliness, followed by heat and sweat all night; cough at first dry, later with greenish purulent sputa, containing small, cheesy particles; oppression of chest; inclination to lie on back; sides of chest tympanitic; under clavicles rales and bronchial breathing. Ferrum-phos [Ferr-p] PHTHISIS FLORIDA; haemoptoe; acute, short spasmodic and very painful cough, (<) by going into open air, with involuntary spurting of urine. Guaiacum [Guai] Late stage of tuberculosis with pleuritic pains referred to the left apex and offensive, MUCO-PURULENT SPUTA OF SUCH HORRIBLE ODOR that relatives could hardly come into the sick-room; pulse soft, small and frequent; exhaustion and emaciation; NIGHT-SWEATS SMELLING VERY OFFENSIVE; skin hot, especially on hands. Hamamelis [Ham] Haemoptysis, TICKLING COUGH WITH TASTE OF BLOOD or sulphur; dull frontal headache; tightness of chest; cannot lie down because of difficulty of breathing from congestion; severe pleuritic stitches in lower part of lungs; VENOUS HAEMOPTOE, BLOOD COMES INTO MOUTH WITHOUT COUGHING or scarcely any effort; mind clam; prostration out of proportion to loss of blood; fever at night, hands hot, burning in eyelids when closing them. Hepar [Hep] Harsh, dry sounds in bronchi from tumefaction of mucous membrane, moist sounds rare and expectoration not copious; very sensitive to open air, sweats easily from exertion and turns pale, afterwards burning redness of face and heat and dryness of palms of hands; spasmodic cough in paroxysms, with titillation in larynx and efforts of vomiting or habitual bronchial catarrhs with loud rattling of mucus. As an intercurrent in cases of cheesy pulmonic deposit with strong tendency to suppuration, when the tendency to cicatrize is often interrupted and the expulsion of the caseous material imperfect. Hydrocyanic-acid [Hydr-ac] Dry, tickling cough of consumptives, especially when reflex from heart disease. Iodum [Iod] SUITABLE TO YOUNG PERSONS WHO GROW TOO RAPIDLY and subject to frequent congestions to the chest, with dry cough excited by tickling all over chest, (<) in warm room, with expectoration of stringy, transparent mucus, sometimes streaked with blood; marked feeling of weakness in chest, particularly on going up stairs; morbid hunger, even soon after a meal, and yet constantly increasing emaciation; rapid pulse, high temperature, profuse perspiration, especially mornings; head heavy, feels unable to do any serious work. First stage of tuberculosis. Jaborandi [Jab] Colliquative sweating of phthisis, very profuse, causing great prostration. Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi] Follicular chronic laryngitis with swelling of the tissues and increased secretion of a glutinous fluid, (<) mornings, when the tough mucus nearly strangles him; laryngeal phthisis, the ulcers causing cough nearly at every inspiration, feeling of stiffness in larynx; hoarseness; tightness at bifurcation of bronchi; cough with profuse yellow expectoration and much sweating, with PAIN FROM MIDSTERNUM THROUGH TO BACK, (<) undressing, morning on waking, after eating; (>) after getting warm in bed.
Kali-carb [Kali-c]
Puffiness of the upper eyelids;l stitches in the walls of the chest; and in eyes, ears, teeth and different parts of the body; lower portion of right lung affected; stitches running through chest to the back; about noon chilliness, after dinner nausea, faintishness, sleep, heat in the evening, constipation; easily frightened; a slight touch of the feet causes the patient to jerk them up in affright; cough, with nausea and vomiting, especially mornings (3 A.M.), with constrictive pain in chest and throat, redness of face and sweat all over; while globular sputa, which fly from mouth when coughing; large quantity of purulent expectoration, with tendency to gastric irritation; disease caused or aggravated after confinement of nursing, sensation of hollowness in chest, (<) from talking; empty, gone feeling in stomach before eating, (<) after eating. Kali-iod [Kali-i] Stitches through sternum to back (Kali carb, through right lung to back), (<) while walking; violent racking, tearing cough, dry hawking, (<) mornings, later with copious, green sputa or frothy like soapsuds; exhausting night-sweats and loose stools in morning; excessive and rapid emaciation; during morbus Brightii. Kali-mur [Kali-m] Wheezing rales or rattling sounds of air passing through thick, tenacious mucus in the bronchi, difficult to cough up; hard cough with thick, white, milky sputa; rheumatic fever, exudation and swelling around joints. Kali-nitr [Kali-n] Lancinating pains in chest, can hardly breathe or lie down, with anguish and extreme prostration; dry tormenting cough with tickling sensation in middle of chest and palpitations, (<) in fresh air and ascending. Kali-phos [Kali-p] Spasmodic cough with expectoration of frothy serous masses, threatening suffocation; shortness of breath from any exertion or ascending; feeling of faintness and dizziness from weak action of heart. Kreosotum [Kreos] Stitches below left mamma, proceeding thence as with a sharp knife and like an electric shock across the pit of stomach, chest, right side of abdomen, thighs down to tarsal joints; sticking across middle of chest from morning till noon; acute stitches in middle of chest, (<) during inspiration, attended with a feeling of lameness and extending to the elbow across the right shoulder, where pains are most violent on lifting arms; chest feels bruised; PAINS AS IF STERNUM WOULD BE CRUSHED IN; frequent and periodical blood-spitting with foul greenish-yellow, purulent sputa; foetor oris; expectoration of black, clotted blood; continuous burning in small of back; hectic fever with great prostration and emaciation. Lachesis [Lach] Cough frequent, dry, short, sharp and harsh; fever worse in the afternoon; prominent clavicles from emaciation, with loss of strength; offensive stools, even if of natural consistency; SORE MOUTH IN LAST STAGE OF PHTHISIS; difficult expectoration of offensive, purulent sputa, with straining and nausea, even to vomiting;l sweating around neck, after first sleep; alternating chill and flushes in the afternoon, with heaviness to lower extremities and throbbing headache; cough worse by touching larynx, by mental drinks, recumbent position, and after sleep; hoarseness, even to aphonia, often with expectoration of touch masses of green mucus; dyspnoea, worse on lying down, when there is a sensation of weight on chest and anxious palpitation of heart; extreme prostration. Laurocerasus [Laur] Dry, teasing cough, (<) at night; gasping for breath when sitting up and suffocating spells from heart troubles; short titillating cough with copious, jelly-like sputa, dotted with bloody points. Ledum [Led] Soreness under sternum; cough with tearing, beating pain in head followed by bloody or greenish foetid expectoration; suppuration of lungs, with purulent, greenish expectoration, after neglected pneumonia; purulent cavernous phthisis; oppressive constriction of chest, (<) from motion and walking; double sobbing inspiration; violent cough, with expectoration of bright blood; HAEMOPTOE ALTERNATING WITH RHEUMATISM; nightsweat putrid or sour, chiefly on forehead; tendency to uncover; heat and sweat in alternation with itching. Lycopodium [Lyc] OBSERVING DISPOSITION; phthisis from a chronic bronchial catarrh with abundant, purulent, foul-smelling expectoration, often after broncho-pneumonia in tuberculous patients; cough night and day, with bloody mucus, or purulent, lemon-yellow, green or white sputa; hectic fever; rattling breathing with dropped jaw and stupor from weakness and exhaustion after coughing, (<) afternoon and towards midnight; EMACIATION OF UPPER PART OF BODY, WHILE THE LOWER ONE MAY BE ENORMOUSLY DISTENDED; night sweats; cold, clammy, sour, foetid perspiration; intercurrent pleuritic attacks, continual stitches on left side with sensation of constriction in chest (Kali carb.) Lycopus-virg [Lycps] Great irritability of weakened heart, with palpitation form least motion; cough, with haemoptysis and feeble, weak heart- action; deep, violent in evening and night, without awaking, (<) by change to cold weather and by cold winds; expectoration pale, sweetish unpleasant tasting; great debility, loss of appetite, diarrhoea with griping and rumbling in bowels. Manganum [Mang] WEAK, ANAEMIC PERSONS with tubercular deposit in lungs; voice hoarse mornings, clears up after expulsion of lumps of thick mucus; stitches in chest and sternum, running up and down; bruised pain in upper chest when stooping, (>) raising head; breath hot and burning, with disagreeable heat in chest.
Mercurius-sol [Merc]
Great aggravation and often IMPOSSIBILITY OF LYING ON RIGHT SIDE; FUGITIVE PAINS, changing place continually sometimes caused by mercurial rubber plates; stitches in anterior superior part of chest, extending through to back when coughing; racking cough every other evening, with pain in chest and small of back; tickling hardly allowing one to speak; violent night cough, shortness of breath, as if he inspired smoke; chill (<) evening; heat with aversion to uncover; clammy sweat; rawness and burning under sternum provoking cough. Millefolium [Mill] Oppression of chest, frequent bloodspitting; piercing pains; stinging bruised feeling, (<) under left shoulder-blade; Blennorrhoea of lungs; frequent spitting of bright-red blood; colliquative sweats. Myrtus-com [Myrt-c] Stitching pain in left chest from upper portion straight through to left scapula, (<) when taking a long breath or coughing; burning pain in left chest, with throbbing, aching and tickling. Natrum-ars [Nat-ar] Lungs feel full and clogged, (<) behind sternum; supraclavicular regions sore on pressure; cough caused by a sensation of suffocation, as from smoke in chest; dry cough, with feeling of tightness and oppression in middle and upper third of chest; chilly at night, skin hot and dry. Natrum-carb [Nat-c] EARLY STAGE; COUGH APPEARS WHEN ENTERING A WARM ROOM; skin of whole body dry and rough; violent hawking of thick mucus, which soon collects again; cough with muco-purulent sputa; loud rales through chest; pain about left ninth and tenth ribs; lower lobe of left lung affected; coldness between scapulae; hydrogenoid constitution. Natrum-mur [Nat-m] Pain like a cutting cramp through left chest to scapula; breathing anxious, oppressed; short on walking fast, (>) in open air and when exercising arms; attacks of suffocation; spasmodic periodical cough with rattling in chest and expectoration of bloody sputa, (<) evening after lying down; congestion to head, with hectic flush and general malaise after least exertion; sleepy by day and restless at night; sweat on awaking at night and on rising in the morning; chronic coryza, with total loss of smell and taste; (<) at seashore. Natrum-phos [Nat-p] PHTHISIS FLORIDA IN YOUNG PEOPLE, with hereditary tendency to sigh, especially during menses; pains in chest, (<) from deep breathing and pressure; intercostal muscles feel sore as it drawn. Natrum-sulph [Nat-s] PHTHISIS MUCOSA, ESPECIALLY OF OLD PEOPLE; cough with muco- purulent sputa, lower lobe of left lung; sensation of goneness in chest; soreness of chest, (>) by pressure, hence patient holds his chest while coughing piercing pains in left chest; dyspnoea during damp weather.
Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]
Frequent haemorrhages from lungs, chest feels sore to touch, blood being bright-red and profuse; stitches through right chest to scapula; intermitting pulse; least exertion causes palpitation and dyspnoea; panting breathing during talking; tickling cough, (<) at night; offensive bloody sputa, or purulent and dirty-green, with loose and rattling cough; exhausting night- sweats, skin cool towards morning; heat in flushes in hands and feet; hectic fever from breaking down of tubercles; OFTEN AFTER CALCAREA or Kali carb. Oleum-jecor-asel [Ol-j] INITIAL STAGES OF TUBERCULOSIS; chills running down the back; hoarseness; soreness in chest and stomach; sharp, stitching pains here and there through chest; burning pains in spots; evening fever with burning in palms of hands; weakness in chest, with hard coughing spells towards morning, emaciation, loss of strength and appetite; expectoration of yellow mucus, or blood- tinged sputa; tickling cough, with palpitations; affections of glands, bones or skin, as tinea, impetigo, etc. Petroleum [Petr] TUBERCULAR PHTHISIS IN FIRST AND SECOND STAGE; great hoarseness, showing involvement of larynx; pressing, digging pains in chest; easily exhausted after mental or bodily labor; dry and hacking cough; pulse accelerated by every motion, slow during rest; cold air causes an oppressed feeling in chest; cold feeling about heart. Phellandrium [Phel] Right lung chiefly affected; cavity of lung, with hissing sound on breathing and HORRIBLY OFFENSIVE EXPECTORATION; continuous cough, profuse sweat, diarrhoea, vomiting of food, excessive prostration and emaciation. (Caps., breath only offensive during the cough). Phosphoric-acid [Ph-ac] Tickling cough, seemingly from pit of stomach, with burning in chest and passive congestion, followed by great weakness in chest and dyspnoea, (<) from least exposure; spasmodic tickling cough as from down in larynx, suprasternal fossa and whole chest, evening without, morning with expectoration of dark blood, or of tenacious white mucus of sourish, herby taste; loud rattling and whistling in chest, with but little cough. Phosphorus [Phos] PHTHISIS IN RAPIDLY GROWING PERSONS (IOD.,), whose minds develop more quickly than their bodies and who catch cold easily; rush of blood to head and chest; constriction of lungs; pains through apex of left lung, (<) from lying on that side; aphonia; oppression of chest at night forcing him to sit up; puffiness around eyes; dry hollow, spasmodic cough, with tightness across chest, must press it with hands, and trembling of whole body; (<) when anyone enters room, before thunderstorm, from strong odors; FREQUENT ATTACKS OF BRONCHITIS, REPEATED HAEMOPTOE, leaving after cough severe dyspnoea and short breathing; albuminous and bloodstreaked sputa difficult to expectorate; vomica and hectic fever; sweat (<) during sleep, frequent urinations; empty feeling and sense of goneness at pit of stomach, (<) 10 to 11 A.M. (Sulph.); awakes hungry at night, must eat or faint away; APHTHAE ON ROOF OF MOUTH, AND TONGUE COVERED WITH APHTHAE; very foetid stool and flatus, odor being like lime that has been used in gasworks to desulphurize the gas; malaise and debility, especially in knee-joints; loss of strength, rapid emaciation and pale skin. Pix-liquida [Pix] Suppurative processes of left lung with pain at the third left costal cartilage (Anisum, right side); rales through the lungs and muco purulent sputa; eruption on dorsum of hands, itching at night and bleeding when scratched. Psorinum [Psor] Dull pressure extending from right side all over chest, (<) by bending forward, mostly dry cough with expectoration of small, lumpy masses; dyspnoea, (<) when sitting up and relieved by lying down; pain in chest comes by fits; great anxiety; feeling of ulceration under sternum; chest inflates only with much exertion; very much exhausted by talking; voice full, not hoarse; chest contracted; shoulders standing forward; pain in chest as if it were raw and scratched; coughs a long time before he is able to expectorate (Alum). Pulsatilla [Puls] Soreness in subclavicular region, felt when patient lies on affected side or presses against chest, affecting the muscles of the shoulder down the arm from sluggish circulation of the upper part of lung, especially left side, during incipient tuberculosis. Equally effective in suppurative stage, especially with young chlorotic girls; dry cough after sleep, has to sit up for relief; sputa salty, offensive, bitter, yellow mucus, or black clotted blood (vicarious menses); expectoration only in daytime, none at night, when she suffers, from anxious tightness in chest; musty, sour, at times cold sweat at night, during stupid slumber, acute suppuration of lungs. Rumex [Rumx] Night cough of phthisis, with or without clavicular pain, especially behind midsternum (Kali bi.); stitches in left lung; dry, incessant, fatiguing cough from tickling in throat -pit, extending to behind sternum and to stomach, (<) from changing rooms, from slightest inhalation of cool air, 2 A.M. Sambucus [Samb] Hectic flush, NIGHT-SWEATS ONLY WHEN WIDE AWAKE, passing over into a dry heat as soon as he falls asleep; nightly suffocative attacks with great anxiety, springing up in bed and struggling for breath; choking cough, afternoon fever. Sanguinaria [Sang] PHTHISIS FLORIDA, hectic fever, (<) 2 to 4 P.M.; hectic flush on cheeks; chronic dryness in throat and sensation of swelling in larynx and expectoration of thick mucus, breath and sputa smell badly, to the patient himself unbearable; BLEEDING OF WIND BEFORE AND AFTER COUGHING; cough dry at first excited by tickling and crawling in larynx and upper portion of chest; burning and fulness there from accumulation of blood; sharp stitching pains, chiefly about right lung and in region of mamma; heat after coughing, and after the heat gaping and stretching; prostration and general languor with the dyspnoea. Sarracenia [Sarr] Phthisis pulmonum and bronchial affections. joined to or depending on a psoric state; haemoptysis, thick cough; continual tickling in larynx and bronchi; cough, with desire to vomit and vomiting, paroxysms of suffocation and epistaxis; hard cough, shaking chest and bowels and stopping only after expectorating a quantity of compact mucus, tenacious, filamentous, with a bitter, putrid, oily taste. Senecio [Senec] Incipient phthisis, attended with fatiguing coughing, the result of obstructed menstruation; increased bronchial secretion; loose mucous cough, rattling in chest, labored respiration. Senega [Seneg] Fat persons of lax fibre; great soreness in walls of chest and great accumulation of clear albuminous mucus, difficult to expectorate; pressure on chest as if the lungs were pushed back to the spine. Sepia [Sep] CENTRAL THIRD OF RIGHT LUNG (Ars., upper third) especially affected; short, dry cough, titillation in larynx, sometimes a thick deep voice, without metallic timbre; dry cough, (<) in the evening before and after going to bed; free expectoration in the morning or expectoration only at night, none during day; sputa gray or yellow; pressure on right side of chest and under right scapula when breathing or coughing; profuse sweat on moving and during whole night; sour sweat; excessively foetid sputa. Silicea [Sil] PROFUSE DISCHARGE OF FOETID PUS; nightly paroxysms of cough with tickling in suprasternal fossa; tuberculous deposits on skin, showing themselves as lumpy tumors; rattling of phlegm in chest; cough provoked by cold drinks, (<) by inhalation of moist warm air and INCREASED BY RAPID motion; sleep disturbed at night by heat, startings and night-sweats, especially in head; terribly offensive foot-sweat; not so much constipation, as rectum has not the power to expel faeces, which recede after partial evacuation; coldness and general prostration; general heat internally, with violent thirst; excruciating deep-seated pain in chest; tickling itching in chest threaten suffocation, till a deep shattering cough comes on, lasting several hours; CATARRHAL, PHTHISIS OF OLD PEOPLE. Silphium-lacin [Silphu] Copious expectoration, but more watery than Stann., tasteless, stingy, light-colored, causing rapid emaciation. Spongia [Spong] Tuberculosis pulmonary, first stage, with hard, rigging cough, rush of blood to chest, palpitations and sudden weakness while walking; flushes of heat which return when thinking of them; severe dyspnoea on lying down, exhaustion after every exertion, especially of chest; hoarseness, with sudden aphonia, while speaking; chilliness in back not removed by artificial heat, yet if room becomes warm cough in increased, with whitish-yellow sputa, which are swallowed on account of weakness. Stannum [Stann] Profuse mucous expectoration in the first stage of consumption, or when a neglected catarrh threatens to pass into phthisis; dry, short, hacking cough, excited by reading, talking, singing, lying on right side, and titillation in throat and chest; greenish or yellow sputa, with a saltish, sweetish or putrid taste, especially mornings; can speak only a few words at a time for want of breath; more or less hoarseness; roughness of throat and sore pain in chest; FEELING OF WEAKNESS IN CHEST AS IF DEPRIVED OF ITS CONTENTS AFTER EXPECTORATING OR TALKING; constriction of chest and constant chilliness, alternating with flushes of heat; profuse night-sweats; pressure and bloatedness of stomach always after eating; great lassitude, hands and feet heavy and cold, or burning hot. Sulphur [Sulph] PATIENT COMPLAINS CONSTANTLY OF BEING TOO HOT; dryness and burning in throat, the breath appears hot to the patient; cough mostly dry, only now and then profuse discharge of purulent matter, which relieves for a while; congestion towards head and chest, with palpitations of heart; burning of the feet at night, cannot bear to have them covered; diarrhoea early in the morning before rising; cramps in the calves when lying in bed, or in the soles of feet when walking about the room; sudden arrest of breathing when turning over in bed, relieved by sitting up; during paroxysms of cough, patient complains of lungs touching the back; itching of skin without any eruption, or boils follow; profuse night-sweats. Sticta-pulm [Stict] Incessant, wearing, racking cough, (<) by inspiration, dry at night, loose in the morning; pulsation right side of sternum going down to epigastrium. Tarentula-cubana [Tarent-c] Produces euthanasia when last moments arrive. Theridion [Ther] In the beginning of the disease; night cough; violent stitches high up in chest, beneath the left shoulder, perceived even up in the throat; great inclination to sign; anxiety about heart; slow pulse, with vertigo; icy sweat at night, with vertigo and faintness; follows well after Calc., or Lyc. in phthisis florida. Trillium [Tril] Incipient stage, with bloody sputa, or in advanced stages, with copious purulent expectoration, hectic fever and troublesome cough. Veratrum-alb [Verat] Consuming diarrhoea of phthisical patients; dry, tickling cough, but nothing loosens; deep, hollow, ringing cough, excited by tickling in lowest branches of bronchi, expectoration of yellow, tough, tenacious mucus of bitter, saltish, sour or putrid taste; constant rattling of mucus, but cannot expectorate; great debility and exhaustion. Verbascum [Verb] Hoarseness in reading aloud; benumbing, cutting, stitching pain in left chest; oppressive, benumbing stitch in region of first or second costal cartilage, taking away the breath; painful catarrh of the frontal sinuses with hot, profuse lachrymation; cough deep, hollow, trumpet-like, caused by tickling in larynx and chest, (>) when taking a deep breath.
Yerba-santa [Erio]
Bronchial phthisis; night sweats and emaciation; great intolerance of food; hectic fever; asthmatic breathing from accumulation of mucus.


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