Lithaemia: Lithic Acid Diathesis, Uric Acid Diathesis, Uricacidaemia,

- Dewey W.A.

Berberis vulgaris. [Berb]
The urine of this remedy corresponds to many cases of lithaemia, yet it will be rarely indicated unless the characteristic tearing cutting pains are present. These pains are in the renal region and extend down the ureters to the bladder or into pelvis and hips. The urine is hot, dark or bright yellow or blood red, with white, grayish or bright red mealy sediment, or red granules, or yellowish red crystals.
Lycopodium. [Lyc]
When red sand appears in the urine our first thoughts is for **Lycopodium, and indeed it will clear up many cases of lithaemia. Its general digestive disturbances, flatulent conditions are often met with in lithaemia. Particularly is it indicated by its scanty, high-colored urine depositing a red or yellowish red sandy sediment. It has severe backache relieved by passing urine. Burning between scapulae, and the 4 to 8 P.M. aggravations are useful characteristics to decide the choice of this remedy. **Coccus cacti. This remedy is similar to **Lycopodium in many respects. It will undoubtedly be found useful in the gouty diathesis.
Sepia. [Sep]
This remedy must not be neglected in lithaemia. It has a deposit of urates in the urine and of uric acid. Then, too, the general symptoms of venous stagnation, liver troubles, manifested by such symptoms as yellow spots on the face or over dorsum of nose, are important indications.
Cantharis. [Canth]
Dr. W. P. Laird says that the great remedy for lithaemia, the one which most accurately corresponds to the totality of the morbid phenomena, and which we may prescribe with confidence in at least two cases out of three, is **Cantharis. The special symptoms are soreness in the region of the kidneys, cutting, contracting pains in the ureters extending to bladder and urethra and down spermatic cord, with retraction of testicles. Urination painful and difficult , passes in drops; cutting before and after urination; urine scanty, dark colored, with oftentimes a sediment looking like old mortar or a reddish brick-dust sediment.


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