Manganum nitricum [Mang-n]:

-Jan Scholten

Manganum nitricum is a new remedy.


Manganum Nitricum

Learning Assertive

Fine tuning Enthusiasm

Training Practice Tension Congestion

Helping Relaxation

Feedback Enjoying

Compliments Sociable


Group analysis

Learning and enjoying.

Working in a sociable environment.

Practising your assertiveness.

Learning from a sense of idealism.

Practising creates tension.

Helping from a sense of idealism.

Helping others to relax.

Helping each other creates a sociable atmosphere.

Compliments enable them to enjoy themselves.

Criticism stops them from enjoying themselves.

Picture of Manganum nitricum

Essence: they like to learn and to enjoy themselves.

Helping each other creates a sociable atmosphere

They like to work but the atmosphere has to be sociable. They can't just work without play. They like to sing or have a bit of music while they work. They enjoy helping others out if they get into trouble, because they want everybody to have a good time at work.

Practising creates tension

They like to learn and practise, but not if there is pressure behind it. There has to be time for relaxation, a nice chat and a laugh. There also has to be time for a relaxing holiday every now and then.

Practising their assertiveness

They like to perform well, to show what they are worth, to show that they count. That is why they practise extra hard.

Criticism stops them from enjoying themselves

Because they want to be perfect in what they do, they tend to put pressure on themselves to be very precise. So on the one hand they want to be able to relax and on the other hand they want to make sure that they wont be criticised. Criticism has to be constructive, otherwise they feel miserable. Compliments are very welcome: they enables them to really enjoy their work.

Helping from a sense of idealism

They tend to help others because they are idealistic. When they are having a good time they want to share it with others and they can do this by offering to help them.


Fears: narrow spaces (3), tunnels, caves, shops, lifts, planes, trains, being locked up, enjoyment, disease (3), cancer, heart disease, death, vague, unknown, life, strangers, future, travelling, crowds, failure, insects, snakes, criticism, opposition, observed, anticipation, dentist, injections, blood, giving birth.

Dreams: futile efforts, paralysis.

Mental: perfectionists.

Mood: discontented, moody, gloomy.

Causes: loss of parents, protectors, relatives; neglect; criticism.


Type: obese (3).

Locality: left.

Temperature: cold; (<) heat, (<) inside, (>) outside, (<) damp, (<) wind (3), (<) storm, temperature changes. Time: (<) 9 am and 5 pm; (<) winter. Complaints come and go suddenly. Desires: fried bacon (3!), fat, ham, cheese(3), salt, carbonated drinks, tomatoes. Aversion: fat (2), cheese (2), bacon, ham, meat, beans, broad beans, tomatoes. Food: (<) cheese, fat, bacon, beans, coffee, tomatoes, cold food, ice cream. Menses: little, late, early, watery; (<) menopause. Sleep: unrefreshed. Physical: (<) touch, shaking, pressure, pressure of clothes, (<) jars, (>) car rides, (<)(<)(<) great changes in atmospheric pressure. Complaints Pains are congestive, pulsating (3), stitching, as of a splinter (3!), redness, swelling and heat. Neurological: paralysis, Parkinsons, ataxia, myasthenia, Gilles de Tourette. Headaches, very severe. Pain stitching, pressing, as of needles, boring, drawing. Vertigo. Ear problems (3): pain (<) wind (3!), (>) ear plugs or hat (3!), (<) movement, talking, laughing, swallowing. Sensation of plugs or wind in ear. Tinnitus and deafness. Hayfever and asthma. Throat: laryngitis, hoarseness (3), (<) talking and singing. Much irritating scraping of throat. Cough (<)(<) boring in ear, (<) cold, talking, singing, laughing (<) deep inspiration. Sore throat, radiating to ear. Heart and vascular diseases (3); angina pectoris. Palpitations, arrhythmia. Arteriosclerosis. Claudication. Cerebral haemorrhage. High B.P. Anaemia (3), pernicious. Weak, pale. Hot flushes (3), (<) night,(<) after urinating. Hypercholesterolaemia. Stomach problems. Diabetes. Stomach pains with distension, rumbling, flatus, belching. Diarrhoea biting. Colic (>) bending double, diarrhoea. Drawing pain around navel.

Indigestion. jaundice with congested liver, gallstones.

Affections of pancreas, diabetes. Anal cramps and prolapse.

Stools irregular.

Menses, late, scanty, irregular, sterility. Prolapse, leucorrhoea.

Inflammation of joints, arthritis, gout, creaking joints.

cartilage, periosteum, bones; hands, feet, back; congestion, swelling, stiffness; (<) cold, damp, (<) touch, pressure, pressure of clothes. Lumbar back pains (<) stooping, (<) sitting bent forwards. Burning soles. Weak nails, slow healing of wounds and bones. Skin: red spots, allergy, eczema with vesicles, bleeding cracks. Purple ulcers. Urticaria. DD: Carbon series, Ferrum series, Stage 7, 11 and 15, Argentum, Arnica, Carcinosin, Graphites, Phosphorus, Picric acid, Rhus tox, Ruta, Silica, Sulphur. Case A 31 year old woman has high blood pressure, 145 over 110. She has no complaints. She isn't sure whether her cholesterol level is too high. The specialist has told her to take some medicines for her blood pressure but she doesnt want to. She has started to measure her blood pressure herself and discovered that it is much higher when she is at work. She feels very responsible and tends to rectify mistakes made by others. If something isn't going right she wont rest until she has sorted out why. She has had cystitis several times in the past two years with frequent urination and burning of the labia. Everything is worse from tight clothes. She has taken antibiotics four or five times already. She has pains in her lower back, worse on stooping and difficulty getting up after sitting down. The pain is worse on wrong movements, working in the garden, sitting bent forwards, and in the morning. She has earache when she walks in the wind, better from putting cotton wool in her ears. She has an administrative job in a wholesale business and she finds it very boring. She doesnt like her boss because he has no time for some small talk or a bit of fun, it is always strictly business. She complains about him at home, saying he never compliments her for the work she does. She likes having a good time, having visitors and talking with people. She wants to create a nice sociable atmosphere at work, but it is very hard. She always feels much better when she is on holiday. When she is cleaning the house she sings and keeps the door open. She is prepared to change if someone tells her she is not doing things right. Her childhood was good, she played a lot with her younger brother. She used to like it when visitors came, because she was allowed to play outside till late. Her father was a bit unreasonable at times about getting home late and going on holiday. She had to help in the house but she didn't like it. She wants to have children but is afraid of giving birth. She would prefer to have a caesarean, because the child has to come out somehow, you can't go back at that stage! She is afraid of blood, injections and the dentist. Generals Weather: cold (2), (<) cold; (<) heat; (<) gloomy weather, (>) sun(2), (>) fresh air.

Perspiration: (<) exertion. Time: (<) November, December. Desires: sweet (2), fat (2), chocolate. Aversion: broad beans (3), sprouts, old cheese (2), sauerkraut. Food: (<) raw leeks and onion, rollmops. Sleep: good, sometimes restless; on her back. Analysis Her earache in the wind, better from cotton wool, is typical of Manganum. Her character fits too: she feels responsible, rectifies other peoples mistakes. When she is criticised she is prepared to change. But Manganum didn't do very much. The high blood pressure obviously has something to do with her work. She wants to have compliments (Manganum), but she also wants to have a good time. This is an indication for Nitricum, further confirmed by her need for a good social life, receiving visitors and the amelioration during the holidays. Other symptoms that could fit Manganum nitricum: singing with the door open (Nitricum) during housework (Manganum), having to help (Manganum), but not feeling like it because she prefers to play outside (Nitricum). Other Manganum symptoms: cold; (<) gloomy weather, (>) sun (2).

Nitricum symptoms: anticipation fears about child birth: the child has to come out, you can't go back. Also the high B.P., high cholesterol, fear of blood, dentist, injections, (<) heat, (>) fresh air, (>) fat, (<) broad beans, old cheese, (<) rollmop.


After Manganum metallicum 1M she gets a slight improvement, feels more calm, but still much back ache and still the occasional cystitis. Two repeat doses give some further improvement, but the blood pressure doesnt go down.

One month after Manganum nitricum 1M everything is a lot better.

Less pain in the back, less problem with her bladder and a normal blood pressure from time to time. She is trying to get another job. She had a dream about somebody being chased and running away, whilst before she always dreamt that it was her who was being chased (a distance has been created in the persecution, Ferrum series).


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