MEDORRHINUM:Young persons suffering from premature heart disease.

- Tarkas P. and Ajit Kulkarni.

A Nosode of Gonorrhea





Solar plexus

C.N. System

Cellular tissues


Lungs (small) joints (Neuro-) musculatures

Mucous membranes

Upper digestive tract





Endocrine esp. thyroid

Veins; r. heart

Side : L.

R. upper, l. lower


Rainy season. Cloudy weather

Thundry. (Before)storms

COLD : dry (winter) or wet

HEAT : Sun heat and rays Warm room. Hot drinks Getting hot

Wet, getting. Sea-bath

Inlands. Mountains

Air; drafts of

Covering (H.C. Allen)



Daytime. Sunrise to down Early morning, small hours, 5-8 (a sycotic time) Night (mind, pains, urine,cough, heart, itching); until midnight; after midnight, to 3 am 11 am to 2 pm; 3 to 9 am;4 to 10 am

MOTION (rheumatism with swelling)

Straining muscles. Fatigue

Touch (of apron, on lock of hair, etc.) by one not enrapport

Sleep : during and after

Suppr. catarrhs (nasal, gonorrhea,leucorrhea etc.) eruptions

Thinking of it. Shocks

Bad news. Noises. Music

Scolding. Tensions


Sweets. Salt. Drugs. Tea




Dampness(Caust.) rainy weather (cold) bath

Heat (neuralgias) mild warm weather covering up

Fresh air. Fanning

Seaside; bath

Evening, sunset

After midnight; 1 until noon

Massage; hard rubbing

Motion (aching) continued

Lying on abdomen knee-chest

Bending head forward

Clutching hands

Discharges; urine



Allergic. Rheumatic. Calcareous

Tense. Tubercular. Degenerative

Trepid. Anticipating. Unhappy

Highlights : Stubborn chronicity. Deep vital wrongs (but less deep than X-ray). Lack of reaction. Sycotic history.

Make-up : Old gonorrheal persons either declining fast, or remaining plump and well-nourished despite pretty long suffering. Young persons suffering from premature heart disease.

Children: Pale, pining, puny, scrawny, rachitic, dwarfed and stunted, with red anus or back, of gonorrheal inheritance, with cholera infantum and marasmus (in first year); or plump with big heads, but backward, even mongols (mother had Med. symptoms).Cry always, or all day, quiet all night (Carc. opposite).Sour smelling. Masturbating (Carc.). Precocious (Lyc.). Inquisitive (Phos.).Biting nails (Nat-m.). Afraid in dark. Weep even while speaking.


First impact of suppr. gonorrhea is on nerves: all nerves, from center to periphery, in a state of fret, irritation, pains, tension.

Universal commotion : Trembling, quivering, crawling, creeping, tingling (with numbness), fluttering, fidgetiness, (>) clutching hands. Bubbling; in kidneys. Cramps. Vibration. Buzzing. Prickling.

Intense nervousness leading to profound exhaustion. Initial impatience, hurry and hustling ends soon with loss of ambition, drive and initiative. Depression, desire for rest and dread of change. Easy fatigue and exhaustion, esp. early morning (is generally fresh and quick by evening), from even a noise. Weak in morning, played out during day, braced up by sunset.

Many PAINS : Achy, sore, stiff, rheumatic, lame, stitching like needles. Accompanied by a feeling of tension, tightening, constriction. Appear and disappear suddenly. Wander. Burning. Drawing-contracting (a kind of tension), in hamstrings, in back. Burning palms and soles (like Sul.). Better: fanning; cold, or heat.

Numbness: with flatulence; of dorsal hand with heat; of thigh with paralytic feeling; of l. leg; of arms (esp. l.) with flatulence (Sumb.). Hands hot and numb, or cold and numb. L. little finger tingles.

Convulsions, (<) early morning, at menses.Tonic spasms with rigid extension of arms and legs, hands everted, palms outward, thumbs down and fingers claw-like. Opisthotonos. Risus sardonicus. Epilepsy; h/o gonorrhea; foaming and rigidity, with violent regurgitation at heart and absence of mitral cluck. Degenerative diseases of the spinal cord and its meninges / membranes leading to paralysis; disseminated sclerosis. Spinal curvature, rachitis. Osteomyelitis. Spinal irritation. Posterior spinal sclerosis (locomotor ataxia). As Psor. is to skin and m.m. so is Med. to spine and nerves. Necrosis of bones. Nails brittle, ribbed, concave. Tissues Cracked: lips, soles, fingertips. Puffy swelling; after acute troubles; of old persons; dropsies (hydrocephalus, hydrocele, of serous sacs, ascites etc.). Oedema: under eyelids; pedis (amel. by a diarrhea). Gouty swellings. Emaciation, consumptive languor and wasting; progressive, after every acute attack. Sycotic patients turning tuberculous. Glands : Lymphatics all over hot, sore swollen. Goitre. Glandular enlargements with rachitis. After thyroid removal, troubles. Muscles and joints : Acute arthritis; after suppr. catarrhs, (<) touch, noises, (>) warmth, fanning on part, wet weather (not cold wet); sequelae thereof. Chronic arthritis, articular rheumatism, gout, osteo-arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis; of knees, puffed and hot, with cataract, covers up head (like Psor., but h/o gonorrhea); gouty concretions, deformed finger joints, large puffy knuckles. Ankles painful, stiff, swollen, turn easily when walking. Reiter's syndrome.

Mucous membranes etc. : INFLAMMATIONS (like Rhus-t.) or catarrhal l.; gastritis, hepatitis, colitis, pelvic cellulitis, appendicitis, of uro-genitalia., bronchitis, arthritis. Meningitis. Catarrhs: nasal; gastric; vaginal.

Blood : Pernicious anaemia (Carc.,Nat-s.). Leukemia in children of sycotic parents. Allergy; esp. after damaged liver (from drugs etc.); allergic urticaria.

GROWTHS. After suppr. discharges or infections. Tumors and morbid growths (fibroids, cysts, warts, etc.) with a h/o gonorrhea. Sycotic red nodes. Moles. Warts; condylomata. Cauliflower (fungous) excrescences. Polypus, from chronic catarrhal / suppurative discharge. Hypertrophy in bones; m.m. (e.g. of uterus). Fibroids, cysts, moles in uterus.

Malignancy : Leukemia. Carcinoma. Epithelioma, of lip, of wings of nose, of pylorus.Traumatic neurofibroma. Scirrhus uteri et recti, after suppr. leucorrhea, menses.

Discharges : Fish-briny; profuse; acrid; causing itching; thick; yellow.

Other Features

1. Sensitive to cold. Lack of vital heat, wants heavy covering. Tendency to catch cold, esp. from drafts. Also, sensitive to heat, esp. sun heat and shine; warm-blooded (like Sul. but loves bath). All sensations intensified.

2. Fiery RED patches or bands (of miliaria); red rash around anus. Red band down back; in newborns; on chest. Red blotches or spiderlets (on face).

3. Contrariety of symptoms : Wet weather amel., but not cold wet. Sea-bath amel. some symptoms but agg. others. Bathes in cold water, wants cool and fanning, but must have food and drinks hot (esp. in fever)."Sycotic but not hydrogenoid" (like Caust. Thuj. and Nat-s. are sycotic and hydrogenoid). Cold all over, but blood feels hot.

4. Faintness : In morning; after urination; from bubbling sensation in kidney; before heat in spine; during menses; with chilliness.

5. State of collapse : Sweaty, cold, pulseless, but with air- hunger (wants fanning all over, not only on face like Carb-v.), throws off all covers; burning. Like Sec. (but without it putrescence). Cold all over, but blood feels hot. Cold termini (ear lobe, tip of nose, nipples, finger-tips).

6. Is, like all nosodes, a hindrance - remover and normalizer. But rebuilding of tissues (repair) may need restoratives like Kali-i.

7. Calcareous (tartar on teeth, renal stone, gouty concretions).

8. Nausea: After straining eyes, even a wild feeling. Unexplained nausea. Before angina P. When weary. On looking down. In cars.

Injuries : Straining and lifting; overwork and overplay (like Rhus-t.); fatigue. After amputation stump turns black and vesicates.

Select Particulars

Mind : Nervous, restless and tense : hurry, worry, flurry. Touchy; easily upset, by any noise, confusion, a harsh word or disorder, although his nerves themselves are in a disorder. Misanthropy; abrupt, curt and censorious; selfish; quarrelling, even cruel. Rude, but sensitive to rudeness of others. Aversion to being touched and to crowds.

Anxious and panicky (Arg-n.). Anticipating anxiety, almost clairvoyant (Phos.). Hallucinations about things (they seem strange or unreal), about time, (about space a far-off feeling), about persons (haunting). Fears; of night, darkness, evil, misfortune, cats. High-strung, but also unstrung; timid, but also courageous. Vivacious (Lach.). Wild feeling after sleep or straining eyes.

Subsequent depression : Introversy, non-committance, self- accusation, remorse. Despondency, abject pessimism (Sel.); apathy; melancholia. Shuns responsibilities. Homosexual. Incipient insanity: a wild, desperate, crazy feeling; exalted sense of perception (feels even a passing calculus), of beauty. Confused, as if dazed;and absent-minded, forgetful, heading towards dementia. Attacks of desentia, black out (vanishing of senses, loss of personal identity, location-forgetting, blankness. Like Thuj.). Erratic; full of ideas but loath to exert (though restless).

Hysteria; of frustration. Alternating moods: cross, depressed or prostrated during day, exhilarated and playful at night; dull in mornings, bright in evenings.

Head : Various headaches; mostly tensive, band-like; tension from either eye meets in brain and then proceeds down spine (<) jar, Sun, (>) bandaging. Alternates with fever (Bry.). Meningitis: cerebro-spinal or vascular; during diarrhea or cholera infantum. Cerebral thrombosis, paralysis of r. arm, aphonia, h/o gonorrhea, cured after reactionary epistaxis (Kali- i. for the latter dementia stage).

Tinea with fetid ichor. Dandruff. Hair unhealthy; tousled; wiry; matted; fall from scalp and occurs on odd places (Sep., Thyr.).

Eyes : Inflammations of conjunctiva, lids, iris, etc. Pains burning; before menses; splinter-like, as if pulled out, tensive. Cataract.

Vision : diplopia; (blindness in children); objects look smaller. Hard upper lid. Ptosis of lids.

Ears : Noises : hears whispers as if (arterial pulsation); his whistling sound doubles itself (with peculiar vibration like a tremor); frying and hissing sounds in mastoid cells; simmering. Formication. Deafness: skin feeling on ear; with sensation as if a tube went through head from ear to ear; from ascending bronchial catarrh.

Nose : Obstinate catarrh; sycotic; (>) sea bathing. Snuffles with dirty nose, enlarged tonsils, lips thickened from mouth- breathing; teeth grinding; p.n. obstruction; cold tip, anosmia, ageusia (loss of taste), hot breath. Rose colds; hay fever. Sinusitis. Itching in. Epistaxis, with numb feeling. Sensitive to unpleasant odors.

Face : Greasy, waxy, pale, greenish; yellow band on edge of hair. Tic (after Bry.).

Acne or small boils, (<) menses. Fever sores. Abscesses about (l.) submaxillary gland. Mouth : Teeth: chalky, brittle; yellow, soft; serrated edges (Syph.); decay at roots (and edge of gums, like Syph.). Sore mouth; heat; aphthae (under tongue); blisters or ulcers near commisseurs, inside cheeks, tongue (esp. edges, tip); fetor in morning. Stringy saliva during sleep. Taste spoilt, lost. Throat : Sore throat: after sea bath, but (>) saline water gargles; constant hawking; tonsils and throat glands swollen, pain ext. to ears causing transient deafness; ascending catarrh from bronchi. Frequent tonsillitis; r. preceded by cough, aching legs. Constriction and aching in throat when weary.

Stomach : Craves: ICE, salt, sweets, sour (e.g. oranges, raw green hard fruits), pickles, chillies, coffee grounds, stimulants, tobacco, liquors, hot food and drinks (during fever too), cold drinks. Very thirsty, even dreams of drinking.

Pain : two hours after eating. After dinner (or exertion / fatigue) internal heat as if blood were boiling in veins or burning in epigastrium like a flame. After a hearty meal sore spot on l. side, intense agonising pain in solar plexus, surface cold. Stitching like pins. Sick, gnawing or clawing pains. Cramps, as from wind. Trembling in pit of stomach. A sinking agonising sickness in. Hiccough; after i.v. glucose. Vomiting: infantile, curdled and sour; of pregnancy. Duodenal ulcer; perforating, pains ext. to loins. Carbohydrates (and perhaps fats too) create problems.

Liver : Congested. Violent radiating pains. Bilious colic. Abscess. Damaged; from drugs (causes asthma). Infantile liver, with burning palms and soles (h/o sycosis). Stitching as from ice cold needles.

Abdomen : All colics (>) lying on abdomen, pressing feet against support or in knee-chest position. Infantile colics; worms. Flatulence; (>) at sea-side.

Rectum : Sycosis of rectum, fiery red rash, fish-briny mucus from. Stitches. Tenesmus recti et vesicae. Soreness. Gastro- enteritis; cholera infantum or morbus, cramp in abdomen before stool, and in calf after stool. Inertia of rectum, obstinate constipation, must lean far back to effect a stool (or urine). Piles; alternate with rheumatism. Fistula. Ulcer. Abscess. Early morning urgent diarrhea, in phthisis. Diarrhea after suppr. eruptions; opisthotonos during. Pin worms; itching.

Urinary : Renal (stone) colic; with cold fingers; while coughing; with ice-craving; cold taking in kidneys; nephritis. Anguish in kidneys.

Cold in bladder, cystitis, chilly when bladder is full, nervous if urination is delayed; but faintness after. Incontinence; nocturnal; after reprimand (even fever). Slow urination, bladder inertia. Prostatitis.

Urine : Burning (and semen ?). Diabetes. Polyuria; during menses.

Male : Indurated testes. Nocturnal emissions. Impotency. Onanism (in sycotic children). Handling (Stra.). Chancroids, metastasing into warts. Gleets. Enlarged prostate.

Female : Dysmenorrhea; pain-colic; (>) pressing feel against wall, draw up knees, bend hips or lie knee-chest; membranous. Metrorrhagia: at climacteric or in cancer.

Intense pruritus : (<) daytime, thinking of it, scratching (causes burning); (>) rubbing, washing (preferably with cold water).

Pain in uterus; ext. to rectum; bearing down or drawing; when weary or after driving. Cutting, knife-like in whole pelvic region; chronic pelvic disorders; pelvic cellulitis. Chronic intra-uterine inflammations.

Menses : Profuse dark, clotted, foul (Psor.); stains difficult to wash out (Mag-c.).

Leucorrhea : thin, acrid, excoriating, fishy odor. Frigidity. Sterility. Abortions. Still births. Or, only one child (Thuj.). Subinvolutions. Ulcerations. (Vaginismus). Intense labor pains (as in colic). Os deformed, inflamed, suppurating. Growths.

Breasts and nipples sore and sensitive; COLD as ice (during menses or with asthma), rest of body warm; tenderness between periods; nipples bleed (or ooze).

Respiratory : Asthma Millari. Dyspnea, air hunger, of expiration. Asthma: sycotic (Nat-s.); hepatic; allergic (from dust, smoke, pollen, tobacco); psychogenic (from anger or worry). (<) uncovering, even hands, eating. (>) wet weather (rains settling dust), urination and stool, free air (fanning).

Cough : dry, croupy, harsh, barking or deep, hollow (as in a barrel). (<) after ice cream or wetting, eating, sweets. (>) lying on abdomen or on l. side. Expectoration : difficult, viscid, frothy, bitter balls.

Bronchial cold, catarrh and inflammation; sycotic; psoric.

Incipient or inherited consumption. Phthisis florida; pituitous; sycotic.

Chest colds; with heat in l. chest; sharp stitches on exposure to cold damp air; rheumatic soreness (l.). Oppression (l.). Lungs feel stuffed; cold pain in r. lung and liver on coughing; feel fatigued (Stan.).

Heart : Radiating precordial pains, to l. scapula, l. arm (with numbness), head, throat, shoulder. Burning. Cold stitching. Soreness; rheumatic. Palpitation after slight exertion, from anticipation; subjective cardiac symptoms. Mitral valve affected first. Thrombosis. Vacant feeling in precordia. Pain from apex to base (Merc. Opposite Syph.).

Back : Cervical pain (>) throwing head back (Thuj.). Pain (esp. burning) above l. scapula. Lumbago of strain; clawing (alternating with releasing). Pain in sacrum, running around pelvis to pubic region or down back of hips to limbs. Back : lame or stiff (Rhus-t.); transverse pain from shoulder to shoulder, or in loins from kidney to kidney.

Spine BURNS like growing coals; from nape down spine; between scapulae; above l. scapula, or under, ext. down l. arm. Sore and tender spine and lumbar vertebrae (spinal irritation).

Locomotor : Limbs heavy, stiff, aching (esp. legs) all night, and lame; cold. BURNING hands and feet (like Sul.); during an electrical storm. Hot palms and soles. Diagonal pains, r. upper, l. lower.

Arms : (and legs) become hairy. Tremble.

Nails : dry and brittle; consumptive concavity, depressed transversely; corrugated (a sycotic-tubercular trait).

Legs : restless, cannot keep them still (Zinc.), (<) night, (>) clasping hands. Cramps, (>)stretching.Lameness. Awkwardness (unsteadiness). Leaden heavy and aching (all night). Ankles turn when walking. Hamstrings feel contracted. Sudden crural or sciatic pains (l.), (<) early morning, (>) at seaside; with sour mouth; h/o sycosis. Pain in knees (<) stretching, rising up. Great sensitiveness, soreness or tenderness of soles and heels, as if stepping on egg- shells, has to walk on knees (Ant-c.); of ball of great toe. Sleep : Spasmodic yawning. Sleeps and wakes late. Bed (esp. pillow) feels too hot. Wakes frightened and fatigued, with depression, anxiety or wild feeling. Dreams horrid, of dead, of ghosts, of drinking and walking. Sleeps on back with arms over head (Carc.), cannot sleep long on l. side. Skin : OILY. Dry, rough (esp. hands) or cold and clammy; yellow. Unwashably offensive (Psor.). Abrasive. Itching soreness. Itching (<) thinking of it, on off or cloudy days, (>) at seaside, radiate heat, rubbing, washing. RED spots and patches; erythema; instep very red, pt. has warts and lipomas; carbuncular boils with dark red streaks (Anthr., Bufo); eczema (rubrum). Sycotic skins; scabies. Intertrigo. Psoriasis palmaris. Favus. Small ulcers. Leucoderma (all nosodes). Leprosy.

Thermic : Chills up and down back. Creeping chills in liver and kidneys as if clawed by cold insects. Influenza with stiff soreness like Rhus-t. and aching in bones like Eup.; with sore throat; every winter; catarrhal 'flu. Malaria, like Nat-m., but (>) at seaside. Fever with congestion of lungs, renal distress, thirst for hot drinks, nervousness and sleepiness. Typhoid: fever rises after 10 am, h/o gonorrhea, asthma, rheumatism, gout etc., with symptoms of wasting. Hectic fever every afternoon.

Flushes of heat alternating with chilliness; or external coldness with internal heat. Sweat easy, nightly, during sleep; old foot-sweats (<) in winter (Arg-n.). Relations : Compare : Acet-ac., Alum., Arg-n., Cann-r., Cimi., Hydr., Nat-m., Phys., Rhus-t., Sec., Sul., Syco-syph. (better at seaside, always washing hands and feet, fond of sweets, salt, icy drinks, juicy things, abortive tendency, burning feet, pink disease (acrodynia), neck glands and small warts, rat-bite and general (<) evening till midnight cp. Sul.), Thea, Thuj., Thy., Tub., Zinc. Bowel nosodes cognate : Syc-co (like Morb. and Streptc.).To Dys- co.(like Carc.). Acutes : Ars., Bry., Calc-c., Carb-v., Chel., Cimi., Cist., Ign., Lach., Dros., Puls., Rhus-t., Sep., Stra., Ther., Tub. Complementary : Aur-m., Bar-c., Calc-c., Carc., Dys-co., Kali- i., Lach., Nat-m., Nat-s., Psor., Pul., Rhus-t., Sep., Sul., Sul- i., Syc-co., Syph., Ther., Thuja., Thyr., Tub. Carb-v., Kali-sil., Med., Merc., Psor., Sil.,Thuj. a fraternity. Complementary to :Pod.,Sul.,Sul-i.,Ther.,Thuj. etc. Antidotes : Ip., Nux-v., Thuj. Being symbiotic of Nat-m. it helps its acutes like Bry., Ign. Sani. is a psoric Med. Med. is an intensified Pul., and Rhus-t. Carc. is a close-up of Med. Both Sul. and Zinc. are combined in Med. Psor. and Med. shake hands in suppr. eruptions. Rhus-t. is an acute of Med. the acute of X-ray. Sul. may be useful after Medo. Medo. is ( like X-ray ) a sycotic and intensified Sul. ( warm blooded; burning of palms and soles; restless legs in bed; wants sweets; A.F. suppressed catarrhs and eruptions; but Medo. is not shabby, has no aversion to bathing and is fastidious and tense ). All nosodes have suppr. eruptions, leucoderma, diabetes, nodosities, leprosy. Nat-m. is a version and counterpart of Med. Phys. goes to ataxia, Med. to malignancy (and is (>) cold).

Son of Med. may require Thyr. Med. required after thyroid surgery (also Ign.). Children of an Ign. mother may require Med. or Nat-m.

Counterparts : Penic.,Sul-i., Syph.

Suggested Trios :

1. Ign.-Medo.-Thyr. 3. Ign.-Nat-m.-Medo.

2. Thyr.-Medo.- Sul-i. 4. Ign.- Cimi.- Medo.


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