NAJA [Naja]:

- Tarkas P. and Ajit Kulkarni.



Nervous system


Medulla oblongata

Nerves of Heart Mitral valve Respiration Glosso-pharyngeal Vagus

Spine. Brain Arm. Temple Ovary


COLD; damp air; drafts

Spring. Foggy weather

Summer. Heat. Hottest part of the day

Morning. (Day time) 3 p.m. Night Sleep Menses

Lying on l. side

Touch. Pressure of clothes

Motion. Walking

Riding in car

Stimulants. Water



Heat. Warmth

Open air (not cold); walking in riding in


Lying on r. side



Sour fruits (as lime)


Tremulous. Paralytic. Excited

Congestive. Nervous. Degenerant

Diseases originate from degeneration of motor cells of nerves; prostration, collapse, paralysis.

Make-up : Nervous, excitable, active, quick-acting but of vacillating disposition too and sceptic; quickly exhausted, with tremulous weakness; with cardiac insufficiency, often reflex; paralytic.

Fatigue. Languor. Faintness. Torpor. Restless weakness, rolls about, tosses head side to side, moves arms and legs (like Ars., Lach. is excited and weak). Uneasy, uncomfortable feeling all over; esp. in stomach, abdomen, bladder, chest (l.) and heart.

Many pains; constrictive, stitching, screwing-up, burning etc. Intractable neuralgias; with heart symptoms. Aching all over, (<) morning on waking. Constrictions in (head) throat, chest. Fullness, congestion, in head, chest, hands, feet. Cramps; in nape, shoulder, thigh. Numb r. side; l. arm. "Loss of sense of feeling." HOT feeling in parts. Uncomfortably hot and feverish. Hot head, eyes, ears, nose, face, lips, mouth, gums, eructations, rectum, genitals, chest, lungs, hands (but feet cold). Sudden : urging to stool; leucorrhea; weakness when walking. Puffy, cold or sweating hands, palms, feet. Eyelids swollen in morning. Anasarca. Oedemas. Collapse stage of cholera; cold tongue. Paralytic: lips; aphonia; dysphagia or aphagia; sphincters; respiration; heart; limbs. Bell's palsy. Polio. Bulbar paralysis. Blood : Coagulates in long strings (viscidity), or does not. Ecchymoses. Decomposes (at last). Glands : bubonic plague. Cicatrices itch. Distant parts or organs feel drawn together, as ovaries and heart. Convulsions start in outer throat. Epileptoid states. Epilepsy. Cancers. Dubious : sepsis; syphilis. Select Particulars Mind : Nervous, easily excitable, also temperament soft (like Puls., but contra Lach.), weeping, quick of motion and ideas, always on the go.The anti-rest. Duty bound. Easily broken down from responsibilities. Brooding and vacillating, sceptic. Intoxicated feeling, torpor, listlessness; confusion, distraction, amnesia, depression. Fear of rain (Elaps), of being alone. Del. that head is injured or he is starved; of being neglected; is under superhuman control. Guilty and ambivalent. Insanity; suicidal. Head : Congestion; heaviness; heat (and face, with cold feet). Periodic, neuralgic, sick headaches; l. supra-orbital, ext. to occiput, with palpitation, spinal pains. Cold feet; (<) morning; after breakfast; with nausea and vomiting; at climacteric; (<) noon, wears off later; stunning, as from a blow on, shooting. Better: in (not cold) open air, wine. Meningitis, with loquacity, delusions of rainstorm. Eyes : Drooping; or wide open; paralytic. Hot pain deep in eyeballs; like a scald. Pupils dilated. Paralysis of iris. Loss of sense of vision. Lids bluish and glued together in morning. Ears : Hears voices (inaudible to others). Tinnitus (whizzing, mill-like). Pains. Chronic otorrhea, discharges black, fish briny. Nose : Congested, hot and tender; thin discharge and sneezing. And later, descending into larynx, with asthmatic breathing ((>) in erect position), suffocative spells (<) sleep, lying. Hay fevers of Spring, August. 'Flu colds. Face : Pale, haggard; red, (>) washing. Jaws locked, or drooping. Lips hot and sore, dry and cracked, painful and excoriated. Purple sordes on lips, gums and tongue. Neuralgic pains.

Mouth : Gnawing toothache; after catching cold. Gums hot, swollen, tender. Worse when hungry. Dry mouth sans thirst; or foaming and viscid saliva. Breath hot and offensive. Thick, yellow coating; coldness; ulcers, on tongue (Agar.). Loss of speech, with choking, palpitation; after a lecture. Metallic sour bitter taste.

Throat : Choking; nervous, but also stricture. Sens. of hot iron has run into larynx; of a hair. Sore throat, dark red (Ail.). L. side: tonsillitis, with redness and shooting pains; pricking and redness (<) morning. Diphtheria, wakes in distress; threatened heart failure, gasping for breath on waking; membrane gray, white or purple. Stomach : Desires stimulants, which (<). Thirst for small quantities and often. Eructations hot, foul. Acidity, heartburn. Faint like nausea. Distress in, as from indigestion; pressure as from stone. Condiments cause palpitation. Peptic ulcer. Vomiting due to spasmodic stricture of oesophagus (Bapt.). Abdomen : Tensive, flatulent colic, ext. to precordia. Anguish in l. hypochondrium and loin (groin?) after dinner, with flatulence (there); obscure pain in l. groin, esp. in post-operative cases; hernia (?). Uncomfortable about umbilicus. Rectum : Constipation, sudden urging, with feeling of a large stool, or of insufficient stool. Diarrhea, with sudden urging, bilious. Cholera, collapse, pulseless, dyspnea, gasping. Urinary : Uneasiness and pressure in bladder, or a feeling of atony. Urine sedimented; with lithates; deep straw colored. Male : Great desire with little power. Involuntary emissions followed by prostration, depression and distress. Female : Congestion and neuralgia of l. ovary; with palpitation and precordial pain; before menses;obscure, not inflammatory, pains. Ulcerative pain in vagina during coition. Thin, whitish leucorrhea. Dysmenorrhea, flow stopped when pain was severest. Reflex symptoms of climaxis. Abortions. Mammae : Milk reduced. Stitching under l. nipple. Ulcerative pain during coitus. Suspicious lumps in l. Respiratory : Catarrh of larynx. Laryngismus stridulus from spinal irritation. Hoarseness, when reading aloud. Asthma; hay; cardiac (Laur.). Respiration failing, gasping, stertor, puffing; asphyxia during sleep; (>) sitting erect, sneezing. Cough: dry, hacking; short; cardiac (Spong.); of laryngeal or pulmonary phthisis. Cough (>) lying on r. side. Expectoration viscid, white; blood-spitting (non-coagulable).

Pain in l. pectoral muscles; subclavicular. Dull pain to r. of sternum; tenderness over sternum and in throat. Shooting in supramammary region; or under l. nipple alternating with same over l. eye ext. backward (<) after sleep, exertion, tea, coffee, (>) sitting or riding in (not cool) open air. Dry, hot, empty feeling in (l.) lung; or heavy, oppressed feeling. Ribs feel broken (Sep.). Chest sympathizes with heart.

Heart : Non-descript nervous cardiac troubles; nervous sensation in; a peculiar oppression felt in. All the disturbing forces have settled in the heart, no distinctive symptoms (Amm-c.) but simple atony (as in children), or cardiac murmurs, palpitation etc. are associated with nervousness; a peculiar depressed feeling or distress in precordia. Easy palpitation; most when Sun in hottest; or (<) in Summer, or on waking; after public speaking.Chronic nervous palpitation. Sudden fluttering when writing, with (choking) rising into throat. Cardiac cough (Lach.).

Breast pangs (violent, short, spasmodic pain); dragging and anxiety or trembling in precordia, after grief, hysterical. Constriction. Acute anginal pain with loss of breath and speech; after articular rheumatism. Severe pains ext. to shoulder, nape, scapula, back and l. arm; with choking, palpitation, dry cough, anxiety; (<) hurrying, exertion, ascending or riding in car (Raph.); at 2-3 am with band like sensation in l. arm, (<) lying on it (IHD). Stitching pains; below l. nipple. Cramps, ascending to neck. Orgasms rising upward. Tightness and tension


Damaged heart after infectious diseases (Iber.), diphtheria, 'flu, typhoid. Rheumatic heart. Syphilitic heart. Threatened cardiac arrest with cyanosis, gasping, thready intermitting and sinking pulse. Valvular murmurs (from fibrous deposits) remaining after coronary attacks. Dilated. L.B.P. Hypertrophy.

Inflammations. Acute (septic) or chronic rheumatic endocarditis (later than Lach.). Myocarditis with violent stitching pains. Pericarditis.

Pulse : irregular in force and rhythm or regular in rhythm but irregular in force; imperceptible.

Back : As of a blow or aching in neck. Tired feeling in cervical and dorsal vertebrae. Pain or uneasy dragging between scapulae (<) moving arm. Spinal pain (with palpitation) from disordered sexual functions. Shooting pain from l. scapular angles to front of chest (or vice versa). Spinal irritation.

Locomotor : Shifting rheumatism; aching, bruised pains on waking; with weakness; in shoulders, wrists, thighs, ankles. Painful numbness of hand, palm. Aching in hand, ulnar side. Staggers or drags along when walking, feels so weary. Terrific racking destruction in marrow of thigh.Limbs ache in morning on (waking or) rising. Feet always cold.Tingling in legs and feet when standing. Painful chilblains on feet.

Skin : Itching, crawling, prickling. Mottled, dark purple. Inflamed, with pimples, blisters, boils. Gangrene.

Sleep : Great sleepiness with yawning; profound sleep with stertorous breathing and puffy expiration, and moaning. Restless sleep disturbed by dreams; or no inclination for sleep, brain being irritable; not so much fatigued however next morning. Dreams of murder, suicide, fire.

Thermic : Chilliness, chilly creepings, least draft intolerable. Coldness of whole l. side. Cold limbs; l. arm; hands; constantly icy cold feet, with hot hands. Heat, with prostration and discomfort, dry lips, but no thirst. Hot, congested head, with flushes of heat in face (l.). Hot hands, hot and sweaty palms. Feverish uncomfortable feeling, internal heat. Sweat general, free or cold and clammy. Sweat on loins, palms, ankles when coughing.

Relations : Naja venom contains Zinc. Both Agar. and Naja are psoric Lach.

Cur., Crot-h. and Elap. are r. sided Naja.

Complementary : Arg-n., Aur., Sul.

Antidotes : Cur., Gel., Tab., Ammonia, Brandy.

Similar : Ap., Ars., Cact., Crat., Crot-h., Cur., Dig., Elap., Iber., Lach., Laur., Lepid., Phaseol., Spi., Sul., Spong., Tarn.

Lach. spends itself out on blood, Naja on nerves. Opposed to Lach., Naja is chilly and better from sour fruits. Naja has stitching pain more marked; Lach., has the feeling of constriction. Naja pts. are less congested, less bloated - looking and a little paler than Lach.

Naja., Crot-h. terminate life more rapidly than Lach. Crot-h. and Elap. are r. sided; Naja. l. sided (like Lach.) with a lure for ovary.

Zinc.-Gels.-Naja a trio.


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