- Tarkas P. and Ajit Kulkarni.

Region Worse Better

Tonsils Cold. Wet Warmth

Nutrition Weather : Damp. Winter Seshore

Glands Loss of sleep

R. side Breakfast. Eggs


Surgery; removal of organ



Troubles after (medical) mismanagement :

1. Surgical removal of any organ : mastoid, tonsils, gastrectomy, appendix, ovary, uterus; of growths (fibroid, lipoma)

2. Never well since : (repeated) tonsillitis, diphtheria, scarlatina, pneumonia or such infections

3. Family history of serious diseases like diabetes, cancer, tuberculosis (Carc.)

4. Esp. after tonsillectomy, predisposition to : eye troubles (e.g. irido-cyclitis); deafness; sinusitis; P.N.catarrh; throat cancer; thyrotoxicosis; flatulent dyspepsia; dysentery; repeated urinary tract infections; bronchitis; asthma; rheumatic heart; osteo-myelitis; rheumatisms; arthritis; paraplegia, infantile; recurring high fevers; chorea; (puny) stunted growth; emaciation, decline (Sil.,Tub.); dermatitis, eczema; sclerosis; spondylosis (too perhaps). A first or intercurrent remedy here.

Hemorrhagic diathesis.

Tendency to pus formation. Septic symptoms in infectious diseases. Boils, abscesses and other septic processes, like quinsy and peri-tonsillar abscesses.

Relapsing tendency : recurrent suppurations, eruptions,asthma. Lesions renewing at place of origin.

Chilly, wants heavy clothing; sensitive to everything cold. Low resistance to colds and infections.

General debility, wants always to lie down, tired and sleepy. Neurasthenia, after hysterectomy etc. Local paralyses.

Retarded growth; dwarfed, delicate, puny, stunted children.

A mighty medicine, says Tyler. Enlarged tonsils is in many cases a forerunner of tuberculosis acc. to Farrington.

Select Particulars

Mind : High-strung;irritable, in morning; restless, at night. Loss of spirits; depressed;emotional;apprehensive; melancholy; listless; indolent. Timidity; agg. in company (also from noises); sympathy causes weeping.

Head : Periodical headaches. Frontal. R. sided throbbing. Hair rarifying on head but growing on chest, back, limbs.

Eyes : Winking. Puffy under eyes.

Nose : Sinusitis. P. N. catarrh. Sneezing; without cold.

Face : Sickly. Pale (during fever). Acne, (<) winter, eggs. Bell's palsy. Mouth : Strawberry (fleshy) tongue. Throat : Sore throat, after washing hair; then rheumatism (throat affections are considered rheumatic). Repeated quinsy, tonsillitis. Concretions on tonsils. Diphtheria. Stomach : Anorexia. Nausea. Averse to sweets. Craves salt, sour, sweets, cold milk. Abdomen : Violent types of acute dysentery (Staphyl. milder and chronic). Bacillary dysentery; heavy bleeding (the more blood the better indicated), high fever and toxemia, but no tenesmus (unlike Merc-c.) or urinary symptoms (unlike Canth.); of hot weather. Anal fistula, greenish pus, preceded by pimples all over with similar exudation (Streptc-v.). Involuntary stools (and urine). Urinary : Dysuria. Enuresis. Glycosuria; juvenile (associated with suppurating tonsils or gums), urinary tract infections. Respiratory : Asthma; after pneumonia; (<) winter, (>) at seashore. Cough; (<) during sleep, at night; after 'cold' substances (curds, banana etc.). Bronchitis. Pneumonia; troubles after. Axillary (or cervical) glands swollen. Stitches in l. chest. Heart : Myocarditis. Subacute bacterial (Streptc.) endocarditis; resultant coronary thrombosis and valvular damage (mitral stenosis). Rheumatic hearts. Murmurs in r. side of heart. Locomotor : Rheumatisms (acute rheumatic fever, non-specific arthritis etc.); after throat affections or tonsillectomy; with pus focus; (<) beginning to move (like Rhus-t.), wet weather, (>) warmth, (<) night. Arthritis; deformans; after tonsillectomy; stool (>) pains, but (<) headache. Stiffness. Sleep : Tired and sleepy; at breakfast and at dinner, from 10 am to 3 pm. Skin : Allergic to eggs (and horses after diphtheria inoculation). Acute filariasis. Measles. Dermatitis after surgeries. Boils, abscesses, suppurating processes. Eczema, fungoid, recurrent, after surgeries. Impetigo. Thermic : Cold feet. Hot feet ((>) uncovering like Sul.). Easy sweat; mostly on face.

Puerperal fever. Scarlet fever. Low, septic; typhoid, with hemorrhage, muco-purulent stools, paucity of clear symptoms, high fever in third week.

Relations : Compare : Carc., Guai., Lach., Pyro., Rhus-t., Staphyl., Sul., Syc-co., Thuja., Tub.

"Midway between Pho. and Psor.


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