- Tarkas P. and Ajit Kulkarni.

Ozonised oil of Turpentine



Upper digestive tract

M.M. of Gastro-intestinal

Visceral Genito-urinary organs Broncho-pulmonary

Serous Peritoneal

Memb- Pleural ranes Arachnoid

Cellular tissues


Heart, Blood



DAMP Weather Places Wetting Water


Night; 1-3 am


Lying on l. side

Walking in open air


Pressure; of corsets pessary

Warm drinks

Abuse of : sugar, mercury (Nux-m.) alcohol





Cold water

Discharges Gases Stool Urine Blood

Calcareous. Hydrogenoid. Hydrophobic

Congestive. Hemorrhagic. Scorbutic

Highlights : Bleeding mucous surfaces. Tense, tympanitic abdomen. Burning. Drowsiness. Uremic poisoning.

Make-up : Lymphatic, sanguine, feeble, relaxed; gouty. Pale faced. Sedentary high - livers. Alcoholics. Exhausted, sensitive and tired. Nervous women. Children (Nux-v.,Op., Ver-v.); wormy, teething, tantrumy.

Old people (Lyc.,Nux-m.); walking stooped or staggering. (A non - hysterical but renal Nux-m.; an elaborated Ver-v. but sans arterial excitement ).

Action : Congestions : Cerebral, cranial, and (catarrho- hemorrhagic) inflammations of visceral organs (intestines, kidneys, bladder, uterus, lungs etc.) with tympany; malignant tendency (Ars., Bufo). Also (like Rhus-t.) : episcleritis, iritis, otitis, stomatitis, enteritis, colitis, appendicitis, peritonitis, orchitis, urethritis, nephritis, metritis, bronchitis, pneumonitis, arthritis, dermatitis, cellulitis (Ap., Canth., Med., Rhus-t.).

Water imbalance : 1. Dry heat with polyuria. 2. Sweat, dropsy with oliguria. 3. Dry tongue with abdominal distension (ascites


Lowered reflex action; want of sensibility / irritability (to medicines).

Nerves : Pains : Sprained, contusive. Aching-soreness; grippy stiff soreness all over (Rhus-t.). Sudden gripping, aching with restless tossing about (Ars.,Rhus-t.). Pains along (larger) nerve tracks; with coldness, numbness; (<) damp weather. Burning pains anywhere (Ars., Merc-c., Phos.). Burning - stinging (Ap., Canth.) (<) warm drinks. Pains excite urination. Neuralgia (<) suppr. sweat. Twitching. Crawling-tingling with a feeling as if asleep or heavy. Convulsions : Uremic (Calc-ars.). Puerperal. Worms. Hydrophobic ( from seeing running water or a bright object, hearing water gurgling, when urinating; (Canth. helps). Tetanus; traumatic. Epilepsy. Chorea. Prostration, with cold clammy sweat (early collapse). Tendency to faintness, syncope; during headache etc. (Nux-m.). Paralysis; infantile. Trembling, esp. hands, when writing; with debility. Tissues : Mucous membranes: First dry, burning (Xanth.); later blood streaked mucus. Muscles : Aching, sore, stiff. Grippy. Convulsive jerking of muscles (Eel serum, Sul.). Bones. Joints: Asthenic inflammations. Atonic gout. Swollen and stiff joints. Glands : Swelling: inguinal (painful). Blood : Hemorrhages : passive; dark, black, tarry, inky, offensive, ropy. Advancing ecchymosis. Purpura hemorrhagica; with soreness (like Ham.). Scorbutic affections; with haematuria. Dropsy : Renal; precedes kidney affection (inflammation. Merc-c. - dropsy gone before albuminuria relieved; dropsy remains after album., Plb.). General dropsy after pleurisy, scarlatina etc. Of ovaries. Anasarca. Great emaciation. Lithiasis (calcareousness): (on teeth), in kidneys, on joints (gouty). Growths : Fibroids. Fibroma. Uterine tumors. Melaena. Cancer : uterus. Destruction : Gangrene; cold; from turpentine application; hospital; surgical (dissecting); traumatic; diabetic (Lach.). Brown : tongue, stool, urine, vomit. Injuries : Every trifle sprain bruises him. Falls. Tooth- extraction (bleeding etc). Injury to nerves (surgical or traumatic tetanus etc.). Wearing corsets. Pessaries (Nux-m.). Burn. Select Particulars Mind : Irritable: urinary tantrums; from worms; during dentition. Maniacal rage (Canth.). Homicidal. Suicidal. Hydrophobia. Anxiety on going to bed; or no restless anguish. Fits of unconsciousness; coma, stupefaction, sopor (Nux-m.), with involuntary or retained urine; uremic. Head : Congestive vertigo and headache; (>) bending head backward, (>) free urination; apoplectiform. Dull pain like a band around head. Lacerating pain from forehead to r. ear. Continuous pain, even for years with but rare intermissions (suggestive of brain tumor). Uremic poisoning of brain: headache, coma, convulsions (Apis. is hydrocephalic).

Eyes: Optic hyperaemia, but pain more severe. Tension across eyes. (Glaucoma). Ciliary neuralgia, over r. eye. Rheumatic or traumatic iritis; from suppr. footsweat. Adhesion of iris to lens (recent), with (burning) pain in kidney. Episcleritis. Vision : alcoholic or tobacco amblyopia (Agar., Nux-v.). Opacity of aqueous. Retinitis albuminurica (Merc-c.).

Ears : Disorientation of sounds. Own voice sounds unnatural. Tinnitus: humming, as of a sea-shell, tick tack, as of a clock. Discharge from one ear. Otalgia; during dentition (with cerebral and abdominal irritation). Otitis, with enlarged tonsils. After otitis deafness with high vascularity of meatus and membranes. Eczema.

Nose : Cold in the head with sore nostrils, watery discharge, tendency to epistaxis. E. in purpura hemorrhagica. Face : Fullness. Flushes; of typhus; of climacteric (Lach.). Pains. Lockjaw; retracted upper lip over teeth.

Teeth : Dentition : uremic convulsions, picks nose, otalgia, fever, meningeal and abdominal irritation, wormy and tantrummy child. Drawing pains in teeth. Gums swell, bleed, burn. Scorbusis; with haematuria (Phos.).

Mouth : Agreeable coolness; peppery feeling; cold breath. Fetor; in worm trouble. Inflammation and aphthae of the whole alimentary canal from mouth to anus; no pain, or, with burning. Salivation; mercurial.

Tongue: Dry, with tympanites (in same degree). Mapped. Red, dry, glossy, smooth (Lach., Pyro.). Clean later. Burning; tip soreness.

Throat : Warmth in. Burning scraping pinching choking tonsillitis (externally. No pharyngitis?). Foreign body feeling in windpipe.

Stomach : Thirsty. Craves drinks. Averse to meat (which (<)). Heat / burning (or coldness) in S. Heartburn and waterbrash in evening; acidity. Rancid eructations. Nausea; with vertigo; after eating; after (a loose) stool. Vomiting; renal; coffee - grounds. Gastritis, tenderness to touch. Epigastrium : Tension (and pain) with faintness and anxiety there, or, fullness in abdomen (and prostration). Choking / pressure as from hasty swallowing, or as if a ball were swallowed. Abdomen : Liver: jaundice; chronic complaints of enlarged. Gall stone colic, biliary colic. Meteorism: excessive tympanites (Carb-v., Chin., Colch., Nux-m.), tenderness, dry tongue; in puerperal disorders, uremia, sepsis, typhus. Local distension; as of hernia. Flatulence; pain below pit. Burning in. Pain in ileo - cecal region with a noise as if rubbing of papers. Pain with frequent urination (Nux-v.); with headache; (>) after stool.

Inflammations : Gastro-enteritis. Entero-colitis. (Appendicitis). Puerperal (or typhoidal) pelvic peritonitis, with tympanites, bladder trouble; perforation / rupture; ext. from specific pelvic cellulitis; or ext. from metritis resulting from retained secundines or from gonorrhea. Peritonitis and uterine trouble from tight corsets. Effusion of serum into abdominal cavity; in typhoid. Passive ulceration; typhoid ulcers (of Peyer's patches). Retracted umbilicus (Plb.).

Pressing outward pain in inguina; hernia.

Rectum : Diarrhea / Dysentery: (<) dampness (Nux-m.); in typhoid, in nephritis. After stool pain (and tenesmus?), or, burning. Constipation, with tympany. Fainting after every stool. Hemorrhoids; internal, bleeding, (>) cold, pain twisting, burning.

Hemorrhage: in ulceration, in typhoid. Stools: black or coffee ground in hematemesis or purpura hemorrhagica; prune juice like (Ars.).

Worms (Nux-m.), burning-tingling at anus, fetor oris, choking sensation, cough, spasms, irritability; during dentition. Tape- worms. Lumbrici.

Urinary system : Nephritis; after wetting (Rhus-t.); after any severe acute disease (as scarlatina, diphtheria, typhoid); in confinement or amenia (Solid.); during skin irritation; as from a burn (Canth.). Preceded by : drowsiness, dropsy, strangury; gastro - intestinal disturbances, flatulence, tympanities (Lyc.). Suppurative nephritis. Pyelitis. Calculi. With Bronchitis.

Early congestive stage of kidney diseases (Calc-a.), with bloody, smoky urine, before disorganisation takes place or soon upon it. Later, a 'shut-down' of kidneys, scanty, smoky or stopped urine, with consequent uraemia, brain affected (acute renal failure). Kidney shock; of infants (Aco.). After burn nephritis, bloody urine and strangury.

Burning in kidneys ext. along ureters to bladder, even urethra.

Bladder: Catarrhal inflammation, with burning; also suppurative.

Tenesmus (Canth., Merc-c.). Strangury; gonorrheal. Any pain excites urination. Frequent micturition from pain in bowels, with lumbago; (<) at night. Spasmodic retention from atony of fundus, with drowsiness, in old sedentary persons, after diphtheria, exanthema, typhoid. Dribbling. Urethritis, with painful erections (Canth.); burning during urination (Merc-c.). Urine : Odor of violets; more albumin but less casts; purulent; sweet smelling, saccharine (diabetic). Sediment; coffee-grounds like; calcium oxalate (Lyc.). Haematuria: blood-mixed, or occult (wine or coffee colored or black); traumatic (e.g. a cut); after exanthema; from cold taking or dampening; during bronchitis. Male : Spermatorrhea, with turbid urine. Gonorrhea; gleet; suppr. rheumatism, with strangury, tenesmus, stricture, chordee. Female : Nervous women suffering from dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, headaches etc. Heat, pain and fullness in pelvis or vagina, followed by peritonitis with tympanities. Congestion: from using pessaries; with tumor. Fibroid, with bloody offensive discharge; also malignant. Metritis or metrorrhagia (black blood) with : burning- bearing down pain, mucopurulent sputa, drowsiness. Puerperum: burning pain; abdomen tense, distended and tender, nausea and vomiting, suppr. lochia, headache, dry brown tongue, thirst, pulse small and frequent, debility. Similar trouble at climaxis.Herpes labialis. Respiratory : Res. tract dry, burning, congested. Own voice sounds unnatural. Aphonia. Membranous croup. Dyspnea; hyperpnea; irregular respiration; inspires with 6-7 catches; abdominal respiration; (<) night, damp weather; (>) sitting erect, deep breathing.

Cough : Hacking. Dry. Or, scanty blood-streaked mucus or frothy sputa (<) winter, lying down after meals. Arthritic cough. Congestion of chest with burning and haemoptysis. Capillary bronchitis, bloody, dark, scanty or retained urine, drowsiness. Bronchial catarrh (and pneumonia) with dangerous (bronchial) symptoms; of aged, with dyspnea, heavy substernal pain, hepatization; moist crepitating rales, tightness across chest. Pleurisy effusion, dropping of serum into abdominal cavity; during typhoid. Pulmonary congestion (>) by hemoptysis after a period of great distress and restlessness. Lungs feel distended.

Muscular stiffness. Contraction of thoracic muscles. Stitching in pectoralis major.

Sternum : heavy substernal pain. Piercing pain behind sternum. Burning (<) in chest along sternum; burning (<) warm drinks during bronchitis.

Heart : Precordial oppression. Warmth at heart (Kalm., Nux-m.). Organic disease of heart and large vessels (in nephritis). In emphysema apex beat is felt in the region of pit of stomach. Pulse : rapid in typhoid (Pyro.,Ver-v.). H.B.P., L.B.P.

Back : Backache (soreness) in renal troubles. Burning pain in front or back (kidney region). Drawing pain in r. lumbar, ext. to hip; with fever. Pain ext. down.

Extremities : Heaviness. Stiffness. Coldness. Sudden grippy aching. Intense pain along larger nerves; soreness. (<) damp weather. Exceedingly sensitive nerves of limbs esp. lower, or insensibility thereof. Numbness of limbs; during (nervous) headache. Brachial neuralgia; sprained pains in muscles of left arm.

Rheumatic sciatica, urinary symptoms agreeing. Pain from hip or lumbar to forehead. Pain from groins ext. to thighs. Swelling and stiffness of right knee with pain in calf. Cramps in knees. Tearing in soles and heels.

Sleep : Sopor, heavy sleep; in uremia etc. Sleeplessness. Nightmares; as soon as he sleeps off.

Skin : Burning pains, irritation and fever, later desquamation. Scarlatina with stupor, smoky urine, (renal) dropsy, eruption tardy. Erythema resembling scarlet rash (Bell.). Eruptions like after taking shell-fish (erythematous, vesicular or urticarial, like Urt.). Scabies: pustular eruptions. Chilblains : unbroken, great itching, pulsating pains. Pityriasis; of aged. (Herpes zoster).

Erysipelas bulbosa; traumatic; tending to gangrene. Traumatic / surgical G. "Paralytic affections of skin."

Thermic States : Violent coldness, with restless tossing about (Ars.). Sensation of coldness in nerves, during pains. Cold limbs, hot trunk, violent chill. Coldness, chill in abdomen; after a strong chill violent pain in abdomen (peritonitis). Cold lower limbs.

Fever : with thirst, red face, nervous surfaces (e.g. tongue ) feel dry, excessive prostration, delirium, stupor. profuse sweat esp. on legs, urinary symptoms (cp. Ver-v.).

Sweat : cold clammy all over, but esp. on legs, or only on (r.) side of head; suddenly checked causes neuralgias.

Typhoid : Prostration, meteorism, tympanites (Lyc., Nux-m.), bloody diarrhea, hemorrhage from peritonitis and perforation or ulceration of Peyer's glands, muttering delirium, coma (Nux-m.), epistaxis, serous effusions in pleural and abdominal cavities, dangerous bronchial symptoms, pneumonia, tongue later red, smooth glossy dry and large flakes peel leaving it clean, bed-sores, urine bloody, albuminous, smoky (and other urinary symptoms), rapid pulse (Ver-v.).

Children's teething or other fevers (like Cham.).

African fever. Malaria. Scarlatina (also as a prophylactic).

Relations : Antidotes to turpentine : Ap., Cam., Canth., Merc-c., Nux-m., Op., Phos., Ter.

Acutes : Ant-t., Bapt., Bell., Eucal., Pyro., Urt-u.

Complementary : Chin., Lyc., Merc., Merc-c., Phos.

Similars : Alumen., Am-c., Ap., Arn., Ars., Bapt., Berb., Bufo.,Calc-ars., Cann-s., Canth., Colch., Crot-h., Echin., Erig., Eucal., Form., Hell., Kre., Lach., Lyc., Merc., Merc-c., Naph., Nux-m., Nux-v., Phos., Pyro., Rhus-t., Sec., Solid., Spart.

Incompatible : Bell.


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