Barium nitricum [Bar-n]:

- Jan Scholten
'I feel ridiculous at a party'.

Baryta nitrica is like an unwritten page in the book of homeopathy.


Baryta Nitrica

Ridiculed Enjoyment

Small, futile Need for space, expansion

Retarded Outings

Hiding Congestion, explosive.

Shyness Tension


Group analysis

From the group analysis we get for Baryta nitrica the delusion that enjoyment is ridiculous. They are afraid that people will laugh at them if they enjoy themselves. They feel a great desire for company and warmth, but only with friends and family. The company of strangers makes them very shy. They feel that they look silly when they are having fun. That is why they don't like going to parties, because don't feel at ease.

A variation on the theme could be that they feel very small and weak, unable to occupy any space. This feeling gets worse if the space is too small, when they feel totally overwhelmed. Hence their fear of narrow spaces is very marked: fear in shops, planes, lifts, trains etc. Eventually they give up and withdraw. And where do they hide? Not inside, but in a wide open space, outside where there are no people.


A man aged 65 comes complaining of anxiety. He has had this for the past 5 years. During the first two years he still continued to work, but eventually he could not carry on any longer and he retired. He has always been rather nervous, especially if he had to talk about himself, or about his feelings. He gets even more nervous when people around him are suspicious. Since he started to live in the eastern part of the country, where people are rather suspicious by nature, his complaints got worse. When he is shopping in a big department store he sometimes has a panic attack.

In the beginning he also had problems with his eyesight, everything seemed to be floating.

He has a sensation of pressure in his ears, with a buzzing sound, or a sound as of children's voices, sometimes a high whistling. His ears feel stopped up when he is in a room full of people with a lot of noise, (<) swallowing. He often feels as if he is floating. He is easily frightened by sudden noises, especially sharp or hollow sounds. His tearducts have been inflamed for 3 years, blocked l(>)r, lachrymation in windy weather.

Burning in oesophagus and stomach, (<) tea, butter, fat, alcohol, (>) lying down.

He has had a bladder infection twice, once painless, the second time with fever and burning pains on urination. He also had the feeling that his penis was blocked and too small. At that time he felt depressed and very anxious, afraid that he would have to go to hospital.

General characteristics:

Temperature: (<) heat and sun, this makes him tired and ill (3). (>) outside, in a wide open space with plenty of fresh air, like the seaside (3).

(<) in the mountains. Perspiration: little, but more when he is afraid, (>) brandy with sugar.

Desires: everything, sweet (2), chocolate, bacon, fatty meat, butter, eggs, alcohol, grilled chicken; little thirst.

Aversion: meat, fat, tomato puree. (<) tea, butter. Sleep: on right side. Physical: great desire for movement. Mind: He is easily frightened and is extremely claustrophobic. Once, when he had climbed a high tower, he didn't dare to climb down the narrow staircase anymore. He is afraid in large shops, planes, lifts. Also of disease, operations, heights and the dark, so when he is in his caravan he always has to have the light on. He can't stand films with violence, excitement, or horror, such as films about concentration camps. He gets depressed quickly, doesn't see a way out anymore, is listless and cries easily. He hates parties, feeling he doesn't belong there, which makes him feel ridiculous. In my consulting room he gave the impression of being very gentle, even timid. He cried a lot during the consultation. He looked very nervous and had difficulty finding the right words, the more so because he burst out crying all the time. But at the same time he was very open about his problems. He doesn't understand why he is so nervous. His face twitches around his eyes. He needs the company of his family and the children. He also likes visiting former colleagues. He is very caring towards his wife and children. He has always been a gentle type of person, never a fighter. He likes to have gentle people around him too. He dislikes people who are hard and he can't stand suspicious people. He is not very stable and he feels better when he is busy. Because of his restlessness his hands are constantly busy, his feet too. He used to be a very shy and quiet child. Some people thought that he was a bit retarded, because he was so withdrawn. He was frightened of many things: harsh voices, horror stories (3), going to confession, being indoctrinated. That he was so withdrawn was partly due to the fact that his parents moved house so many times. He had been to 6 different primary schools. When he used to have a fever, he was always very afraid. It felt as if the walls were coming towards him and receding again, as if the room became bigger and smaller. This same feeling used to come back in his nightmares. When he got a bit older he joined the boy scouts and this is where he flourished. His marriage is good. Work: he used to be a technical director in a tool-making factory. Analysis If we analyse this case in the usual way we end up with Arg-n and Pulsatilla. There are many symptoms to indicate Puls: crying during consultation, gentle character, warm, (<) fat, likes company, claustrophobia. But there also symptoms which contra- indicate it:(>) fat and bacon, very nervous, afraid of people.

In favour of Arg-n we have: fear of narrow spaces, nervousness and (>) sweet. We also have the characteristic symptom of Arg- n:the feeling that the walls are coming towards him. However, Arg-n did nothing. Later on I came to know that this last symptom and the accompanying claustrophobia belong to all Nitricums, as well as the desire for fat and bacon.

The Nitricums make us think of enjoyment and parties. How does this person react to that? He hates them because he feels ridiculous at a party. And this is a well known Baryta trait. Other symptoms of Baryta are: the childishness, the shyness, the fact that other people thought he was retarded, and his own feeling that his penis was too small.


Initially he did very well on Pulsatilla. He seemed to be more at ease. But two years later his anxiety came back and puls didn't have any effect anymore. Neither did a dose of Arg-n 1M.

After Bar-n 1M his mental state had improved 80 Percent within three months.

Picture of Baryta nitrica

Essence: the fear of being ridiculed when you have fun.

Mind: They love company and social gatherings. They like nothing better than being at a family party. But at the same time they are very afraid of looking silly when they are having fun like this. Especially the company of strangers makes them feel uncomfortable. They may even withdraw for fear of being observed.

They are afraid of narrow spaces, in places like the cinema, a plane or a lift. They prefer to be in a wide open space.

Dream: being laughed at for his erect penis.

General characteristics:

Location: left.

Temperature: warm. (<) sun.

Time: (<) 9 am.

Desires: fat, cheese, bacon.

Aversion: fat, cheese, bacon.

Complaints: Tinnitus, deafness.

Hayfever. Colds with watery discharge.

Heart and vascular diseases. Arteriosclerosis.


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