Origin and sources of homoeopathic drugs:

- Sumit Goel.

Diseases were born with Man and drugs came into existence since a very early period to remove the pain of diseases and to cure them. Thus the story of history of drugs is as old as mankind.

Since the dawn of civilization, primitive man went in search of food and ate at random plants or parts of plants. If he found that no harmful effects were observed, he considered them as edible and used as food. If he found they were considered inedible, then, according to actions, he used them in treating symptoms and diseases. The knowledge was empirical and was obtained by trial and error. Thus a number of drugs in use owe their origin to folklore of different people, in primitive rites or witchcraft. The results were passed from generation to generation, transmitted orally at one time, later in written form as papyri, baked clay tablets, parchments, print media and now by computerized, information retrieval systems. Many drugs have also been introduced as a direct consequence of carefully planned scientific effort involving co-operation of people trained in many different disciplines. Drugs used in medicine today are either obtained from nature or are of synthetic origin. The different sources of homoeopathic drugs are


This is the largest source of homoeopathic medicines. Medicines are prepared from various plants, either whole or their parts. Though some of the active principles of plant drugs are also individually used as drugs, homoeopathic pharmacy accepts all plants in their natural form, without extracting their individual constituents.


Animals, their parts and extracts are also employed in homoeopathy. Venom and lacs are also included in this category.


With advancement of knowledge of chemistry, the homoeopathic pharmacy also employs a large number of chemicals - elements, compounds and also natural minerals and mineral springs.


These are preparations from pathological microbial culture obtained from diseased tissue and other diseased clinical materials (secretions, discharges, etc.).


These are preparations from physiological, healthy tissues and secretions.


These are immaterial 'dynamic' energies that are utilized as potentized homoeopathic medicines. These energies have been tapped into potential homoeopathic medicines for the cure of the sick and is unique to homoeopathic pharmacy.


These are synthesized compounds that have found a place in allopathic system of medicine. These have been homoeopathically prepared and utilized on purely homoeopathic principles. This category of drugs is termed as 'synthetic'.


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