Glossitis - Inflammation of the Tongue.


SYMPTOMS. - Heat and pain in the tongue, which rapidly swells, sometimes to an enormous size, so as to hang out of the mouth; profuse Salivation; the patient may even be unable to eat, swallow, or speak, and suffocation seems imminent.

CAUSES. - Infection by bacterial organisms when the body resistance is lowered by cold or weak health. Wounds of the tongue and even slight scratches, may given an opportunity for infection; or, more frequently, mercurial salivation.

TREATMENT. - Acon. and Merc. in alternation every hour, for on- mercurial Glossitis, till relief is obtained. If the disease be due to large doses of Mercury, Bell. should be alternated with Hep-S. Ac.-Nit. and Carbo V. are also useful. If there be much oedematous swelling, Apis should be selected.


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