Treatment of Prurigo-Itching of the Skin with Homeopathic Remedies


DEFINITION.- "A chronic affection of the skin, characterised by a thickened and discolored state of the surface, with excessive itching, and, generally an eruption of papuloe."

SYMPTOMS.- Intense itching, and creeping sensation; patients scratch and tear themselves till the blood flows; their sleep is frequently disturbed, and their existence is thus often rendered almost unendurable; or the impulse to incessant scratching is so powerful as to induce the patient to seek seclusion. Sometimes the itching is diffused irregularly over the surface; at other times it affects the extremities; frequently it occurs round the anus, or on the scrotum, or on the female genitals. It is often a horrible and most obstinate disease.

CAUSES.- Prurigo is specially apt to occur at the two extremes of life and is probably a blood disorder with irritability of the nerve endings in the skin. Irritation of the alimentary tract by improper food is liable to commence the disease and it is greatly influenced by unhealthy surroundings. In uncleanly persons it may be associated with scabies or pediculi. It may predispose to some existing chronic disease.

TREATMENT.- Aconitum.- Furious itching all over the skin, with febrile symptoms.

Sulphur.- Severe itching, attended with thirst and dryness of the skin, worse in the evening, and in bed. This is generally a prominent remedy, and it is frequently specific, especially in recent cases.

Arsenicum.- Itching with burning; or an eruption emitting watery fluid like sweat, and attended with much constitutional weakness. It is most suitable in chronic cases.

Ignatia.-- Itching of the skin, of a fine pricking character, resembling flea-bites, and changing from one part to another.

Other remedies are sometimes required:-- Merc., Dolichos., Fagopyrum., Carbo V., Rhus., Mez., Apocy., Caust. Radium produces most intense itching, and Radium will sometimes effect a striking cure in this disease, either in potencies or by local application in the hands of an expert.

ACCESSORY MEANS.-- The skin must be strengthened by wholesome and regular diet, frequent exercise in a bracing air, and daily ablutions with cold or tepid water, shower-baths, etc. Without these measures medicine will be of the little permanent use. Stimulating food or drink, pastry, rich sauces, pickles, and indigestible food generally, must not be indulged in. The use of ointments is generally injurious. Scratching must be avoided. in several cases, temporary relief may be obtained by bathing the parts with alcohol and water in equal proportions; or with Mezereum lotion ( one part of ten of water); or by sponging the skin, on retiring to bed, with a warm infusion made by pouring boiling water on bran.

The Wet Compress.-- Prurigo, if confined to one or two places, is much benefited by the constant use of a wet compress over the affected part; for although it often increases the irritation at first, it finally assists nature in expelling the morbid matter.

SCRATCHING.-- Notwithstanding the incentive to scratching in Prurigo and other skin affections, the practice greatly aids in keeping up the irritation and increasing the disease. On this point the following remarks by Dr. Tilbury Fox will express a condition we have often observed:--

"When the disease is non-contagious, secretion, if present, may be transferred (by scratching) and, when acrid, set up local inflammations; and, hen contagious, scratching is the surest method of inoculation, as in the case of the contagious Impetigo or Porrigo. Children in this way transplant the disease from the head to various other parts of the body. mothers, beyond a doubt, get it about their hands from children."


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