Calcarea silicata

Calcarea silicata is a salt and represents a combination of feelings of both Calcarea and Silicea. Like Calcarea the person feels insecure, with the need for protection and like Silicea he feels the need to maintain a particular standard. Hence the feeling of Calcarea silicata is: "I need to keep up to a particular standard to get the security and protection I need".

In my experience, the situation of Calcarea silicata is that of teenagers belonging to the middle class of indian society, especially boys who feel that a lot of expectations rests on them. They feel the need to come up to a certain standard to get the approval of their parents (whose security they seek).
The Calcarea silicata patient has a fear of poverty and so he has to be careful about spending money. Being poor puts him at a disadvantage. Therefore he becomes yielding. He cannot stand up or assert himself, he would rather escape. He is not as obstinate as Silicea.
The need to maintain a certain standard gives Calcarea silicata its sensitivity to reprimands. Here it compares with Staphisagria in this that both drugs have a high sensitivity. This sensitivity to reprimands keeps him from confrontation and getting fired and hence maintain the standard that his superior sets for him. He also becomes timid, bashful, yielding, irresolute, hesitant, since this will help him. Also, he has a lot of anticipatory anxiety before exams, interviews, meeting people or before beginning a new job. This is a situation where support is available (unlike Psorinum, who has fear of poverty but no support, so he becomes despairing). So he turns to people for support, trusts people, gets psychotherapy ( "Desires to be magnetized": Calcarea, Silicea).
In addition to all this Calcarea silicata is very anxious about health. Teenage boys spend hours waiting at the clinic worrying about cough, cold or fear of heart disease. Its advantage is that it gives them an excuse for non-achievement and dependence. This is where Calcarea silicata differs from Silicea and Staphisagria. When he comes to the doctor the patient has the fear of a serious disease, but subconsciously he uses this fear to do nothing. If he is told he has no problem he can get irritated ("Consolation aggravates"). He wants support but doesn't want to be told he has no problem. This sounds contradictory.
It is this great dependency financially and socially in Calcarea silicata that compares it with Baryta carbonica. When the person who supports him dies, Calcarea silicata is devastated and may go into a shocked state - automatic conduct. He may either sit still and do nothing or, as a survival mechanism, he may imagine that this person is not dead and may talk to him. For example when the husband expires, the wife who was emotionally and financially dependent on him imagines that he is in the next room.
Baryta carbonica and Calcarea silicata both come from a disabled state. Calcarea silicata is disabled in a sense that he is not able to achieve what his parents want him to. The really disabled man like Baryta carbonica does not need an excuse for not achieving but Calcarea silicata consciously looks for such an excuse and this very fact shows that he knows he has to achieve. Calcarea silicata consciously feels the need to achieve which Baryta carbonica does not feel. What is expected of him is usually money. Since he finds these goals too high for him to achieve, he has to remain financially dependent and hence he becomes mild and yielding. The reason why most Calcarea silicata people are non-achievers is that they come from demanding yet supportive families.
In Staphisagria, Silicea and Lycopodium the survival depends on achieving, whereas Calcarea silicata has given up trying to achieve and his survival depends on finding excuses not to achieve. Still, they are not really failures. They do achieve but much less than what was expected from them.
This feature of struggling for a while and then giving up is characteristic of the ringworm miasm, to which the remedy belongs.
Calcarea silicata has dreams of anxiety, insecurity. He can have pleasant dreams of being with his family or talking to dead relatives.
Physical symptoms
Physically they are lean, chilly patients.
- Sweaty palms and soles, especially cold, sweaty finger tips.
- Blue line on gums.
- Suppurative problems like sinusitis, bronchitis with offensive discharge.
- Fear, disease, incurable, of, being.
- Fear, poverty, of.
- Fear, imaginary things, of.
- Fear, work, dread of.
- Delusion, voices, hears and answers.
- Delusion, talking, dead people, with.
- Cowardice.
- Delusion, starve, family will.
- Consolation, kind words aggravate.
- Doubtful, recovery, of.
- Irresolution.
- Sensitive, reprimands, to.
- Timidity, bashful.
- Yielding disposition.
- Unconsciousness, conduct automatic.


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