Aranea scinencia - A grey spider found on old walls in Kentucky. It does not spin a web; it employs a springing lunge to take its prey.

The essential features
This is a remedy that you may need in cases of chronic headaches when the eyes are also affected. The headaches are of a dull and heavy quality, and of considerable intensity. They cause great restlessness. In addition, Aranea s. produces an inflammation of the eyes. The eyes constantly tear, and a blurring film seems to constantly collect over them. The eyelids become swollen. Constant twitchings of the lower lids is also a noteworthy characteristic of this remedy.
The patient is restless, especially at night; he can sleep for only a few minutes at a time. Associated with the insomnia is constipation and increased urination.
In general, symptoms are better in the open air and worse in a warm room.
There may be a sweet taste in the mouth with increased salivation.
Aranea scinencia may be a likely first prescription when you have a case which presents with "dull headaches accompanied by an inflammation of the eyes and having a constant twitching of the lower lids." This remedy must also be thought of when you are vacillating in a case between Pulsatilla, Belladonna, and Agaricus.
From 6c to the highest.


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