More than fourteen years ago, a young married woman consulted me for prolapsus uteri. She had been under the care of a Homoeopath of wide experience but claimed that he had not benefited her. She improved somewhat under the action of Sepia, but soon became discouraged and stopped treatment.
On December 3rd, 1915, this same lady, now 42 years of age, appeared at my office and asked me to take up her case. Shortly after leaving me she had fallen into the hands of a surgeon, who operated - performing ventral fixation and appendectomy and removing some ovarian cysts. She made a good recovery but in a few weeks was worse off than ever. The dragging in the pelvic region gradually increased and the uterus finally could be felt at the vaginal exit. All sorts of reflex symptoms made her life thoroughly miserable. I shall give the record in detail as it contains many new symptoms.
-Goitre the size of a hickory nut removed two years ago - relieving an anxious feeling she had for some time - a feeling as though something would happen, and panicky feeling in a crowd or at a theatre.
-Bearing down in uterine region with backache between the scapulae >> lying on back and especially lying on stomach, dragging downward at times even from the chest.
-No menses for 5 years; had hot flushes for a while; they have now disappeared.
-Spells of bearing down pains every 3 months as if the menses would come on, >> heat. Usually accompanied by dyspepsia and constipation.
-Pains in the arms, sharp shooting, and heavy throbbing in the wrists, tingling and numbness in fingers; heart feels heavy as a stone, with fluttering; pain in right ovary extending to a point under scapula, same side. All these symptoms are worse if she goes without the tampons that support the uterus, or gets over tired.
-Burning in the pit of stomach; craves sweets, salt, meat, sour things.
-Inveterate constipation with bloating and sore spots in abdomen; has to take cathartics; mucus covered stools.
-Swelling of ankles; soreness of feet if on them much
-Morbid, inclined to be melancholy; indifferent as to her recovery. >> by company; cloudy weather.
-Generally worse from exertion; while on feet, in hot weather; at dusk (great weariness). Better in cool weather; after sleep.
Aurum muriaticum natronatum, 7 doses, to be taken one every evening.
-December 15. Much stronger; less bearing down, pain in arms etc., mentally better.
-Sal. lac. January 5th, 1916. More like herself; bowels some better; heart much better.
-S. L. January 19. Strength still improving; some dragging in pelvis, and pain over the crest of the ileum, extending down into hypogastrium.
-S. L. January 29. All symptoms worse.
-Aur. mur. natr. 30
-February 23. Aur. mur. natr. 1m.
- March 16. No backache; bowels move normally three times a day; soreness in region of uterus; a slight rash has appeared here and there.
-April 3rd Aur. mur. natr. vm.
-April 17 improving; notices a creamy leucorrhoea.
-S. L. May 6, 19, July 10, reports steady improvement.
-July 25 Headaches, old pains in arms, pain left ovary
-Aur. mur. natr. 1m.
-September 25 Aur. mur. natr. 10m (C.)
-October 20 Aur. mur. natr. 10m.
-December 4 Leucorrhea less profuse; no tampons since July.
-1917, January 31, Aur. mur. natr. 10m
-April 9, improving in a general way, but has to resume use of tampons.
-S. L. July 9, Aur. mur. natr. 50m.
-October 4, Aur. mur. natr. 50m
On April 15th, of this year (1919) Mrs. B. reports that she has been wonderfully well. Shortly after her last visit she dispenses with all uterine support. She has been on her feet a great deal, having gone back to her old vocation as school teacher, and has suffered not the slightest inconvenience.
Few, if any of the symptoms in this case can be found in the provings of this remedy, the double chloride of Gold and Sodium. Some of them however, belong to the parent drugs.
Proceedings of the Fortieth Annual Session of the International Hahnemannian Association, pp. 186-188.
In one other case of a large uterine fibroid (extending to the level of the umbilicus), the patient improved very much in general health on silica in various potencies, but the uterus slowly got larger, until the last time I saw her, when after having taken Aur. Mur. Nat. 12 + daily for some weeks, the uterus was distinctly less in size. She received at this last visit aur. mur. nat. 30 + for three months (as she was going to live in the North), after which time I shall hope that the tumour will be still further diminished.
This patient had one or two aurum symptoms, including intense depression and aversion to company, but I must confess that this was largely a pathological prescription.
British Homoeopathic Journal, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 10-11
Frau W. K., the wife of a farmer, forty-two years old; large, blonde, more corpulent than lean; has had eight children, the last two years ago, and menstruates regularly yet. She came to me June 18, 1888, and said she had suffered for two years from vomiting, making its appearance every day four to five times. For several years she has suffered from a pain in the region of the spleen, as well as in that of the stomach, which has been so bad that she could do but little about the house, the much more so as the vomiting was awakened and increased by every exertion. Examination revealed, in scrobiculo cordis, (fossa epigastrica), a dulness and tension, passing over into the liver region. The uterus was strongly retroverted; the fundus uteri enlarged and resting heavily upon the examining finger. Two indications, the dulness in the scrobiculo cordis, which may have been due to a swelling of the left lobe of the liver, and the womb trouble, called for Aurum, and I prescribed it as Aur. natr. muriat. 3x trituration, three times daily. On the 3d of July the patient reported the pain in the stomach and the vomiting were better, yet the old pain in the splenic region troubled her very much. Aurum was continued and alternated with Ceanoth. Americ. 3,2 grammes in 150 grammes of water, one teaspoonful three times daily. August 1st, the dulness and tension in the scrobiculo cordis had disappeared, the vomiting had not returned, the pain in the splenic region gone, the fundus uteri less swollen., She did her own house-work now, suffered no longer from vomiting, and was satisfied with her condition. She was supplied with enough Ceanoth. americ. 3, for about fourteen days, and told to report if she had any return of the trouble. I have since heard of her, through other patients, that she is well- certainly a happy result in such a condition as hers was. - Dr. Amberg, in Allg. Hom. Zeitung, June 6, 1880.
The Homoeopathic Recorder, Vol. 4, No. 5, p. 214.


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