Cinnamon: a powerful anti-oxidant and blood sugar stabilizer

Cinnamon, (Dalchini) essentially used ingredient in cooking throughout India, is one of the most anti-oxidant rich herbs on the planet. It has been revered by nearly every culture for centuries for its sweet taste and pleasant aroma. In India, it is a household remedy and part of cuisines. Cinnamon has been shown to have remarkable medicinal qualities that enhance blood sugar signaling, reduce inflammation, stimulate immunity and promote neurological health. Cinnamon is naturally attained from the inner bark of a specialized family of trees with the genus name Cinnamomum. It is primarily grown in South East Asia regions with Sri Lanka being the major producer at 80-90 percent of the world's supply. In India it is cultivated majorly in the hills of Kerala. A homoeopathic tincture is made of this. It is used for pain of cancer. It is rated very effective.
An anti-oxidant powerhouse
Cinnamon has the 2nd highest ranked anti-oxidant rich spice with an incredible ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity) score of 267,536. Cinnamon's powerful essential oils are known for their "anti-microbial" factors. Studies have shown this spice to be highly effective at halting the growth of bacteria as well as fungi, including the commonly problematic yeast Candida. Cinnamon also helps to balance blood sugar by stimulating insulin receptors, giving them a stronger affinity for the blood-sugar lowering hormone. In response, the body needs to produce less insulin in order to create the desired effect. This creates less pancreatic stress, improved metabolic rate, and decreased inflammation. Cinnamon has three major oils that contain active compoenets called cinnamaldehyde, cinnamyl acetate and cinnamyl alcohol. Cinnamaldehyde have been studied to block the release of inflammatory agents on the cell membrane. The mere scent of cinnamon has been shown to powerfully stimulate regions of the brain allowing for greater attention span & memory.
Cinnamon should be kept in a cool, dark area with a tight seal to reduce oxidation of its powerful nutrients. Ground cinnamon will stay good for six months in the proper conditions while cinnamon sticks will last about a year. Refrigeration helps extend this lifespan. If the cinnamon does not smell sweet than it is no longer fresh and should be thrown away. Old cinnamon smells somewhat rusty and has a reduced aromatic component.
Research reports
In a 2000 study published in The Indian Journal of Medical Research, it was shown that of the 69 plant species screened, 16 were effective against HIV-1 and 4 were against both HIV-1 and HIV-2. The most effective extracts against HIV-1 and HIV-2 were respectively Cinnamomum cassia (bark) and Cardiospermum helicacabum (shoot + fruit).
An oil known as eugenol that comes from the leaves of the cinnamon bush has been shown to have antiviral properties in vitro, specifically against both the HSV-1 (herpes simplex virus) and HSV-2 viruses according to a study published in the journal, Phytotherapy Research.
A 2003 study at National Institutes of Health shows benefits of cinnamon in diet of type 2 diabetics with the statement "Cinnamon improves glucose and lipids of people with type 2 diabetes".
A study conducted in 2007 and published in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry suggests that specific plant terpenoids contained within cinnamon have potent antiviral properties.
Pharmacological experiments suggest that the cinnamon-derived dietary factor cinnamic aldehyde (cinnamaldehyde) activates the Nrf2-dependent antioxidant response in human epithelial colon cells and may therefore represent an experimental chemopreventive dietary factor targeting colorectal carcinogenesis. Recent research documents anti-melanoma activity of cinnamic aldehyde observed in cell culture and a mouse model of human melanoma.
Cinnamon bark, a component of the traditional Japanese medicine Mao-to, has been shown in a 2008 study published in the Journal of General Virology to have an antiviral therapeutic effect.
A 2011 study isolated a substance (CEppt) in the cinnamon plant which inhibits development of Alzheimer's in mice. CEppt, an extract of cinnamon bark, seems to treat a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.
Cinnamon in homoeopathy
In homoeopathy, it is called as Cinnamomum zeylanicum. It is covered by many authors like Allen T. F., Boericke, Clarke, Hering, etc. Main indications include cancer pain, haemorrhage, flatulence, diarrhoea, menses related problems, etc. Its mother tincture to 1M potency are available with Schwabe India.


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