
 Case no. 8
 13. 8. 1914.
 Mr.-; age 45 or thereabout. Swarthy complexion; thin build; irritable temper. Was having repeated hæmoptysis, since June of the last year. Was treated by Ayurvedic physicians in the beginning, and this kept him well for some 3 or 4 months. From November last, the hæmoptysis reappeared and was continuing. There was some allopathic treatment, but, as the patient could not tolerate strong allopathic drugs, he was without any treatment for some time.
 There were absolutely no constitutional symptoms, except the irritability of temper, and no miasmatic prescription was therefore possible. This was a typical case of paucity of symptoms, and I had to prescribe Ipecac on the symptom of blood-vomiting. But this did nothing, and three doses of Millefolium-200 were then tried, and this stopped the hæmoptysis. This, however, certainly did not cure the patient but only removed the symptom. But there was no help for it. Nothing can be done if there is no "Case".


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