Urtica urens Proving

- Schwabe News
Urtica urens 

Urtica urens is a drug used in homoeopathy for uric acid diathesis, joint pains, enuresis, spleen affections, gout, etc. It role in urticaria is known in low potencies. To re-establish its curative efficacy in homoeopathic doses, a placebo controlled pathogenetic trial was conducted by David Riley with the support from Deutsche Homöopathie-Union (DHU), the homoeopathic division of Dr. Willmar Schwabe, Germany, using 12CH with 17 female and 5 male provers. Important symptoms found during proving are reported here along with old symptoms. For the complete details of the proving, readers are requested to refer the original proving.
Dreams. Dreams of killing or murder, of being betrayed or estranged. Fear of poverty. Irritability when working. Quarrelsomeness. Relaxed and peaceful as from drinking. Euphoric. Laughing and witty. Weeping from disappointments, but ameliorated when walking outside. Feeling of terror and fear of survival. Yelling.
Pain in the forehead or temples. Dull head pain over the eye or at the temple. Throbbing pain on the forehead, temples, or left side, and on waking. Vertigo, headache with spleen pains.
Dryness or lacrimation from tiredness or of the left eye, making it difficult to keep the lids open.  Burning pain or scratching sensation. Heaviness of lids.
Itching in the ear better from boring. Noises in the ear like humming or ringing with cold symptoms. Piercing pain causing them to gasp with pain.
Congestion of the nostrils on both sides. Dry and itching inside. Discharges that are watery or blood-streaked. Sneezing with coryza.  Odors noticed more.
Aphthae or cracks on the lips. Pimples on the chin that itch. Itching on the chin or cheeks. Red discoloration about the eyes. Swollen face.
Dryness of lips. Swelling of gums on the left. Ulcers on the edges of the tongue. Vesicles on the lips or tip of tongue. Fasciculations of the tongue. Sore tenderness of the tongue.
Aching pain in the molars. Piercing pain in teeth when walking.
Swollen and tender left cervical glands. Sensation of a plug on swallowing. Thick, sticky, green mucus. Scratching pain. Sore pain on swallowing. Swollen sensation making it difficult to drink.
Decreased appetite. Acid reflux. Full sensation. Many symptoms of nausea. Nausea alleviated by drinking cold milk, eating, warm drinks, or air or walking in open air. Nausea in the abdomen, after eating, or on motion. Thirst that is increased. Heavy sensation during the nausea.
Distention that is uncomfortable. Sensation of fullness or heaviness. Pain that is pressing, sore, or cramping. Diarrhœa chronic disease of large intestine characterized by large secretion of mucus.
Diarrhea with urging. Urging before stool or preceding diarrhea.
Acrid or burning stool. Hard. Loose. Frequent. Yellow.
Burning pain before urination improves. Frequent waking to urinate or urging at night.
Dryness or itching of the scrotum.
Itching white leukorrhea. Diminished secretion of milk. Uterine hæmorrhage. Acid and excoriating leucorrhœa.
Difficult respiration, worse on inspiration and when climbing or at work.
Productive cough with expectoration. Cough from breathing deeply or mucus in throat.  Yellow mucus.
Tight sensation above the nipples. Desire for deep breathing, as if the chest is numb.
Pain between the spine and the scapula as from a pulled muscle.
Clumsiness. Dryness of skin on hands and legs. Itching especially on the forearm, hand, patella, or legs that may be ameliorated by scratching. Painful tingling sensation down the front of thighs. Weakness of the right hip or left upper arm. Aching of the left upper arm extending to the elbow. Sore or bruised knee, calf, or hip. Sprained sensation of the hip. Pain in the calf or hip. Painful spasm in the hamstring with trembling. Pain from standing or ascending.
Sleepiness in the afternoon or daytime and must nap. Difficulty falling asleep at night. Waking at 2 or 4 a.m. or from shocks.
Sensation of internal heat.
On waking. Intermittent during the day.
Itching blotches. Urticaria, burning heat, with formication; violent itching. Dryness. Pimples or skin eruptions that are itching. Itching stinging.
Energy increased with less need to sleep. Aversion to alcohol, spicy tea, or sweets. Lassitude during the daytime. Weariness after menses improves. Aggravated by physical activity. Warm on waking. Aching bones and sensitivity to pressure and touch.
1.        David S. Riley, Materia Medica of New and Old
           Homoeopathic Medicines, Springer-Verlag GmbH, 2012.
2.        W. Boericke, New Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
           & Repertory [with Relationship of Remedies], Second Re-Augmented
           & Revised Edition Based on Ninth Edition,
           Reprint Edition 2002, B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi.


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