Membership office ,Public relations The north american society of homeopaths-a year in review

The north american society of homeopaths-a year in review 

 - By miranda castro, gina inez, valerie ohanian, eric sommermann, steve waldstein 
Membership office 
 In 1997 Miranda Castro established a Membership Office in Seattle that handles all membership concerns and questions, as well as many inquiries (by phone and email) from the general public for a local homeopath or a homeopathy school. Jill Stevenson, our membership secretary, is available two afternoons a week (generally on Mondays and Tuesdays) to answer the phone in person and manage the day-to-day running of the office.
Databases and dispatches! 
 Databases have been set up and systems put in place to take care of an expanding membership. From this office, newsletters, journals, directories and general information brochures are dispatched. Our Directory of registered practitioners is printed and distributed annually for the time being, although plans are under way to update it every six months. Back copies of The American Homeopath are available from this office.
Newsletter only membership 
 This year another category of membership has been added. In addition to Registered Members, Special Friends of NASH, Associate and Student Members, we now have a Newsletter Only Membership category for those who wish to keep abreast of NASH's activities but choose not to receive the Journal. The cost of a Newsletter Only Membership is $25 per year.
 Phone: 206-720-7000 Fax: 206-329-5684 email:
 nashinfoaol. com
Public relations 
 The Hotline-541-356-9815, answered by Dolfy Freinquel -continues to operate as a central nerve of communication for those wanting answers to general questions about homeopathy, referrals to homeopaths or information regarding NASH activities. Dolfy also sends out Applications for Registration and answers many questions from those wanting to become Registered Members of NASH.
Web page 
 Our web site at www. homeopathy. org is up and running, thanks to Kim Baker, an associate member. Packed with information on NASH, and excerpts from The American Homeopath, it functions as another public outreach tool for NASH. Kim has recently added a number of pages, including information about the Application Process and select articles from NASH News.
Public information brochures
 We published a general NASH information brochure and a leaflet about the major homeopathic organizations in North America-and how to contact them. Copies of both may be obtained from the membership office: 206-720-7000. The next project in the pipeline is a leaflet about homeopathy that practitioners can give to patients or hand out at talks. 


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