OsteoArthritis Knee Joint Pain Treatment in Homeopathy

Homeopathic Treatment for Osteoarthritis pain knee joint case presented by Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo)

Female 45, knee joint pain is the complaint. Up to 10 months there is no result with Homeopathic treatment. Upon knowing left to right complaints and loquacious nature Lach 200c just 4 pills relieved her pain knee but appeared leg and foot pain.  Pain going down is the good sign and remedy is indicated one. She has no complaints up to one year. After one year same remedy repeated for pain leg. After that her sufferings are shifted to rectal veins.
Many times patients dissatisfy with Homeopathic treatment and claim that ‘Homeopathy is slow acting’. But unless and until remedy is indicated, patient’s symptoms will not be relieved. At least remedy must be indicated partially to get slight relief. Patient may not reveal important key symptoms. Some time it may take very long time to know the important symptoms in the case. Until and unless you know the key symptoms for prescription, you will not prescribe right remedy. This is the cause for delay in getting improvement in chronic cases. Once remedy is indicated, result occurs within no time, means improvement starts within seconds. Many times patient surprise that years of his suffering vanished in seconds and minutes. These people are strong believers of Homeopathy. Because of these kinds of prescriptions Homeopathy sustaining till date. There is no machine to know the indicated medicine for patient’s constitution. Verbal communication is the only media. This depends on the patient ability to explain important symptoms and doctors experience to grasp the key symptoms in the case.
Some patients confuse the doctor after first prescription. Patient in the next visit may not able to explain the action of first dose. Some other patients because of false notion that to get still more strong medicine, mask the positive action of the first dose. Because of this communication gap Homeopathic physician will go for the next remedy by skipping best acting remedy. This kind of approach disturbs the action of first remedy in most cases.
Work Sheet:
5th nov 2011
pain both knee,
cp6x, thuja200c
28th nov 2011
left side pain, knee,
23rd dec 2011
not relieved
not relieved, pain abdomen
10th august 2012
left to right knee pain, loquacious
lach 200c
5th sep 2012
not relieved
21st sep 2012
pain knee, foot
rt 200c
16th oct 2012
pain legs severe
bry 200c
5th july 2013
pain legs started again
lach 200c
17th oct 2013
pain piles,
sulph 200c


  1. Knee joint is one of the vital one of human body. It should be cared with importance. affordable knee replacement


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