Hypothyroidism delayed menses case Thuja Occidentalis 200c

Hypothyroidism delayed menses case datalogger suggested Thuja Occidentalis by Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo)

A female 31 came for consultation with symptoms of hypothyroidism , she is obese, easy going. tried remedies like Kalium carbonicum, Lachesis, Pulsatilla but without success, her menses is not regular with these remedies. It is attempted to select remedy with Data logger technique.
Temperature variability graph obtained from patient is the below:
Matching  Patient Variability to Remedy Variability:(Co relation co efficients):

Rajyalakshmi n
Rajyalakshmi n
Thuja 200c adithyab
Arsenicum alb keerathanakj
nux vom 200c pinky
lachesis  venkateswarao
cc 200c suresh g
Phoshphorus 200c shareef
belldona saisubrahman
acid nit  rambabuv
lyco purushatham
arg nit madhusudhanrao
Hepar Sulph 200c Sunithad
medorrh sujatha
merc sol Harika
syphillinum 200c suneetha
caust 200c tarak brah
Kali carb mimunnesa
Rhaustx 200c HanumaNB
cv 200c sundaraihp
Ign 200c manoj
silicea 200c usharani
kali bich 200c vamsit
Gel 200c Varalakshmig
puls 200c sudham
graph 200c lalitha
sepia 200c bhaskarao

Looking at Correlation co efficient chart it is evident that Thuja is only the remedy little bit nearer to Patient Variability among the available remedies. So it is given just 3 pills of Thuja 200c, Let us see the result.

Patient Case Follow up sheet:
31st july 2013
throat pain,headache,hypothyroidism
kc 200c
pain knee,burning eye,
back pain,weakness,no sweat
bell given
menses irregular,late
29th august 2013
headache,not relieved
nv 200c
7th sep 2013
headache evening
amm carb 200c, puls 1m
28th sep 2013
pain legs,watering eyes,
nm 200c
14th oct 2013
little relieved
sl 200c
04 November 2013
headache,relieved slight
saclac 200c
23 November 2013
headache relieved eats often,sour desires
saclac 200c
07 December 2013
sl 200c
25 December 2013
cold, severe,wheezing,resp bending forward ame
puls 1m
10 January 2014
no menses, 3 months,irritation,
nv 200c
30 January 2014
no menses 4 months
lachesis 200c
04 February 2014
no menses
04 February 2014
no menses, 4 months,
thuja 200c
Selected with data logger


  1. Dear Dr.Devendrakumar, Waiting to see your updates post the Thuja prescription. In the meantime, Homeopaths usually prescribe Biochemic preparations along with medium/high potencies as supports. Do you entirely avoid such support medications or you just omit quoting these considering this as insignificant?
    Regards, Nazar

  2. "considering this as insignificant"
    I usually omit biochemic prescriptions supporting your above quoted words.

  3. This patient came yesterday and reported that her menses are regular after previous prescription that is Thuja 200c. Datalogger selected right medicine in this case.


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