Hair Fall Homeopathic remedies for best treatment without side effects

- Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo) Consult
Hair falling may begin suddenly or slowly, if it is sudden it may be due to illness, diet, medicine, or childbirth. If hair loss is gradual it might be hereditary hair loss. Suppression of syphilitic disorder, secondary symptoms of syphilitic manifestations are said to be the underlying cause for hair falling as it is observed most in syphilitic patients in the beginning days.

Hereditary baldness (androgenetic alopecia): which is most common cause of hair loss. It affects men as well women. About 82 million people in the United States have hereditary thinning.
Men with hereditary hair loss develop bald patches on the top of the head. Women, will  keep their hairline but women’s see thinning hair. Sometimes these patterns of hair fall seen in both cases but is rare.

Various types of hair fall:
Homeopathic treatment for hairfall
Alopecia areata: this is an autoimmune disease. In which the body immune mechanism attacks itself his hair. Smooth round patches of hair loss seen on head or other parts of the body. In this condition hair regrow itself in most cases. Alopecia areata type of hair fall is most treatable disease.

Cicatricial (scarring) alopecia: This type of hairfall is inflammatory in nature. Scar formation is seen in those places where hair was fallen. Treatment should be aimed in controlling the scar formation by inflammation. Hair will not re grow by itself in these cases.

Central centrifugal cicatricial (scarring) alopecia: The name implies hair fall begin in the centre of the scalp and spread all over the scalp. Scar will be formed with pain and inflammation. Re growth without treatment is difficult. This is African in origin.

Important causes and factors for hairloss are:
Underlying diseases: Hair loss can be the first sign of various diseases like thyroid disease and anemia. By treating underlying disease hair loss can be stopped.
Illness after clinical conditions: Hair loss can occur after an illness. surgery, high fever, severe infection or the flu can cause hair loss.
Cancer treatments: Radiation therapy and chemotherapy  cause hair loss. This hair loss is often temporary in most cases.
Ringworm of the scalp: It is common in children, ringworm cause balding in future if not treated.
Trichotillomania: People with this medical condition repeatedly pull out their own hair. They often pull out the hair on the scalp and other hairs on their bodies.
Hormones and stress:
Giving birth: After giving birth many women have hair loss. Falling estrogen levels is the cause for this hair loss. This is temporary. In a few months their hair re-grow.
Menopause: Hair falls during menopause but is temporary. Women at 40 may not have hair as she is at younger.
Stress: Experiencing a mental traumatic event like separation from loved one can cause hair loss.
Dieting and poor nutrition:
Weight loss: of more than 16 pounds can cause hairloss. This hair loss may appear after 4 to 6 months but is temporary, hair grow within no time without treatment.
Vitamin A: Hyper vitaminosis can cause hair loss. Stop using Vitamin A in these cases can re grow their hair without medications.
Protein: When the body does not get enough protein cause the hair loss. Eating more protein will stop the hair loss. Protein available in Meats, eggs, and fish. Vegetarians can get more protein from diet like nuts, seeds, and beans.
Iron: Not getting enough iron can lead to hair loss. Good vegetarian sources of iron are iron-fortified cereals, soybeans, pumpkin seeds, white beans, lentils, and spinach. Clams, oysters, and organ meats top the list of good animal sources of iron.
Eating disorder: Persons with eating disorders can lose their hair. Anorexia (not eating enough food) and bulimia (vomiting after eating food) can cause hair loss.
Some medicines can cause hair loss. These include:
Blood anti cloating agents.
Hyper Vitaminosis of vitamin A.
Medicines used in treating arthritis, depression, gout, heart problems, carcinoma, kidney problems and high blood pressure.
Birth control pills: can cause hair fall. Many times hair loss start after stopping the pills, these cases have strong hereditary cause for hair fall. Steroids taken to build muscle many times cause hair loss.

Homeopathy is based on nature’s law of cure and Hair fall  treatment is done on the basis of Individualization of patients constitution and holistic approach of cure. As the stress related disorders are one of the most important causes of hair loss. Homeopathy with its Holistic approach, considers the patient metal constitution as a whole as well entire physical constitution, life style, diet habits, past history of diseases and so plays a very good role in treating hair loss without any side effects.

Homeopathic Remedies for Hairfall or Alopecia:
Baryta-carb is homoeopathy remedy for hair loss especially of the crown, baldness  in young people; scalp very sensitive to touch, hair fall from scratching.
Carbo-veg is one of hair loss homeopathic remedies in which Falling out of hair after severe diseases or abuse of mercury, with great sensitiveness of scalp to pressure; hair falls out more on back of head, after severe illness or parturition.
Lycopodium is effective homeopathy treatment remedy for hair growth, in this constitution patients hair becomes gray early; hair fall off after abdominal diseases; after parturition; with burning , scalding, itching of the scalp, especially on getting warm from exercise during the day.
Natrum-mur is best Homeopathic medicine for hair regrowth when constitutional symptoms of hair fall are, scalp very sensitive; face shining as if greasy.
    In  Natrum mur indicated cases Hair falls out if touched; mostly on forepart of head, temples and beard;. Has the symptoms of easy falling out of the hair; it falls out when touched or combed. This type of hairfall is quite frequently seen in nursing home.
Carbo vegetabilis is homeopathic medicine for hair fall after typhoid. Carbo vegetabilis hairfall patients constitution has falling of hair after parturition or severe illness.
Sepia is best homeopathic medicine for hair fall if persons losing hair after chronic headaches.
Phosphorus is best homeopathic medicine for hair fall and dandruff. Phosphorus constitution patients loose hair in Round patches on scalp completely deprived of hair; falling off of the hair in large bundles on the forehead and on the sides above the ears; the roots of the hair seem to be dry; the denuded scalp looks clear, white and smooth; dandruff copious, falls out in clouds.
Phosphoric acid will be homeopathic medicine for hair fall and dandruff if Falling of hair from general debility.
Fluoric acid is homeopathic medicine for hair loss in men. Falling of hair from syphilis. As near Homeopathic  specific remedy for hair fall as is possible.
Arsenicum. Bald spots near the forehead; the scalp is covered with dry scales.
Selenium is Homeopathic medicine for hair fall control with symptoms of Hair falls off when combing; also of eyebrows, whiskers and genitals; tingling itching on scalp, which feels tense and contracted.
Staphisagria is best Homeopathic remedy for hairfall if Hair pulls out without pain after the slightest effort. Hair falls out, mostly from occiput and around the ears, with humid, foetid eruption or dandruff on the scalp.
Vinca-minor is  Homeopathic remedy for hair fall when hair matting together: Vinca minor is helpful when Hair falls out in single spots and white hair grows there: spots on head oozing moisture, the hair matting together. Vinca minor also Homeopathic remedy for Falling of the hair with great itching of the scalp.


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  2. Sounds interesting because I suffer from hairloss after childbirth (even though that has nothing to do with horses)

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