Hiatus Hernia Homeopathy Remedies and Treatment

What is Hiatus Hernia?

Protrusion of a part of stomach into the chest due to weakness in diaphram muscles is called Hiatus Hernia.It causes pain in chest, gastritis and difficult in eating, Pain in chest while swallowing food.The most common cause for Hiatus Hernia is Obesity and Gastric problems. Diagnosis can be done with clinical symptoms along with endoscopy.Hiatus Hernia Homeopathy Remedies are extrordinalry in the treatment.

Homeopathic Treatment for Hiatus Hernia:

A hiatal hernia is extremely frequent during pregnancy and old age with Gastric Complaints.
There is a weakening of the muscles of the diaphragm that requires anatomical remedies.
The diaphragm is like the skin of a drum that vibrates to the beat of the upper thoracic area and lower abdominal area.
Hiatus Hernia Homeopathy Remedies and Treatment
The solar plexus is the center and receives all the emotional and mental stresses.
To obtain the best results, homeopathic treatment of a hiatal hernia must also include a treatment of the heart symptoms, digestive problems, and general anxiety as well as Homeopathic remedies for the diaphragmatic system.
The homeopathic treatment should include anatomical remedies to strengthen the muscular wall as well as organotherapeutics and nervous regulators to balance the entire organism. Injectable homeopathics on the meridian points and pain points bring about excellent results.
Hiatus Hernia Homeopathy Remedies can cure hiatus hernia by strengthening the diaphragm muscle. Following are most effective Homeopathic Remedies for Hiatus Hernia.

Homeopathy remedies and treatment for Hiatus Hernia.

Calcarea carbonica 200 -Hiatus Hernia Homeopathy Remedies:

Is best among Homeopathic Remedies for Hiatus Hernia because this remedy helps in strengthening the relaxed muscles like diaphragm in case of Hernia.Calcarea carb patients with Hiatus hernia constitution are obese and profuse perspiration they suffer from.

Calcarea carb patients with hiatus hernia may have Aversion to meat, boiled things; craving for indigestible things,chalk, coal, pencils also for eggs, salt and sweets. Milk disagrees.
Frequent sour eructations; sour vomiting. Dislike of fat. Loss of appetite when overworked. Heartburn and loud belching is the symptom of Hernia. Cramps in stomach; worse, pressure, cold water. Ravenous hunger. Swelling over a pit of the stomach in a hernia, like a saucer turned bottom up.Pain in the epigastric region to touch with a hernia. Thirst; longing for cold drinks. Aggravation while eating with symptoms of a hernia. Hyperchlorhydria

Phosphorus 200 - Hiatus Hernia Homeopathy Remedies:

Is also effective Homeopathy remedy for Hiatus Hernia. The phosphorus hernia symptoms are Sour taste and sour eructations after every meal. Belching large quantities of wind, after eating.

Phosphorus patients with hiatus hernia Throws up ingesta by the mouthfuls. Vomiting; water is thrown up as soon as it gets warm in the stomach.

In these patients Cardiac opening seems contracted, too narrow; the food scarcely swallowed, comes up again.Pain in stomach; relieved by cold food, ices. Region of stomach painful to touch, or on walking. Inflammation of stomach, with burning extending to throat and bowels. Bad effects of eating too much salt.These symptoms indicated Phosphorus as Homeopathic remedy in Hiatus Hernia cases.

Kalium Carbonicum - Hiatus Hernia Homeopathy Remedies:

Is a Homeopathic remedy for Hiatus Hernia when symptoms correspond to Emotions.

Kalium carbonicum patients with hiatus hernia have anxiety felt in solar plexus. Sensitive epigastrium. Sensation as if full of water. Gastritis.Ulcer.Pain from cold drinks when overheated.

Other useful Homeopathic Remedies in Hiatus Hernia cases are Agaricus, Gelsemium, Capsicum and Cocculus Indicus.

Agaricus - Hiatus Hernia Homeopathy Remedies:

is useful in Hiatus when eructations in the stomach, in addition, alternating with Hiccoughs.


Is useful in 200 potency for Homeopathic Hernia treatment when the patient feels Nausea: from thought or smell of food or motion. Emptiness, weak feeling in the stomach.Moreover, Pain in the abdomen as if intestines were pinched between sharp stones.


Homeopathic remedy useful in a hernia when the patient suffers especially from Ulcer and Nausea after drinking coffee. Great thirst for water before, during chill, after stool.

References: BOUKO LEVY M., Homeopathic, and Drainage Repertory,


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