
Showing posts from February, 2011


- G. H. Clarke Mercury. CHARACTERISTICS. Tertiary syphillis. Anaemia, loss of weight, multiform eruptions and other symptoms of primary and secondary syphilis. Plastic exudates about the joints, from the iris, into the pleura, peritoneum, meninges and cellular tissues. Infiltrated tonsils. Mumps, Foul and greasy perspiration. Foul diarrhoeal and choleraic discharges, or dysentery with mucus, blood and much tenesmus. Powerful germicide. TOXIC EFFECTS Anaemia, the blood is watery, deficient in red corpuscles, and contains much broken down issue. Rapid emaciation.1. Aching pains and soreness in the muscles, bones and joints. Neuralgic pains.2. Headache, fever with loss of memory or delirium.3. Loss of hair. Eruptions upon the skin that assume many forms: they may be pustular, vesicular, eczematous, or resemble measles or scarlet fever. Dermatitis with thickening of the deeper structures. Ulcers, especially upon the extremities. Discharges are excoriating.4. Swelling of the paroti...


 -  G. H. Clarke Iodine.  Iodine acts on lymphatic glands  CHARACTERISTICS Torpor of the lymphatic glands and capillaries in the presence of syphilitic nodes, gummata, periosteal thickening and deposits in the nervous system. Stimulates the lymphatics in induration of the thyroid, tonsils spleen, mammae, etc. Hypertrophy of the prostate. Enlargement of the cervix uteri. Removes inflammatory products of chronic articular rheumatism. Muscular and valvular heart lesions following rheumatism. Arterio-sclerosis. Chronic bronchitis and bronchitis and bronchitis asthma, with inflammatory thickening of the bronchi. TOXIC EFFECTS Watery discharge from the nose, lachrymation, sneezing, tip of the nose reddened and swollen. Frontal headache. Conjunctivitis. OEdema of the retina. Tissues about the orbit oedematous 1. Stomatitis, with ptyalism 2. Angina, oedema of the glottis. Hoarseness increasing to aphonia. Chronic inflammation simulating laryngeal phthisis. Congestive ...


- G. H. Clarke Kali Bichromicum-Bichromate of Potash.  Slight yellow coated tongue. CHARACTERISTICS. Dyspepsia. Yellow-coated tongue. Sense of weight with tenderness in the stomach. Ulcer of the stomach. Ulcer of the intestines with chronic diarrhoea. Ulceration of nasal and bronchial membranes with secretion of glutinous yellow mucus. In bronchial catarrh the mucus is difficult to expectorate. TOXIC EFFECTS. Inflammation and ulceration of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat. The secretion is thick and stringy, or muco- purulent. Inflammation with ulceration of the bronchi, stomach and intestines: secretion of viscid, stringy mucus. Thick, yellow coating on the tongue, painful and slow digestion. Vomiting, purging, severe abdominal pain.1. DOSE. Potassii bichromas, 1/12 -1/6 gr. The first to fourth decimal triturations are generally used. THERAPEUTIC USES. Bronchial catarrh. The mucus is viscid and difficult to expectorate.1. Chronic coryza. The mucus is thick,...


-G. H. Clarke Manganese. Chlorotic state with amenorrhoea. CHARACTERISTICS. Anaemic or chlorotic state with amenorrhoea. Dysmenorrhoea with scanty flow. Feebleness, anaemia, loss of flesh or obesity. Poisoning by morphine. Snake poisoning. Suppuration with fetor. TOXIC EFFECTS. Nausea. Vomiting. Progressive wasting and feebleness, staggering gait and paraplegia. DOSE. Mangani sulphas, 2-5 gr. Potassii permanganas, 1/2-2 gr. The sulphate and carbonate are usually prescribed in combination with iron. THERAPEUTIC USES. Wasting and feebleness from malaria, syphilis, cancer, etc. (The sulphate or carbonate with iron). Anaemia. (As above). Chlorosis. (As for anaemia). Anaemia or chlorotic state with amenorrhoea. (Permanganate of potash, one or two grain pills after each meal). Young women who rapidly get fat and suffer from diminished menstruation. (One to three grains of the permanganate three times per day on full stomach). Obesity, often with flatulence and dyspepsia. (The...


- G. H. Clarke Sleepless patient of opium. CHARACTERISTICS. Powerful analgesic colic, cramps tenesmus and other painful muscular contractions with purging and vomiting.; Painful spasmodic muscular contractions of the uterus bladder, and the gall and urinary ducts. Spasmodic asthma. Nervousness, prostration, sleeplessness an weak heart in typhoid fever, pneumonia, melancholia,and acute mania. Severe cardiac dyspnoea, pulse small and feeble. TOXIC EFFECTS Vomiting. Vertigo. Great muscular relaxation and inco- ordination. Prostration. Functions of the brain depressed. SEnses blunted. Tendency to delirium somnolence. Coma. Pupils much contracted. Veins swollen, skin cyanosed, or pale and wet with perspiration. Hands and feet cold. Breathing slow and stertorous, pulse slow, irregular and weak. IN CHRONIC POISONING THERE ARE; Nervousness. Hypochondriasis alternating with excitement. Hallucinations. Wakefulness. Suicidal tendency. 1. Neuralgia, gastralgia 2 Congested conjunctivae. Cy...


- G. H. Clarke Calabar Bean. Corneal ulceration CHARACTERISTICS. Prolapse of the iris. Iritis. Glaucoma. Ulceration of the cornea. Photophobia, night-blindness, or twitching of the ocular muscles in exhausted subjects. Paretic condition of the bowel with diarrhoea, or constipation and flatulence. Strychnine poisoning. Tetanus. Locomotor ataxy. General paralysis. TOXIC EFFECTS. Vertigo. Pale, cold, moist skin.1. Partial loss of vision. Contraction of the pupils.2. Salivation, nausea, vomiting, colic, diarrhoea with griping, purging.3. Slow, feeble pulse, oppression of the chest. Twitching of the muscles. Muscular tremors. Contraction of the sphincters, uterus, intestines and bladder with weakness of all the muscles. Tetanic convulsions. Paresis. Paralysis.4. DOSE. Tinctura physostigmatis, 2-10 m. Extractum physostigmatis, 1/30 - 1/3 gr. Physostigminae salicylas (Eserine), 1/100 - 1/25. gr. Physostigminae sulphas (Eserine), 1/100 - 1/25 gr. Physostigma and its salts should ...


- G. H. Clarke Squill.  Hydrocoel in children CHARACTERISTICS. Diuretic of especial service in persons with weak heart. Dropsy: skin cool, kidneys not acutely congested. Serious effusions into the pleura or pericardium. Hydrocele of children. Acute or chronic bronchitis with tough, sticky mucus. TOXIC EFFECTS. Inflammation of the kidneys, the gastro intestinal mucous membrane and bronchi. Rapid respiration.1. Vomiting, colic, watery or bloody diarrhoea. Strangury, bloody urine, suppression of urine. Cold and livid skin, paralysis, convulsions.2. DOSE. Tinctura scillae, 3-15m. Extractum scillae fluidum, 1/2-5 m. Acetum scillae, 15-30 m. If indicated when the organs are in an inflamed or irritated state the drug should be given in doses ranging from the first to the third decimal dilution only. THERAPEUTIC USES. Dry. Skin cool, heart weak.2. (Administer in solution on of potassium acetate). Serous effusions into the pleura.2. (Vinegar of squill on compresses). Chronic ...


-G. H. Clarke Oil of Turpentine. Haemorrhage in nose and other parts, Turpentine is the remedy. CHARACTERISTICS. Hemorrhage from kidney, womb, nose, lungs and elsewhere, usually in weak, debilitated subjects. Typhoid fever with hemorrhage. Tympanites from muscular relaxation of the bowel. Weak heart and respiration with cyanotic state of the face and extremities in pneumonia and capillary bronchitis. Asthenic fevers with muscular and nervous prostration. TOXIC EFFECTS. Headache. Vertigo. Impaired vision. Coryza, cough, increased bronchial secretion. Vomiting and purging. Depression of the nervous system. Great muscular relaxation. Ataxy. Cyanosis of the face, unconsciousness dilated pupils. Respiration and heart action weak. Feeble peripheral circulation.1. Menorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea. Lungs, kidneys and brain engorged with dark blood. 2. Frequent and painful urination. Bloody urine. Suppression of the urine.2. DOSE. Oleum terebinthinae, 3m.- dr. Tereb, 3-20 m. Glycerin ...


- Gladstone Clarke. Symptoms : Urticarial swelling of apis. 1. Strumous constitutions: Children and girls who become awkward esp. in handling things; hysterical women. 2. Anxiety with tearful restlessness; impaired memory and absent-mindedness in elderly persons. 3. OEdematous swellings, serous effusions, and urticaria. 4. Pains burning, darting, stinging (>) cold (rev. Ars.). 5. General soreness and sensitiveness of body surface (<) touch or pressive esp. uterine and ovarian regions; constriction disliked; weary, bruised feeling. 6. Marked restlessness (physical causes) without (>) to symptoms. 7. Great drowsiness; sleep much disturbed by pain or anxious dreams; sopor interrupted by piercing screams (meningitis). Thirstlessness in nearly all complaints esp. dropsical conditions. 9. Ailments right-sided or travel from right to left. 10. Patients (<) all forms of heat; general (<) 4-6 p.m. (<) sleep. Notes. Slow-acting remedy. In acute conditions with an hour or t...


- Gladstone Clarke. Symptoms : Dark brown urine of Benzoic acid. 1. Uric acid diathesis esp. if gonorrhoea or syphilitic taint. 2. Urine dark, brownish with intensely strong, odour in urinary or other complaints. 3. Rheumatic and arthritic conditions; gouty concretion; tearing stitching point pains ((<)) cold open air, (>) wrapping up; ganglia. 4. Diarrhoea in children; profuse, watery, very offensive, exhausting stools of urinous odour; characteristic urine. 5. Symptoms tend to travel from left to right and from below upward.


- Gladstone Clarke. Renal colic Symptoms 1. Complaints with renal or vesical symptoms predominating; esp. rheumatic and arthritic affections. 2. Renal colic; with passage of calculi; stitching, cutting pains kidney region following course of ureter into bladder and urethra; esp. left side. 3. Bilious and gastro-intestinal disorder, esp. hepatic colic from passage of gall-stones; with jaundice. 4. Backache with stiffness, lameness and numbness, ((<)) touch, pressure, sitting, stooping, lying, (>) standing still; burning and soreness in kidney region. 5. Modalities; ((<)) motion, esp. sudden jarring; (>) open air.


- Gladstone Clarke. Symptoms child holds mothers hand. 1. Great restlessness with anguish (Ars.); cannot keep still; sits then walks, then lies down, never long in one place. 2. Solitude unbearable; craves company; child wants to hold mother's hand continually. 3. Gastric disorders esp. gastralgia; pain severe, burning, pressive, extending to spine; vomiting; of water as soon as it reaches stomach, in enormous quantities; with convulsive gagging and inexpressible pain; after laparotomy, etc. 4. Bowel complains with loose, offensive, debilitating stools; when vomiting predominates. 5. Alternating symptoms and complaints; e.g. headache and gastralgia.