- G. H. Clarke Mercury. CHARACTERISTICS. Tertiary syphillis. Anaemia, loss of weight, multiform eruptions and other symptoms of primary and secondary syphilis. Plastic exudates about the joints, from the iris, into the pleura, peritoneum, meninges and cellular tissues. Infiltrated tonsils. Mumps, Foul and greasy perspiration. Foul diarrhoeal and choleraic discharges, or dysentery with mucus, blood and much tenesmus. Powerful germicide. TOXIC EFFECTS Anaemia, the blood is watery, deficient in red corpuscles, and contains much broken down issue. Rapid emaciation.1. Aching pains and soreness in the muscles, bones and joints. Neuralgic pains.2. Headache, fever with loss of memory or delirium.3. Loss of hair. Eruptions upon the skin that assume many forms: they may be pustular, vesicular, eczematous, or resemble measles or scarlet fever. Dermatitis with thickening of the deeper structures. Ulcers, especially upon the extremities. Discharges are excoriating.4. Swelling of the paroti...