- G. H. Clarke


Hydrocoel in children
Diuretic of especial service in persons with weak heart. Dropsy: skin cool, kidneys not acutely congested. Serious effusions into the pleura or pericardium. Hydrocele of children. Acute or chronic bronchitis with tough, sticky mucus.

Inflammation of the kidneys, the gastro intestinal mucous membrane and bronchi. Rapid respiration.1. Vomiting, colic, watery or bloody diarrhoea. Strangury, bloody urine, suppression of urine. Cold and livid skin, paralysis, convulsions.2.

Tinctura scillae, 3-15m. Extractum scillae fluidum, 1/2-5 m. Acetum scillae, 15-30 m. If indicated when the organs are in an inflamed or irritated state the drug should be given in doses ranging from the first to the third decimal dilution only.

Dry. Skin cool, heart weak.2. (Administer in solution on of potassium acetate). Serous effusions into the pleura.2. (Vinegar of squill on compresses). Chronic pericarditis with effusion.2. (As above). Hydrocele of children.2. (As above). Catarrh of the bronchial tubes. Tough, stringy mucus coughed up with difficulty.1. Acute bronchitis, after first stage.1.


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