- G. H. Clarke

Calabar Bean.

Corneal ulceration
Prolapse of the iris. Iritis. Glaucoma. Ulceration of the cornea. Photophobia, night-blindness, or twitching of the ocular muscles in exhausted subjects. Paretic condition of the bowel with diarrhoea, or constipation and flatulence. Strychnine poisoning. Tetanus. Locomotor ataxy. General paralysis.

Vertigo. Pale, cold, moist skin.1. Partial loss of vision. Contraction of the pupils.2. Salivation, nausea, vomiting, colic, diarrhoea with griping, purging.3. Slow, feeble pulse, oppression of the chest. Twitching of the muscles. Muscular tremors. Contraction of the sphincters, uterus, intestines and bladder with weakness of all the muscles. Tetanic convulsions. Paresis. Paralysis.4.

Tinctura physostigmatis, 2-10 m. Extractum physostigmatis, 1/30 - 1/3 gr. Physostigminae salicylas (Eserine), 1/100 - 1/25. gr. Physostigminae sulphas (Eserine), 1/100 - 1/25 gr. Physostigma and its salts should be prescribed with caution. The neutral sulphate of eserine is instilled into the eye in strength ranging from one-half to four grains to the ounce of distilled water.

Inactive of the bowel with distressing flatulence, constipation and general muscular weakness.4. (Use the extract in small doses). Diarrhoea and dysentery with paretic state of the bowel.4. (Small doses of eserine internally or hypodermically). Tetanus.4. (Medium sized doses of the extract every half hour until relief or physiological symptoms are secured). Tetanic convulsions.4. (Extract). Strychnine poisoning. General paralysis.4. (Small doses three times a day). Locomotor ataxy.4. (Small doses). Writer's cramp.4. (Small doses). Colliquative sweats.1. (Small doses) Paresis and muscular twitching of the ocular muscles.4. (Eserine locally). Night-blindness from exhaustion of the retina.2-4. (Eserine locally). Photophobia in nervous prostration.2-4. (Eserine locally). Ulceration or suppuration of the cornea. Prolapse of the iris in perforation of the cornea. Glaucoma. Iritis. (Alternative eserine with atropine).


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