
Showing posts from June, 2011

Vaginismus -Cocculus indicus

-Kulkarni.V Vaginismus Spasmodic pains due to contraction of the pelvic floor muscles, often associated with pain of gluteal muscles. Patient becomes opisthotonic whenever coitus is attempted. Suitable in newly married girls who are very sensitive. Parts are dry and inflamed. Leucorrhoea after menses. Injury and inflammation after the act of coition causes leucorrhoea. Intense pains with bruised feeling in back. Dysmenorrhoea - spasmodic type, with violent cramping pain at the time of menses. Head is congested with pressing and throbbing pains. Neuralgic pains in the back and perineum. Nausea with no desire to eat. The smell of food or just the thought of food makes the patient gag and she nauseates. Paralytic condition of oesophagus and intestinal canal. Spasms of muscles of stomach. All the mental activities are depressed due to sleep. Sensation as if time passes very quickly. Mind is confused, not able to think. Feels that some unusual thing is going to happen. Fear of death.

Cervical Erosion -Arsenicum album

-Kulkarni.V On cervical mucous membranes it causes ulceration and later on gangrene. There is cervical erosion which manifests profuse menorrhagia, leucorrhoea and typical internal burning of Arsenic. There is intense burning in ovarian region. Leucorrhoea is also acrid, offensive, burns the parts, thin and watery, having fetid or cadaveric smell. Pains are like from red hot wires. Vagina is dry with intense burning, itches much. Due to proliferation of columnar epithelium, t gets folded and forms papillary projections on granulation tissue, which are obviously seen in chronic cervicitis. Oedematous swelling of genitalia. Burning and stitching pains in the cervical region. Dryness and itching of the vagina. Copious, thin, whitish and excoriating discharges from vagina. Menstrual flow is acrid and offensive. Sexually transmitted diseases cause ulcers on cervix; like syphilitic ulcers, which then turn into chronic cervical erosion. Periodical headache can be seen, which is of psoric or

Cervical polyp - Sabina

-Kulkarni.V This is the remedy used in cervical polyp, which is associated with shooting pains from sacrum to pubis, and from vagina to uterus. Mucous polyp is well treated by this remedy. There is an overgrowth of the endometrium or endocervix. Excessive hormonal stimulation is an important factor for these types of overgrowths. these are small, size of a pea. Single or multiple, which bleed on touch. Sabina is one of the important antihaemorrhagic remedy. This patient has tendency to bleed profusely, blood is bright red in colour. Cervical polyp Pulsation all over the body with sense of fulness. Shooting pains from sacrum to pubis or from back to front in all menstrual disorders, or in case of cervical polyp. There is intense chill during the period of bleeding, which makes the patient lie down. Intermittent bleeding. Bleeding between the periods is the characteristic symptom of Sabina. Sexual desire is increased. History of suppression of sexually transmitted disease, resu

Cervical polyp - Calcarea carbonica, Fraxinus americana

-Kulkarni.V Cervical polyps are bright red in colour, thin-walled and are usually pedunculated. These are soft and slippery. Endocervical polyp may show a typical epithelium or squamous metaplasia simulating malignancy. Tendency to reappear or relapse. Patient history of headache, colic, chilliness and leucorrhoea before menses. Cutting pains in uterus before and during menstruation. Breasts become tender and hot before menses. Milky leucorrhoea. Tickling cough, troublesome at night. Free expectoration in the morning. Burning and soreness in the chest. Rheumatic pains. Cramps in calf muscles. Sour foot sweat; burning of soles, weakness of extremities. Abdomen is sensitive to slight pressure. Liver region is tender and sense of fullness in right hypochondriac region. Patient is very apprehensive especially in the evening. She fears she will lose reason. Forgetful, confused, low spirited. Little mental exertion produces head hot. Headache from mental worries. Aversion to work or exe

Cervical polyp - Kalium iodatum

-Kulkarni.V Cervical polyp or subinvolution type of polyp. It has capsule of endometrium or endocervix from which the polyp gets the blood supply. The pedicle consists of the covering of mucuous membrane. Very rarely these polyps may show adenomatous structure. Large polyp gets ulcerated and infected subsequently. Menses are late and profuse. During menstrual flow uterus feels as if squeezed. Due to infected cervical polyp there is leucorrhoea, whoch is corrosive in nature. Nasal discharge is profuse, acrid, hot and watery. Violent, throbbing headache, in temporals. Profuse watery, acrid coryza associated with cervical polyp severs as a guiding symptom. patient is harsh tempered, anxious and sad. She is very irritable as there is congestion to head, slightest noise causes lot of disturbances and irritation. Modalities agg. Warm clothings, warm room, at night and damp wet weather. amel. Open air, movement. Other important remedies for cervical polyp are 1. CONIUM 2. SANGUINA

Mastitis -Pulsatilla pratensis

-Kulkarni.V  Pulsatilla 200C Homeopathic Tablets x 125 Disproportionately enlarged breast (mastitis)  Mastitis of young girls due to mechanical pressure is best treated by this remedy. Local irritation which is commonly produced from too tight elastic brassiers. The affected breast presents the classical signs of acute inflammation. There is one more category where mastitis is present secondary to milk engorgement. This usually occurs at about weaning time and also in the early days of lactation. The aetiological factor majority of times is blocking of lactiferous ducts with epithelial debris. This blocking causes induration and tenderness of that particular quadrant. Discharges from breasts are thick, bland and greenish yellow. Pain associated with chilliness. Shifting pains, relieved by pressure and lying on affected side. Shooting pains. Wandering and stitching pains. Patient has dyspepsia. Dry mouth and dry tongue without thirst. Pain in stomach after about an hour of i

Infentile syphillis -cutaneous affections

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb --> In the case of syphilitic children, the skin symptoms show themselves first and foremost. Among them we distinguish: (1) The pemphigus of new-born infants, which we have described in the second division, and which usually breaks out in the palms of the hands, and on the soles of the feet, and consists of vesicles which, surrounded by a violent-red areola, reveal, after bursting, ulceration of the subjacent integuments. (2) The various pustules and tubercles, appearing either flattened, salient, tubercular, scurfy, ulcerated, or chancrous, the first-named of which, the so-called flat or mucous tubercles, mostly break out on the scalp, in the face, on the chin, scrotum, at the margin of the anus, on the thighs, hands, and feet; whereas the ulcerous, phagedæmic tubercles sometimes cover both extremities. (3) Chancres. These are partly protopathic, partly consecutive, and, in their form, deviate but little from the known kinds; for here, too,

Infantile syphilis -general symptoms Homeopathic treatment point of view

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb --> We have already stated, in §§ 186-189, in what manner children may become affected with syphilis: (1) according to some authors, at birth (which we feel disposed to doubt, see § 213), while passing through the vagina and vulva where syphilitic ulcers are seated (syphilis adnata); or, (2) in consequence of one of the parents or both having syphilitic symptoms on the sexual parts at the moment of conception (syphilis congenita); or, (3) in consequence of father or mother, although apparently in perfect health, being tainted with latent syphilis (syphilis hereditaria). On this occasion we have directed the reader's attention to the general symptoms by which hereditary syphilis in distinguished from congenital syphilis, as well as from that which is acquired at birth; nevertheless, we deem it advisable to once more present a cursory view of the symptoms which characterize infantile syphilis in either of the above-mentioned forms. In general,

Pathological nature of syphilis: -pathological unity of the syphilitic phenomena

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb ALTHOUGH, in treating of the secondary phenomena of syphilis, we have taken the existence of this disease for granted, and have deemed it unnecessary to adduce corroborated evidence in its favor as an idiopathic pathological condition, yet, on the other hand, we must not forget that more than one reputable author not only denies the venereal origin of the syphilitic phenomena, but rejects even their idiopathic nature, and their derivation from one and the same pathological unity, even as a great many of Hahnemann's desciples deny even to this day his doctrine, that psora is the fountain head of most chronic diseases. In order not to omit anything in our argument concerning syphilis, we will therefore state what seems to us the irrefutable truth in this respect. Casting only a superficial glance at both the primary and secondary symptoms of syphilis, we see at once that, owing to the peculiar pathognomonic character of each of the primary symptoms, it