Cervical polyp - Calcarea carbonica, Fraxinus americana


Cervical polyps are bright red in colour, thin-walled and are usually pedunculated. These are soft and slippery. Endocervical polyp may show a typical epithelium or squamous metaplasia simulating malignancy. Tendency to reappear or relapse.
Patient history of headache, colic, chilliness and leucorrhoea before menses. Cutting pains in uterus before and during menstruation. Breasts become tender and hot before menses. Milky leucorrhoea. Tickling cough, troublesome at night. Free expectoration in the morning. Burning and soreness in the chest. Rheumatic pains. Cramps in calf muscles. Sour foot sweat; burning of soles, weakness of extremities. Abdomen is sensitive to slight pressure. Liver region is tender and sense of fullness in right hypochondriac region. Patient is very apprehensive especially in the evening. She fears she will lose reason. Forgetful, confused, low spirited.

Little mental exertion produces head hot. Headache from mental worries. Aversion to work or exertion.
agg. From exertion, mental or physical; cold in every form, cold water, wet weather.
amel. Dry climate, dry weather.

Fraxinus americana
This remedy acts well on overgrowths of uterus as well as cervix. Fibrous growth of the endocervix, which arises by process of extrusion from submucous lining. The tumour leaves the capsular bed and becomes pedunculated. The size may be moderate to large. It is usually pedunculated or very rarely sessile, lying in the vagina or in cervical os.
Depression with nervous restlessness, anxiety. Sensation of hot spot on top of head.


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