Cervical polyp - Sabina


This is the remedy used in cervical polyp, which is associated with shooting pains from sacrum to pubis, and from vagina to uterus. Mucous polyp is well treated by this remedy. There is an overgrowth of the endometrium or endocervix. Excessive hormonal stimulation is an important factor for these types of overgrowths.

these are small, size of a pea. Single or multiple, which bleed on touch.
Sabina is one of the important antihaemorrhagic remedy. This patient has tendency to bleed profusely, blood is bright red in colour.

Cervical polyp
Pulsation all over the body with sense of fulness. Shooting pains from sacrum to pubis or from back to front in all menstrual disorders, or in case of cervical polyp. There is intense chill during the period of bleeding, which makes the patient lie down. Intermittent bleeding. Bleeding between the periods is the characteristic symptom of Sabina. Sexual desire is increased. History of suppression of sexually transmitted disease, result of this is the sycotic overgrowth. Burning and throbbing pains in urethra. Lancinating pain from pit of stomach across the back. Bruised pains on anterior portion of thighs. Fig-warts with intolerable itching and burning.
Patient is nervous due to the overgrowth and also due to sycotic miasm. Music is intolerable. Cannot concentrate her mind, confused.
agg. Least movement, motion, heat, warmth in general, warm room.
amel. In cool fresh air.


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