
Showing posts from August, 2013

Thuja occidentalis in case of Constipation

- BERNARD H, Stools   Hard balls; Large, hard, coated with blood; Hard, thick and knotty; Hard, followed by soft stool; Retarded and insufficient.  Before stool   Frequent urging, without colic; Pressing and ineffectual desire, with erections (Ignatia?)  During stool   Only a small quantity of hard stool being passed each time, with pain in the anus as if it would fly to pieces. Great trouble in passing the stool as if the rectum had been constricted (hard stool followed by a soft one); Violent pains in the rectum compel a cessation of the effort at stool, especially when haemorrhoids are present.  After stool   Repeated urging, without accomplishing anything.  Concomitants   Fever. Smarting of the anus, between the intervals of the stools. [Offensive perspiration at the anus and in the perineum. Haemorrhoids and fissures of the anus. General aggravation of the pains in the anus on motion.   G...

Veratrum album in case of Constipation

- BERNARD H, Stools   Large and hard, or first part large, latter part smaller; Round, black balls.  Before stool  No desire; Desire for stools in the epigastrium; Pressure toward the anus with blind haemorrhoids; Tenesmus.  During stool   Great straining; Heat in the anus; Painless discharge of masses of blood in clots, with sinking feeling.  After stool   Weakness or prostration.  Concomitants   Heat and pains in the head. Vomiting of food (in dyspeptics). Colic pains. Abdominal engorgement. [General depression of vitality, predominant coldness of the body; pallor and cold sweat on the forehead, or over the whole body, on slight motion or exertion.] Increased flow of urine.  Generalities   Constipation on account of the inaction of the rectum and want of peristaltic movement in the other intestines. [Digestion appears to be well performed, and still defecation is nearly impossible, on ...


DR.MALA SHARMA   A-1/190 ,SECTOR-16,ROHINI,DELHI-110089 9818217262 /9716070665 Introduction:- Benign prostatic hypertrophy is a benign tumor of prostate gland which is located at the neck of the bladder. It originates from the peri- urethral prostatic tissue and has underlying SYCOTIC MIASM. It is very common in men after the age of 45 and maximum cases follow treatment between the age of 50 to 60yrs. Urban population is more affected than rural may be because of the diet habits and sedentary life style. Most of the cases of BPH are associated with other conditions like Renal Calculi , Fatty infiltration of liver, gall stones, recurrent UTI etc. It is a progressive disease if left untreated, can cause annoying symptoms of bladder-neck, urethral obstruction and may even result into complete retention of urine. Initially, patient experiences symptoms of URGENCY, WEAKSTREAM, STRAINING, NOCTURIA and INTERMITTENCY. OTHER SYMPTOMS like bod...

Zincum metallicum for Constipation

- BERNARD H, Stools   Dry, hard, insufficient, difficult; Dry, brittle, granulous; Large, formed stool.  Before stool   Frequent and ineffectual desire for stool.   During stool   Prolonged desire, which is only satisfied after great efforts, although the materials are soft; Emission of prostatic liquid; slight discharge of blood (with hard stool); Pressure and clawing in the anus; Painful evacuation (dry, sandy stools).   After stool   Continued desire; Violent bearing down in the abdomen, relieved by passage of flatus up or down.  Concomitants   Coated tongue or sometimes red, with projecting papillae. Dry mouth; sweetish taste in the mouth; degeneration of the gums, with aphthae. Red face during the act of digestion. Sour eructations; burning in the stomach; vomiting of mucus and bile; chronic vomiting of food with but little effort; flatulent colic, with emissions of hot, fetid flatulence. Inter...

Other remedies Useful in Case of Constipation

- BERNARD H, We do not claim to have studied here all the homoeopathic remedies suitable for constipation. We know that in each one of the remedies of which we have sketched the special indications, many omissions, more or less important, will be found. Forced to sail between the two rocks which rise up fatally before a work like ours - barren dryness or tiresome prolixity - we have nevertheless pursued one aim, that of making a useful and practical work. Thus we have given our principal attention to those remedies which are in every day use.  We will, however, mention a few more medicaments or therapeutic agents.  Paraffinum   This substance, according to Littré and Robin, is a carburet of hydrogen (C48H50), white crystalline, hard, of a fatty nature, and is obtained from the products of distillation of the vegetable tar.  Wahle places Paraffine above Nux vom. in the treatment of constipation.  Aconitum napellus   This medicine, ac...

Electricity - in Constipation treatement

- BERNARD H, This is also a valuable agent, and can be utilized with benefit in the treatment of constipation.  Electro-magnetism, says Dr. Marcy, ought not only to second the action of remedies, but may take their place in the treatment of habitual and obstinate.  Case 62  A man 30 years of age, small, nervous temperament, corpulent, hypochondriac, suffered with a chronic constipation, vertigo, cerebral congestion, cephalalgia, and an exanthematous eruption upon the skin. Old-school treatment and Carlsbad waters had proven unavailing. There was a stool only every eight days. Electricity applied to the abdomen by means of the Leyden cell, a quarter of an hour or more, every day, produced a complete cure in a few weeks. - Dr. Altschul.  We have thought it best to translate this observation both on account of the simplicity of the method of application and the evident result obtained.  We know that electro-therapie has made great progress since that ...

AKGsOVIHAMS wins Global HealthcareExcellence Award 2013 - The Best Homeopathy Centre In Delhi

In a glittering function hosted by the Prime Time Research Media Pvt. Ltd. at Hotel Ashok on Sunday , AKGsOVIHAMS (Om Vidya Institute of Homoeopathy& Allied Medical Sciences) has won the prestigious Global Health Care Excellence Award for the Best Homoeopathic Centre in Delhi. Founder-Director of AKGsOVIHAMS, Prof. Dr. A.K. Gupta, Founder Director received the award along with his son Dr. Sanket Gupta. On being asked about the occasion and his centre, a very happy Dr. A. K. Gupta told the media persons “AKGsOVIHAMS was started in 1999 with an aim and vision to provide health for all through Homoeopathy. I am glad to say, one and all have benefitted from the centre and I am really thankful to the Prime Time for recognizing our selfless efforts.” Dr. Gupta said that apart from the regular medical problems we through Homoeopathy are dealing with some Rare and so called Incurable disease also with very encouraging results and providing Homoeopathic treatment to patients not only in ...

Mineral waters for Constipation

- BERNARD H, Among the mineral waters which have been studied and administered homoeopathically according to the comparison of the known physiological effects with tried similar therapeutic effects, we will mention three, those of Teplitz, Lippspringe and Carlsbad.  The following pathogenetic symptoms are attributed to the Teplitz water by Dr. Perutz; Constipation with pain in the kidneys and a sensation of weight in the extremities. Frequent desire for stool, but without result. Constipation for several days, accompanied with nausea. Hard stool with an escape of bright, red blood.  Dr. Bolle notes the following physiological effects as belonging to the mineral waters of Lippspringe : Constipation. Burning at the anus. No strength to force an evacuation. Vain desire for stool with pains as though diarrhoea was present. The water is recommended by Dr. Bolle for old and stubborn cases of constipation, especially in hypochondriac or plethoric subjects.  Carlsbad ...

Various classifications have been made by different authors on the subject of constipation

- BERNARD H, Various classifications have been made by different authors on the subject of constipation. We find in the Compendium the following :  1. Constipation resulting from the presence of foreign bodies obstructing the intestinal canal.  2. Constipation from structural lesions of the intestine, which may either diminish the calibre or furnish a cavity for the collection of the faecal matters.  3. Constipation from compression, strangulation or invagination of the intestine.  4. Constipation from absence of a faecal residue.  5. Constipation resulting from excessive contractility of certain portions of the intestinal tube.  6. Constipation from inertia of the intestinal membranes.  7. Constipation from alteration of the products of exhalation and secretion which are thrown upon the surface of the intestinal tube.  M. Villemin divides this condition into five divisions.  1. Constipation from anaesthesia of the rectal mu...

Idiopathic Constipation

- BERNARD H, Many authors absolutely deny the existence of this form of constipation. Although admitting the difficulty of establishing ex cathedra the clinical reality of this division, yet we believe it can be admitted by analogy. However that may be, we range in this category the cases, numerous enough, of constipation, the pathogenetic origin of which is either not appreciable, or is obscure, and which cannot be better classified in the other sections.  Two important remedies dispute here the pre-eminence : Nux vomica and Hydrastis canadensis. It is difficult to draw the differential indications of these two substances. We believe, however, that Nux vomica ought to be employed in those subjects who are still vigorous, while that Hydrastis suits rather those persons who are debilitated and enfeebled, with a sickly appearance, or when there are active, persistent pains in the whole extent of the intestinal tract and at the same time fainting after each evacuation. It se...

Irritative or sub-inflammatory

- BERNARD H, This form of constipation is often the consequence of sub-acute or chronic inflammatory diseases of the intestines. It sometimes follows typhoid fever, catarrhal and rheumatic fevers. The abuse of purgatives, too much animal food, the abuse of alcohol and spices seem to singularly favor its evolution.  The best treatment for this form is Bryonia and Nux vomica alternated, together with an intercurrent dose of Sulphur, Bryonia is especially useful in summer, in acute cases, during an attack of rheumatism or disease of the liver, when gastric symptoms are present, congestion of blood to the head and chest with dyspnoea and chilliness, principally in choleraic subjects or those of sedentary habits.   Belladonna, Opium and Plumbum may be of service in acute cases. Mercurius and Podophyllum are sometimes called for in special cases. 

Spasmodic or constrictive Constipation

- BERNARD H, The spasmodic action of the sphincters which opposes itself to the evacuation of the effete materials and perhaps also the spasm of the expulsive muscles, says Villemin, promotes the retention of stercoraceous matters and causes constipation from muscular spasm. It is besides impossible to call in question the existence of this form of constipation when we have read, in Boyer, for example, the history of fissures of the anus. This variety of constipation occurs especially in hysteria, hypochondria, chorea and as a general thing in all neuropathic subjects.  In the great majority of cases it will be well to begin the treatment with Nux vom. and Sulphur, either in succession or alternately.  If there are involuntary and at times periodic contractions of the anus with shooting pains deep in the anus, tenesmus either before or after an evacuation, and also prolapse of the rectum or fissure of the anus (Sedum acre), Ignatia is to be preferred. A sensation of...

Paralytic Constipation

- BERNARD H, If the motility of the muscles of the intestine and the walls of the abdomen is weakened or exhausted in its excito-motory source, the stasis of the faecal matters is the necessary consequence of the powerlessness of the expulsive force, and we have then constipation from muscular paralysis. This is undoubtedly one of the most frequent forms met with in practice. It appears especially in subjects of an advanced age, women, infants, persons who lead sedentary life, or who live on an insufficient or innutritious diet, in the period of convalescence of those diseases accompanied by great debility, in chlorotic women and large eaters; it also forms a complication in the greater number of the affections of the nerve centers, and is present in paraplegia and many cases of metallic poisoning. Opium and lead, of which we have already spoken in connection with idiopathic constipation occupy here an important place. They will have to be employed often, either separately or a...

Constipation From diminution of the intestinal secretion

- BERNARD H, This from characterized by extreme dryness of the excreta, is almost always associated with a chronic intestinal catarrh. When under the influence of a vicious alimentation, or special atmospheric conditions, a person is thrown into that morbid condition which some authors, and notably Chomel, have described under the name of mucous state, the constipation which seems due to a kind of cutisation of the intestinal mucous membrane, of which the scanty, thick, tenacious and dry mucosities are expelled only at long intervals and after very painful efforts.  Alumina occupies the first rank in this condition. We have already given some indications for this drug and we will give more in connection with infantile constipation.  Podophyllum is a rival of Alumina.  Bryonia is characterized by dark, dry, hard stools, as though burned.  Zincum has very dry, crumbled stools.  Veratrum alb., Magnesia mur. Opium, and Plumbum should be studied also....

Constipation From mechanical obstruction

- BERNARD H, We include in this cases in which the constipation is due to a narrowing of the intestinal canal, either dependent upon some condition attacking one of the tunics of the intestine itself, or in consequence of extra-intestinal tumors.  The medicines will vary according to the nature and seat of the obstruction. There is no doubt that the resources of the homoeopathic therapeutics are very limited in this class. Nevertheless Platina, Colocynth., Nux vom., Opium, and Sulphur, have been of some service. 

Haemorrhoidal Constipation

- BERNARD H.  Haemorrhoids play an important and sometimes even the chief role in the production of constipation. We should not forget, however, that constipation, by the very fact of its existence, sometimes develops secondary haemorrhoids. In the present division we have especially in view primary haemorrhoids, or better, the haemorrhoidal disease. The disease has been described in a masterly manner by Dr. Frédault. Often symptomatic of gout, haemorrhoids constitute one of the features of abdominal venous plethora known among the Germans under the name of abdominal congestion. Among the well-known signs necessary to diagnose this form of constipation, we will briefly cite : Alternation of constipation and diarrhoea, tenesmus, haemorrhagic, serous or mucous secretion of the rectum, more or less intense pains in the rectum, coming on even without stool, gastralgia, dyspepsia, vertigo, migraine, deafness, epistaxis, bronchial catarrh, palpitations, eczema, dysuria, dental c...

Hepatic Constipation

- BERNARD H., The Homoeopathic Treatment of Constipation The anatomical and physiological relations of the liver and intestine are too intimate not to influence each other in their pathological affections. So we have thought it well to devote a paragraph to those cases, which frequently occur, in which hepatic troubles interpose in a marked manner. A sub-icteric teint, a sensitiveness, more or less blunted, of the right hypochondrium, and modifications in the coloration of the faeces lead us to the diagnosis.  Nux vomica is here of great importance.  Podophyllum and Podophyllin should be consulted when icterus is present.  Mercurius cor. is serviceable not only in constipation from pseudo-membranous inflammation of some portion of the large intestine, but also in haemorrhoidal colic with tumefaction of the liver and abdominal venous stasis.  Among the other remedies from which a choice may sometimes be necessary, we would mention Aconitum, Aloes, Bryoni...

Uterine constipation

- BERNARD H., The Homoeopathic Treatment of Constipation Under this title we include the numerous cases of constipation in which the generative system is evidently involved. From the time of puberty, the date of acidity of this organic system until the menopause, which marks progressive torpor, menstruation, pregnancy, labor, lactation, the pathological affections of the womb, either with or without displacement, with or without change of structure, diseases of the ovaries, and the other accessory organs to the uterus, may impress upon the constipation a mark quite characteristic.  Most of the remedies which we shall mention have already been the object of special mention.  Pulsatilla will be indicated in females who are of mild disposition, easily chilled, sad, lymphatic, chlorotic constitution, subject to dysmenorrhoea or flying rheumatic pains, when the difficult evacuation of the stool is accompanied by a painful pressure and backache; or when, during the menses...

Homeopathic remedies for Infantile Constipation tretment

- BERNARD H., The Homoeopathic Treatment of Constipation Childhood, that is to say the period between birth and puberty, is characterized by a gradual increase in the growth of all the tissues and a corresponding activity of the nutritive organs. To this is added a very marked impressibility of the whole nervous system. It is not unreasonable then to devote a paragraph to the constipation of children.  "In some cases the constipation may be due to functional derangement of the liver as in jaundice, where the stools may be hard, dry and clay-colored, showing a deficiency in the secretion of bile. Deficient or too tenacious intestinal mucus is another cause; the constipation of most febrile affections is mainly due to this condition, or to augmented perspiratory, or urinary secretions. Nervous, acid children are predisposed to constipation. The nutriment, especially the amylaceous class, boiled milk, soups containing meal, rice, sago, etc., is another cause. Too slight peri...

Palliative or surgical treatment for Constipation

- The Homoeopathic Treatment of Constipation ,BERNARD H., In connection with the preventive, hygienic and accessory treatment we have already mentioned several medico-surgical means, especially the injections and tampons of charpie introduced into the rectum  Suppositories, says Trousseau, are, for men especially, more easily employed than anal injections. Suppositories of cacao-butter are sufficient in the greater number of cases; suppositories of soap or honey are also efficacious.  Merat and Delens, in their Dictionnaire Universel de Matière Médicale, mention the singular expedient of Dr. King, of Glasgow, who removed a constitution of six days standing, which had resisted all attempts at a cure, by distending the rectum with air from a pair of bellows; an evacuation followed this procedure and all danger ceased.  Under the head of compression, in the same work, we read : "One of the most prompt means for removing a constipation due to a spasmodic constriction o...

Message from the NASH president

- Message from the president (L. Klein) This year has been a great year for the advancement of NASH and professional homeopathy. Some special events have unfolded that have given us the message that we are making exciting inroads: One of our members was granted a long-term work visa to the United States based on his credentials of homeopathy, and with the assistance of NASH. Another member co-authored a significant trial of homeopathy as used in psychiatry. Some members have started their own schools and many of our NASH members continue to be in demand as teachers in North America and Europe. Insurance companies have recognized that we can save them a lot of money and have accepted NASH-certified members as providers.  NASH has become a permanent player in the current rebirth of homeopathy in North America. We have become not only a credible certifying board, but also a group that creates a sense of community and support among those practicing homeopathy who are not licensed ...