Message from the NASH president

- Message from the president (L. Klein)
This year has been a great year for the advancement of NASH and professional homeopathy. Some special events have unfolded that have given us the message that we are making exciting inroads: One of our members was granted a long-term work visa to the United States based on his credentials of homeopathy, and with the assistance of NASH. Another member co-authored a significant trial of homeopathy as used in psychiatry. Some members have started their own schools and many of our NASH members continue to be in demand as teachers in North America and Europe. Insurance companies have recognized that we can save them a lot of money and have accepted NASH-certified members as providers.
 NASH has become a permanent player in the current rebirth of homeopathy in North America. We have become not only a credible certifying board, but also a group that creates a sense of community and support among those practicing homeopathy who are not licensed as medical doctors or other practitioners. This warm support and our high standards are spreading throughout the international homeopathic community. I know our efforts have already enhanced the image and veracity of all homeopaths.
 Someone called me the other day because they wanted an article written "asap." They left me a message saying that they knew that I was very busy and, therefore, likely to get the article done! It's like this for all of us involved with NASH. The NASH work is never-ending, and the reality is that we are accomplishing the monumental task of getting this organization going on a shoestring.
 I just finished our Rules of Practice and Code of Ethics, based somewhat on a similar instrument of the Society of Homeopaths in England. It took a tremendous amount of time to review this charter effectively. I believe it is one of the first documents of its kind in North America, making it a truly pioneering effort by all to establish this uniform standard for homeopaths.
 I know that other homeopaths are putting in just as much time with their respective tasks. I am always very touched and my heart warms when I work with many of you who are so busy, so accomplished and so committed to homeopathy. For example, this Journal's work is excellent, and I know that Greg Bedayn has put many months of thought and time into its execution. Wonderful work, Greg!
 I could say, "Wonderful work!" to so many of you. What keeps us all going is the vision of homeopathy becoming an intrinsic part of North American health care and culture. The realization of this vision is very close.
 Louis Klein, RSHom (NA), practices homeopathy in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
 Lou is the founding president of NASH and conducts seminars around the world. Lou is currently setting up a clinical training program for homeopaths. 


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