Other remedies Useful in Case of Constipation

We do not claim to have studied here all the homoeopathic remedies suitable for constipation. We know that in each one of the remedies of which we have sketched the special indications, many omissions, more or less important, will be found. Forced to sail between the two rocks which rise up fatally before a work like ours - barren dryness or tiresome prolixity - we have nevertheless pursued one aim, that of making a useful and practical work. Thus we have given our principal attention to those remedies which are in every day use.
 We will, however, mention a few more medicaments or therapeutic agents.
 This substance, according to Littré and Robin, is a carburet of hydrogen (C48H50), white crystalline, hard, of a fatty nature, and is obtained from the products of distillation of the vegetable tar.
 Wahle places Paraffine above Nux vom. in the treatment of constipation.
 Aconitum napellus 
 This medicine, according to the views of all the authors, corresponds to the constipation which is accompanied with fever. The constipation which is associated with enteritis, says Hahnemann, does snot contraindicate the use of Aconite, nor on the other hand is it an indication for it, since the constipation itself disappears with the inflammatory symptoms, without the necessity of using injections.
 [Hempel and Arndt : Among the symptoms of Aconite we find "hard stool passed with hard pressing" and as a curative effect "retention of stool in acute affections".
 Aconite is of especial value, when constipation occurs as a symptom of some catarrhal or rheumatic fever, or upon some liver difficulty to which this drug is homoeopathic.
 Case 59 
 We were once called to a case, where a patient had a common rheumatic fever, had taken a whole lot of cathartics and drastics for the purpose of procuring stool. These drugs had remained inoperative. We found the bowels enormously distended and utterly torpid; not the remotest disposition to have a discharge. A single dose of Aconite excited peristaltic motion and procured complete relief, besides inducing copious perspiration and effecting a perfect cure of the fever.
 Case 60 
 Under the old-school treatment of acute rheumatic fever, the bowels are very apt to remain torpid. We once cured a constipation of this kind, where the patient, a lady of seventy-five years, had not had a passage from the bowels for twenty-one days. A single drop of Aconite, 15th potency, was sufficient to move them; she discharged a hard, dry substance, which looked like burnt peat. The bowels remained regular after this one evacuation. The character of such a black looking discharge corresponds with the following Aconite symptom : "Discharge of black, fetid, faecal matter, which may be either soft, diarrhoeic, or hard and burnt like coal."
 In some forms of spinal irritation, when that portion of the column which supplies nerves to the liver, is the seat of the trouble, the bowels are very torpid, and what passes the bowels looks dark and burnt like coal. Aconite is the remedy for this sort of torpor.]
 Leptandra virginica 
 This remedy, although corresponding rather to diarrhoea than constipation, exercises a specific action upon the liver, and may be useful in certain forms of constipation, still ill-defined, which depend upon hepatic disorders.
 China officinalis 
 Prominently indicated by Jahr in his Repertory for the constipation resulting from inactivity of the intestines.
 [In Hempel and Arndt we find : The secondary effect (organic reaction) of small doses of China seems to be to bind the bowels; this costiveness is accompanied with vascular erethism, flushed face, fullness in the head, headache, palpitation of the heart. The Chininum sulphuricum gives the same effects.
 Raue gives : Large accumulation of faeces in the intestines, with dizziness and eat in the head; difficult stool even when soft.]
 Cantharis vesicatoria 
 According to Boenninghausen and Jahr, this remedy merits consideration among those indicated in general for constipation.
 This is placed, by Jahr, in the same line as Cantharis, that is to say in the second rank. [Stool hard, dark and dry (much like that of Bryonia), and expelled only after much pressing; stitches in the rectum, extending toward the left groin. Children struggle and scream during the act of defecation and seem as if they would go into fits.]
 Secale cornutum 
 Recommended by Hirschell in the paralytic form of constipation (after Opium, and in the same rank as Phosphorous and Rhus).
 Jatropha curcas 
 Apis and Cepa occupy together the third rank in Jarh's Repertory. Roth (Gazette Homoeop.) emphasizes the condition of constipation in the pathogenesis of Jatropha.
 [Apis : Large, hard, difficult stools; stinging pains and sensation in abdomen as from something tight, which would break if much effort is used.]
 Arnica montana 
 Suitable for constipation in consequence of contusions or from cerebral origin.
 [Dr. Chargé has seen an accidental constipation, due to a violent blow upon the abdomen, disappear promptly under the use of Arnica. - Le traumatisme, par Bernard, p. 9.
 Case 61 
 A woman subject to very obstinate attacks of constipation, often felt a peculiar benumbing sensation in the intestines, which she attributed to the presence of hardened faecal matter. She was relieved by Arnica. - Ibid., p. 10. ]
 Gelsemium sempervirens 
 A paralyzing remedy, according to Imbert-Gourbeyre, and hence of assistance in paralysis, and may merit one day, when it will be better known, an important place in the treatment of constipation.
 We call attention for the present to the following symptom by Hale : Tardy stools, leaving a sensation as if there still remained something behind, with a feeling of abdominal fullness.
 Menyanthes trifoliata 
 Rucco says : Constipation yields most often to the action of the globules of Menyanthes, Bryonia, Nux vom., Veratrum album., and Staphysagria; remedies which we administer successively, the one after the previous one has terminated its course of action.
 Aurum muriaticum 
 Arum muriaticum, according to Dr. Kallenbach, of Berlin, is the most suitable remedy for habitual constipation due to atony of the intestinal canal. He gives it also for haemorrhoidal constipation.
 [Lilienthal : Hard, knotty and large stools; costiveness worse during the menses; piles with rectal catarrh.]
 Prunus padus 
 Prunus padus, according to the same author, is analogous to Aurum muriaticum.
 Arsenicum album 
 We must not forget to mention this remedy, since, as Kallenbach says, it is the principal remedy against enteritis and typhus abdominalis, and exerts its influence upon the mucous membrane of the intestinal canal where there is a tendency to destruction of tissue due to local irritation, and can cure even in the beginning of the destruction. Arsenic is indicated when the symptoms of irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and small intestines are very marked and announces the transition to chronic inflammation.
 [When there is torpor of the liver; the faeces have a dark, brown, greenish or blackish appearance. The abdomen may feel hard and distended, with a feeling of warmth, aching and sore pain in the bowels, exceedingly dry skin, with entire absence of all cutaneous exhalation, scanty, deep-colored and offensively smelling urine, dullness about the head, sallow complexion, feeling of languor and hypochondriac depression of mind.]
 Ammonium carbonicum 
 These may be useful under certain circumstances; the latter in cases of induration of the mucous membrane leading to intestinal narrowing (Kallenbach).
 [Ammonium mur. : Hard stools, crumbling to pieces when evacuated, requiring great efforts to expel them, followed by soft stools; the faeces covered with a tough, glairy mucus, and are accompanied by a discharge of a quantity of mucus.]
 We would also mention Colocynth., Rhus, Stramonium, Helleborus (in the forms associated with the rheumatic diathesis), Hyoscyamus, Digitalis; Verbascum especially mentioned in the Manual of Boenninghausen, for constipation on account of the hardness of the excrements.
 Ammonium muriaticum 
 These may be useful under certain circumstances; the latter in cases of induration of the mucous membrane leading to intestinal narrowing (Kallenbach).
 [Ammonium mur. : Hard stools, crumbling to pieces when evacuated, requiring great efforts to expel them, followed by soft stools; the faeces covered with a tough, glairy mucus, and are accompanied by a discharge of a quantity of mucus.]
 We would also mention Colocynth., Rhus, Stramonium, Helleborus (in the forms associated with the rheumatic diathesis), Hyoscyamus, Digitalis; Verbascum especially mentioned in the Manual of Boenninghausen, for constipation on account of the hardness of the excrements.
 Calcarea acetica 
 Dr. Willmar Schwabe recalls the fact that Hahnemann recommends this remedy as a specific in constipation; it is especially adapted for constipation with concomitant intestinal catarrh, when the abdomen is bloated and painful, the pains being relieved by the emission of gas and faeces, also when diarrhoea succeeds the constipation.
 Oleum jecoris aselli 
 According to Dr. Osberghaus this often cures obstinare constipation in young people and in the aged.
 Hal gives : constipation with burning of the hands feet, sometimes.
 Raphanus sativus 
 Raphanus sativus, according to Dr. Nusser, has the characteristic symptom : "No emission of gas upward or downward", and this author recommends rather strong doses in the case of constipation, when the other symptoms indicate it, such as bloating of the abdomen, absence of gases, prompt satiety when eating, and when the result of a sedentary life.
 Aesculus glabra 
 External haemorrhoidal tumors of a dark purple color, with constipation and vertigo; weakness of the sacrum and the lower limbs. Hard, knotty stools.
 Asclepias cornuti 
 Constipation is cured by its use in doses of ten to thirty drops of the tincture, three times a day. Constipation, pain in right side, lower extremities, and loss of appetite.
 Carboneum sulphuratum 
 This is said to cure constipation with discharges of gas of an acid odor.
 Roth already notes in the Gazette Homoeop., of Paris, the following symptom in connection with this remedy; Difficult stool, soft and not very abundant as if from inactivity of the rectum.
 Jousset, in l'Art Médical (vol. iv., p. 89), mentions the hard stools, rounded or nut-shaped, black, presenting sometimes the odor of the drug.
 Kalium bromatum 
 Obstinate constipation has been often cured, without expecting it, whilst the remedy was given in a continuous manner for other disorders. I am not able, adds Hale, to point out the mode of curative action in similar cases, but the fact is none the less worthy of mention.
 Physostigma venenosum 
 This drug, according to an old-school physician, has cured an obstinate constipation.
 Gallicum acidum 
 This remedy ought to be consulted in constipation with persistent pyrosis.
 Guarea trichiloides 
 Mentioned by Hale for chronic constipation, [and for constipation occurring during dentition.]
 Ptelea trifoliata 
 Hale mentions the following symptoms as verified by clinical experience : "Chronic gastritis; continued feeling of erosion, heat and burning in the stomach with vomiting of the ingesta, constipation and fever in the afternoon."
 Agaricus muscarius 
 When occurring in drunkards or those suffering from enlargement of the liver, due to abuse of alcoholic stimulants. Alternation of constipation and diarrhoea. Faeces are hard and dry, their passage through the rectum causes a painful soreness of the lining membrane and invites a spasmodic retraction of the anus.
 Anacardium orientale 
 Frequent tenesmus for many days, without being pale to pass anything; great, urgent desire for stool, but on sitting down, the desire immediately passes off without an evacuation; the rectum seems to be powerless, with a sensation as if plugged up; frequent, profuse bleeding at the anus when at stool. Painful twisting and turning in the intestines across the abdomen.
 Asa foetida 
 Obstinate constipation, with abdominal and haemorrhoidal cramps; constant ineffectual urging to stool, with violent pressing toward the rectum, and discharge of offensive flatus; only slime passes, no faeces.
 Ferrum aceticum 
 Chronic constipation, with ineffectual urging, with anaemic symptoms; flushed head and face with cold hands and feet; straining for stool all day; sick at the stomach; disagreeable taste, worse drinking cold water.
 Geranium maculatum 
 Dr. E. C. Beckwith has found this remedy useful for such cases particularly, as occur in weak, debilitated patients during the attack of other diseases; and to all that class of cases that are suffering from habitual constipation arising from weakness of the parts, rather than organic disease.
 Magnesium carbonicum 
 Frequent, ineffectual urging to stool, with small stool, or only discharge of flatulence; stitches in the anus and rectum, with fruitless desire for stool.
 Natrium carbonicum 
 Insufficient stool, with tenesmus, followed by burning in the eyes and urethra, with great sexual excitement.
 Natrium sulphuricum 
 Hard, knotty stools streaked with blood, preceded and accompanied by smarting at the anus; difficult expulsion of soft stool; emission of fetid flatus in large quantities.
 Prunus spinosa 
 Hard stool, intermittent stool, looking like the excrement of dogs, in small lumps, with stitches in the rectum, extorting cries.
 Ratanhia peruviana 
 Urging sensation in the small of the back, as if there would be stool; hard stool with straining; sudden stitches in the anus; fissures of the anus.
 Ruta graveolens 
 Scanty, hard stool; frequent urging to stool, with protrusion of the rectum, also during stool; the rectum protrudes when stooping ever so little, and especially when squatting; a considerable quantity of flatulence is emitted whenever the urging takes place.
 Violent urging to stool, with noise like the croaking of frogs; necessity of sitting a long while, then passes an immense quantity of flatulence, which is followed by an enormous evacuation, and after that, a burning pain in the abdomen.
 Sarsaparilla officinalis
 Obstinate constipation, with violent urging to urinate; urging to stool, with contractions of the intestines, and excessive pressure from above downward, as if the bowels would be pressed out; during stool violent tearing and cutting in the rectum; afterward a repetition of the same symptoms.
 Selenium metallicum 
 Stools so hard and impacted that it must be removed by mechanical aid; the faeces contain threads of faecal matter, like hair.
 Sulphuricum acidum 
 Hard stool, consisting of small, black lumps mixed with blood, and with such violent pricking in the anus that she has to rise on account of the pain; climacteric age; constant flushes of heat; tremulous sensation in the whole body without trembling.] 


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