Nobody out there

- Anne Vervarcke, ' Homeopathy Strange Rare and Peculiar,' (AV= Anne Vervarcke AvdM= An van de Moortel) AvdM: Not only does it sound spooky and rather depressing, it clashes with our daily experience! After all, we are with seven billion out there! AV: I know. You shouldn't take it too literally. What it means is that everything we see is colored by our own symbolic interpretation, very much in the same way as when we see a rainbow when there is light and water in the sky at a certain angle. AvdM: But if we weren’t trained to see it that way, we would still see the same phenomenon, wouldn’t we? AV: How can we know? We can only be ourselves. We don’t know how the tree or the earthworm ‘experiences’ the rainbow. Our symbols are drawn from our sensory input and the way our brain works, both are typical for a human being. We know that certain animals perceive the world very differently than we ...