The holographic universe

- Anne Vervarcke, 'Homeopathy Strange Rare and Peculiar,'
(AV= Anne Vervarcke   AvdM= An van de Moortel)
AV: Now, let’s talk about the developments in neuro-science from the last hundred years. If the 19th century mechanics were downright depressing; the 20th and 21st centuries’ discoveries were so much more exciting and inspiring! With the discovery of the hologram we could explain and understand how the human brain functions. Neurological examination like Pribram’s6 has revealed startling data. Animal experiments did not confirm the original idea that certain functions were localized in certain parts of the brain. Or to put it another way: that there was a well-localized part of the brain with which we see, a part of the brain with which we move, talk and we remember.

AvdM: So, it turned out already decades ago that this was an outdated belief.

AV: Yes, the invention of the hologram already dates from the 1950’s7!

AvdM: Can you recall again what exactly is relevant in this?

6 Karl Pribram was born in 1919 in Vienna, is professor in psychology and psychiatry and is best known for his holonomic brain model.
7 Dennis Gabor, a Hungarian scientist, invented holography in 1947. In 1971 he received the Nobel price for physics.

AV: Sure. Any wavelike phenomenon can create an inter-ference pattern. Laser is an extremely pure and coherent form of light and thus especially good at creating interfer-ence patterns. When a single laser light is split into two separate beams, the first bounced off the object to be pho-tographed, the second allowed to collide with the reflected light of the first, this creates an interference pattern which is recorded on a piece of film.

When another laser beam or bright light shines through, a three-dimensional image of the original object reappears. When cut in half, each half will still contain the whole im-age. Even when divided again and again, the entire image can be reconstructed. Each piece contains all the informa-tion recorded in the whole and gives this virtual picture. Pribram concluded this could explain the distribution of memory throughout the brain. Also visual centers turned out to work holographically: even with 90% of rat’s visual cortex removed, they could still see. Pribram asked himself if ‘out there’ a vast, resonating symphony of wave forms, a frequency domain, was transformed into the world, as we know it only after it entered our senses. Then Pribram met David Bohm. This gifted physicist was fascinated by quantum physics, especially in their discovery that small particles, the quanta, like photons didn’t seem to possess a fixed property. The only time quanta manifests as particles only is when we are looking at them.

AvdM: I remember one of your often quoted quotes in your lec-tures: “According to the quantum physicists it’s like everything we touch turns to matter.”

AV: And unfortunately not in gold. I love these one-liners: they say a lot with few words! Nevertheless, Einstein was unhappy with the conclusion of the quantum physicists8,

8 Cfr. The EPR Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Manifest

especially with their claims of non-locality and intercon-nectedness, as he couldn’t accept a theory that suggested the possibility of some phenomena faster than the speed of light. Bohm was unhappy with the lack of interest in the interconnectedness; also he didn’t like Bohr’s statement that there was no deeper reality beyond the subatomic landscape. He had conversations with Einstein and pub-lished his alternative interpretation of quantum theory in 1952. The reaction was mainly negative.

AvdM: Of major importance for us is that Bohm stated that the behavior of the parts was organized by the whole. And this is contrary to what classical science states.

AV: Exactly! Non-locality reveals that everything is con-nected: all things are part of an unbroken web. Bohm realized the universe was itself a kind of giant, flowing ho-logram and he presented his theory in his classical book ‘Wholeness and the Implicate Order’ (this was in the ‘80s). The importance for us, homeopaths, is that not only mass isn’t as solid as first thought but the whole tangible reality, according to scientific research is an illusion, like a holo-graphic image. Underlying it is a deeper order of existence, which David Bohm calls ‘the implicate order’ and our own level of existence ‘the explicate order’, everything moving constantly from the one to the other. A photon is no el-ementary particle; everything is like different patterns in an ornate carpet. This might change our concepts about the importance of ‘substances from nature’ in our remedies. Maybe we are not dealing with diluted substances but with something from a higher level that is reflected in a particu-lar substance.

AvdM: Like a pattern or a blueprint! We really can’t do with-out philosophy, can we?

AV: Maybe we can make it more general and say we can’t

do without investigating ourselves, which is saying in other words it’s a matter of consciousness or awareness, isn’t it?
AvdM: And you would prefer this to approaching homeopathy with a spiritual state of mind? Because you used to repeat that spirituality is not a prerequisite for homeopathy.

AV: That’s a whole different topic altogether. What I mean by this is that spirituality from my point of view is not a hobby, not something you can do without engagement. Everybody, I suspect, has somewhere a feeling of some-thing ‘bigger’ than himself and everyday life. One can call it a religious or spiritual awareness, it’s the same. Or let’s say the main difference is that religion is man-made while the religious or spiritual awareness is a universal feature. While I’m convinced that it is a human endeavor to be-come a good person, the proof is not in the talking about it and gathering in groups with rules and rituals but, as Osho9 used to say, “on the market”. So the level of spiritual awareness will show in a person’s deeds and needs nothing else.

AvdM: I see what you mean. By this, do you try to avoid spiri-tual competition, which in itself is a contradiction in terms?
AV: You got my point. Now back to David Bohm. His model can also explain the effect consciousness has on the subatomic world. He tries to bring consciousness and phys-ics together. For instance he rejects the idea that particles don’t exist until they are observed. He feels this fragments reality by saying that one separate thing, consciousness, in-teracts with another separate thing, a subatomic particle. He rather thinks the observer is the observed, as well as the measuring device, the experimental results, the laboratory, and the breeze that blows outside the laboratory…

9 Before his death in 1990, this Indian guru was known as Bhagwan Rajneesh. He had followers all over the world.

AvdM: This sounds exactly like the message Krishnamurti10 brought for decades. I can see now why he was on the list of the ‘Recommended Literature’ in our homeopathic training.

AV: And Krishnamurti was one of the main living spiritual enlightened teachers of last century. There are videotapes going around the world where he discusses with David Bohm, exploring the matches between his insights with the discoveries of sciences. David Bohm stated that con-sciousness is present in various degrees of enfoldment and unfoldment. Life and intelligence are not only present in all matter but also in energy, space, time, and the fabric of the whole universe. Every portion of the universe enfolds the whole. Every cell in our body enfolds the entire cos-mos, every leaf, every raindrop…

There is an undivided wholeness of all things. Consciousness is a more subtle form of matter. Dividing the universe up into living and non- living things has no meaning; animate and inanimate are inseparably interwoven. We’ll come back to this when we talk of our remedies and the ‘kingdoms’ they come from. Every region of space is full with different kinds of fields composed of waves of varying lengths. Each wave has energy. When physicists calculate the minimum amount of energy a wave can possess, they find that every cubic centimeter of empty space contains more energy than the total energy of all the matter in the known universe. Space is not empty, space is full, it is a plenum, a cosmic sea of energy and the universe is a ripple on its surface.

AvdM: This is all very exciting!

AV: I agree. Science isn’t boring at all, on the contrary! It’s only the reductionist version of it that is so desperate, the

10 Jiddu Krishnamurti (1931-1990) was a spiritual master, talking and writing about philosophy and spirituality. Among his writings: The Only Revolution.

kind of science that wants us to believe in a “flatland”, as Ken Wilber11 explains so well.

AvdM: Now first: if you put the ideas of Pribram and Bohm together, what do you get?

AV: The amazing conclusion is that “our brains mathemat-ically construct objective reality by interpreting frequencies that are ultimately projections from another dimension, a deeper order of existence that is beyond space and time.” The brain is a hologram enfolded in a holographic universe.

AvdM: I’m sure these findings must have repercussions on our homeopathic approach.

AV: They do if you take them into consideration. And if you don’t, as well…. 

The funny thing is that the discoveries of quantum me-chanics didn’t seem to impress the scientific world much. Somehow their own beloved science proved their map of the world erroneous but they went happily on with their business as usual. If questioned about it, the explanation is that the findings of quantum are correct on the subatomic world but not in the material world.

AvdM: In the same way it is stated that Einstein’s theory of relativity applies for the macro cosmos but not for our world?
AV: Yes. Isn’t that interesting? It shows that we all have an inner map of how the world is like and we agree on the general features. And as we know, a map is a symbolic rep-resentation of phenomena. We are trained to interpret and name certain phenomena in a particular way in order to be able to communicate. I explained this in previous books, especially The Charm of Homeopathy.12

AvdM: Although your description seems logical and clear, I’m afraid most homeopaths conclude after reading it: “yes, but so what?”

11 Ken Wilber: A Brief History of Everything.
12 Anne Vervarcke; The Charm of Homeopathy, pp. 24-30.

AV: And I’m afraid you are right. We’ll try to clarify this by the end of this talk. Everything should be crystal clear then. We will put together the conclusion of each exploration and try to formulate a final coherent working hypothesis.

AvdM: This seems like a good idea. Now: the first conclusion we came up with is that quantum mechanics and neurologi-cal research both proved we live in a holographic universe and our brain is a hologram that captures interference patterns. Is that right?

AV: Exactly. And what this means is that, because our brain works the way it works, we construct from the ‘reality out there’ an inner map of reality.

AvdM: An inner map that is symbolic.

AV: By definition. The majority of attributes are the same in all of us –we call this education- but there’s enough dif-ference to make us all unique.

AvdM: But didn’t you mention before that Bohm didn’t like the idea of two separate things: a consciousness or brain on the one side and an outer reality on the other? Didn’t he see an intrinsic oneness in everything like Krishnamurti did?

AV: Krishnamurti and many others. The result of iden-tifying with the constructions and products of our brain, which constitutes the ego, provokes in us a feeling of separation and sadness. But now it seems though that sepa-ration is scientifically proven to be a wrong concept. There is interconnectedness between all beings and that was al-ways taught in the East but the last century confirmed by Western logic. Nevertheless, we mortals, even if we belief this to be true, go on living our daily life in the experience of isolation.

AvdM: Why is that so, you think?

AV: I don’t know. The ‘condition humaine’? Or one of the main delusions that makes us sick…?


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