The Vital Approach - Conclusion

- Anne Vervarcke, ,,
In a very condensed way I tried to give a taste of what I call the ‘Vital Approach’. The most characteristic feature of this method is how to spot the vital disturbance on the levels of experience.

Although it’s only a schematic representation of the mind and body unity of a human being, the five level diagram, as I use it, isn’t coincidental. In geometry as well as in numerology the number fives symbolizes the human being and self-regeneration of life. The body is represented in its two aspects: matter and energy as is the mind: thoughts and emotions.

In our homeopathic jargon we are treating the disturbed ‘vital force’ or ‘dynamis’ that lies beyond mind and body but expresses itself on them.

If we can guide the patient along the levels of experience during case taking and we can make him express the disturbance of his vital force (his vital disturbance) in words, we can make a sure prescription. But often we won’t be able or it will take too long. In children cases or patients who don’t express well, we will be at a loss. With patients who can’t get deep enough, we risk to have the feeling of failure as practitioners.

The Vital Approach is an answer to these problems since there is a methodic way to spot the vital disturbance on all levels. It merely takes discernment between what is common and what is vital and that is what I’m teaching.

Exploring the different levels of experience we can focus on the vital sensation, even when questioning the physical complaints or the emotions. The vital disturbance is on all levels all of the time.

If the disturbance is confirmed on different levels, domains or topics we see the coherent pattern that underlies all feelings, actions and functions. That is the thing we are looking for in our patients. It is what I understand Hahnemann meant when he considered disease as a ‘spirit-like disturbance of the dynamis’.

This pattern is like a matrix through which the patient sees himself and the outside world. Because it means a limitation and produces ‘conditions to be OK’ we call it disturbance. In reality there are no limitations or conditions, only freedom and imperfect perfections. In reality things just ‘are’.

In the chapter of the anamnesis I made an attempt to give useful hints how to get reliable information from the patient in the most natural way. All homeopaths said it before and I can’t but confirm that a proper anamnesis is more than half of the work. But I realize at the same time that nothing compares to a life demonstration. I consider this as the best means to convey the subtleness and at the same time the firm classical fundament of this Approach. In this sense this Manual should be read as an appetizer and I hope it makes the reader longing for more…


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