Dr Sunitha Devi Vannemreddy, M.D(Hom), consult the doctor at Botanical: Scrophularia nodosa Family : N.O. Scrophulariaceae Synonyms ---Throatwort. Carpenter's Square. Kernelwort., figwort. (Welsh) Deilen Ddu. (Irish) Rose Noble. The Knotted Figwort, common throughout England, is similar in general habit to the Water Figwort, but differs both in the form of its root and in having more acutely heartshaped leaves. The stem, too, is without the projections or wings at its angles, and the lobes of the calyx have only a very narrow membraneous margin. The plant, also, though found in rather moist, bushy places, either in cultivated or waste ground, and in damp woods, is not distinctly an aquatic, like the Water Figwort. The flowers, which resemble in appearance and character the Water Figwort, are in bloom during July and are specially visited by wasps. During the thirteen months' siege of Rochelle by the army of Richelieu in 1628, the tubero...