A case of fibroid uterus

- Dr Sunitha Devi Vannemreddy, M.D(Hom), consult the doctor at drsunithavannemreddy@gmail.com

A 45 yrs old woman came to my clinic, in March ‘13, with complaint of irregular menses, which are too early, profuse flow with clotted, dark bleeding since 3 months. Said that her menses are 15 days once, starts with heavy flow of dark clotted bleeding and lasts for 10 days until she takes allopathic medications. She is extremely weak with the bleeding, feels exhausted, anxious and depressed. Pain in the lower abdomen which radiates to back. Sensation as if burning in the back. Along with the bleeding she has loss of appetite and constipation, dryness of tongue, but less thirst. Fullness of stomach on eating small quantities and easy satiety during her menses. Flow is more during the day time and associated with dizziness and headache with burning in the both eyes.
When her Gynecologist, told her to go for ultrasound, on 5th March, 2013 - it found that there is sub serosal fibroid attached to posterior wall with dimensions of 3.4 and 5 cms.
Known case of Hypertension and on anti-hypertensive medicines. She was hospitalized many times with sudden attacks of breathlessness and hypertension.
Father is diabetic and mother suffers from hypertension.
Appetite is reduced, sensation of fullness in the stomach on taking small amount of food. Belching and burning in the stomach. Desires for spicy and salty food, intolerant to sour food. Thirst is not much with dryness of tongue. Bowels constipated, hard stools, urine increased, need to urinate for short time and if she is tensed, she has to urinate. Sweat is more, on slight exertion, with foul smell. Sleep disturbed with irrelevant thoughts, dreams as if her relative or closed one are dead. Snores during sleep.  Thermally she is intolerant to hot weather and comfortable in cold, rainy weathers.
She is dark in complexion, overweight, looking more aged than her age. Then is tensed on looking at me and took longer time to explain her problems. She is smiling during the conversation.
When i asked about her personal life, she said everything fine and she is quite happy and she is doesn't like to tell her personal problems. After talking to her for long time, she started trusting me and told her problems.
She hails from middle class family; she is younger in her family. Father was alcoholic and he used fight with others and never worked, so there was financial crisis in the family. For that she couldn't able to study further. She started working in primary school with very less salary. Her elder sisters’ marriages were done with very difficulty. As she is not much studied and she is dark in complexion, nobody came for her to marry. Her mother used to insult her and always used to scold her that she is burden to her. She couldn't able to react as she know what is the reality and she try to understand her mother and try to forget about her marriage. Her elder brother was not in position to take responsibility and at the same time, her sister-in-law used to insult her for small matters. She used to get angry, but she didn't express it. In the night she used to think about the day and used to feel bad. She was hurt but she doesn't like to express it.  At last she got married to a person who is 11yrs older to her. But her husband is emotionally dependent on his parents; he used to suspect her for small matters. He used to quarrel with her and not talking to her for months. Her in laws also quarrel with her for unnecessary matters and she couldn't able to understand what wrong she has done. Her husband never allowed her to go to her mother’s place. She quietly tried to understand others and waited for her good time. She never let others to think that she is unhappy. She tried to understand others and she is sympathetic towards others problems. Even though she has lot of troubles she will listen to others and try to resolve their problems by talking to them politely.
She cries in the nights but she will not let the others to understand. She was happy with what she got. Now slowly her husband started understanding her. Now he is allowing her to go to her mother’s place. He is trying to understand her trouble. When she is anxious and think about anything, immediately her health problems are increasing. She feels relieved if any one talk to her nicely. She gets anxiety thinking about future about her son’s future life, as her husband about to retire from govt work soon
On analyzing the symptoms, she is quite polite lady with good heart, she is very much interactive but anxious on talking to strangers. She is comfortable with known people. She broods on her complaints and don’t like to share with others easily, not that she won’t trust anybody but she don’t like to suffer others telling her story. She will wait for her good time and she feels that one day her problem will resolve and she mostly try to avoid difficult situation. She is intolerant to hot, easy satiety, fullness of stomach, dry tongue with thirstlessness. Desire for salty and spicy foods. I  gave her Natrum Mur 1 m 1 dose on 10 march, 13. I told her to come after 15 days, on 29th march she came again saying that her menstrual troubles reduced, flow arrested, pain relieved. I gave her sac lac and told her to come after 1 month.
On 11 April’13 she came saying that her menses are become regular, her stomach fullness also reduced. i told her to repeat the ultra sound after 1 month. In May she came back with ultrasound pelvis, saying that, fibroid size reduced to 1.5 and 2.5 cms.  She is still on treatment and there are no significant problems in her health conditions.


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