Indian Homeopathic medicines and female disorders

- Dr Sunitha Devi vannemreddy, M D(Hom), consult the doctor at

Homoeopathic medicines are prepared from wide range of medications, from plants, animals,nosodes, sarcodes, minerals like many sources which helps to reduce the suffering of the patients basing on the principle of Homeopathy-“ Similia similibus curanter”.  Medicines used for the Homoeopathy, most of them are fully proven drugs. But some medicines are there which are helpful to relieve particular affections effectively but they are not fully proven. Some medicines, which are partly proven or while proving it shows limited affections. Some Indian plants are helpful in the particular affections and helps effective in relieving the symptoms.
I am now dealing with the female affections, like PMS, menstrual problems, Menopausal syndromes in women. This time i would like to introduce some medications which are partially prove, rare homoeopathic medication of Indian origin which extremely helpful for female affections. Even though they won’t meet the similimum of the patient, but they partially helps to relieve the complaints, in short time, to help the patient for the acute similimum.
ABROMA AUGUSTA (Olat Kambal-H, Devil’s Cotton-E)
The plant of Abroma augusta grows wild throughout the hotter part of India. In ancient times, it was used therapeutically as an emmenagogue in menstrual disorders. an excellent remedy for amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea and diabetes. It is indicated in irregular catamenia where there is tendency to appear before proper time and lasts for a short or for a long period. Great uneasiness, feeling of prostration. Inability to do any work. Burning sensation of all over the body with thirst for large quantities, anxious and irritable. Depressed during menses. 
Menses are irregular, menstrual blood is dark, clotted, scanty or profuse. Leucorrhoea is profuse, white watery and thin. Colicky pain in the lower abdomen, 2-3 days before menses. Hysteria associated with menstrual disorders. 
This drug is prepared from the root of Abroma augusta. It causes the menses to appear and gives the tone and strength to the uterus. Its efficacy marked on female disorders those connects with the uterus. Mental and other symptoms are same as abroma augusta. Irregular menses, dysmenorrhoea, colicky pain in the lower abdomen before the menses. Menstrual copious or scanty, with black and mixed with clots. It may be compared to Pulsatilla and Viburnum opulus in this context. Mentally such patients are ill tempered and are easily angered. It suits the best in lowest dilution—Q, 2x and 3x. This particular drug may be used for easy abortion minimizing the scope of D & C operation.
It is a small herb commonly found all over India. It is applied in menorrhagia associated with diarrhea and dysentery. It helpful in using the mother tincture and 3x dilutions. 

It is a common herb in India. Its fresh leaves look like the leaves of tobacco. It grows largely in deserted places or lands. In ancient times this herb was used as an anti-haemorrhagic remedy by the Hindu physicians. It was found efficacious in bleeding piles, bloody dysentery, bloody leucorrhoea and miscarriage, associated with copious bleeding in other hemorrhages. The whole plant and seeds are used as medicine. 
Excellent results in miscarriage when haemorrhage is profuse, in bloody leucorrhoea and menorrhagia, it exert powerful influence to arrest the bleeding.
It is common plant all over the India. Its roots and fruits are used for the medicinal preparation. In ancient time, raw fruits are used for inducing the abortions. Its efficacy on abortions and uterine disorders. It aids menstrual discharges. Helps uterine contractions and induces abortions we locally applied to the mouth of uterus.

it is also called as sacred fig, it was worshipped by most of the Indians. Medicine prepared from its root and stems, leaves and fruits.  It is a haemorrhage arrester. Menorrhagia, metrorrhagia. Anti haemorrhagic remedy, bright red bleeding passed from all orifices. It has been used successfully when other remedies fails to relieve. Patients are very weak and restless, unwilling to move, sad, melancholic. Very sensitive to noise. Menorrhagia, bright red bleeding, bearing down pain in the lower abdomen and associated with nausea and vertigo with headache. Helps in migraine aggravated during menses. Helpful in mother tinctures, 3x, 6 and 30 dilutions.   
Its leaves and fruits are used for the homoeopathic medicine preparation. 
An ancient medicine of great repute for menstrual and uterine disorders. A sovereign remedy for amenorrhoea and scanty menses with intolerable pain and burning sensation during micturition. A uterine tonic giving strength to uterus which has been weakened by chronic illness.
Headache due to suppression of menses. Delayed or irregular menses. Menstrual flow is scanty, pale, watery, foul smelling, blackish. Amenorrhoea at puberty with headache, palpitations, hysteria with loss of appetite. Better by commencement of free flow.. menorrhagia profuse, long lasting making the female weak and anaemic. Menorrhagia due to uterine fibroids. Dysmenorrhoea with constipation and burning sensation over face and eyes. Cessation of menses when colicky abdominal pains supervenes. Has stimulating effect on endometrium and ovarian tissue. Useful in sterility and menopause. Leucorrhoea from delayed menses or instead of menses. Infantile leucorrhoea, small girls become emaciated despite regular nourishment. Menstrual colic, headache due to scanty flow of menses with severe pain in lower back and abdomen. 
Helpful in mother tinctures and 2x and 3x dilutions.   
It is a very good remedy for menorrhagia, great remedy for uterine haemorrhages. Menorrhagia, patient becomes extremely weak due to excessive bleeding; blood continuously oozes from uterus. Haemorrhages worst from motion or during movement. Bleeding is bright red mixed with clots. Copious bleeding with pain in lower abdomen; excessive haemorrhages after delivery. Despondent, giddiness with ringing sensation in ears. Loss of appetite and thirst.  Compare with sabadilla, trillium, hamamelis and ipecac. Can be used in mother tincture and 6x forms.

These are some Indian medicines helpful in treating the female disorders excellently, in acute conditions. 
Reference from, 
Boericke William- “New manual of Homoeopathic materia medica and repertory” – Augumented edition based on ninth edition, B jain publishers. 


  1. Thanks for the information on Janosia homeopathic medicine, useful in my practice.


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